How to defeat Evil Alucard?

How to defeat Evil Alucard?

Equip your weakest shit, wait for him to spawn, then equip your best items/weapons again.

Better question, what was the point of that room with the confession booth that you can sit in and a ghost shows up and stabs you?

>t. guy who's never gone to confession before



Basically any subweapon. Stopwatch for maximum rape, but axe is pretty good too for infinite stunlock.

timestop noooooooooooob

He's pretty fucking easy lad

You can get grape juice.

Underrated post.

t. someone who finished Hellsing Ultimate

hes not that hard to make a thread about it. or does evil alucard come multiple times ?

Oh shit, didn't know that would work. Neat.

Turn off the game
you were the evil one all along

Best Ludovania.


>why is it even there XD
Congratulations, you're the disease that killed video games.

I thought it was pretty cool. Stuff like that in games are always pretty rad, can't think of any examples but yeah.

If you wanna be a fag, sure. I never use it, it's too cheap.

user if the OP is asking for help with the first doppelganger of all things I'm pretty sure he doesn't have the stones to beat him on a fair challenge

Dark Metamorphesis

Literally how can you have problems on the doppler?

Is that guy even considered a real boss?

Just spam buttons and he will die eventually.

The first time i played SotN i beat him without even knowing you can use spells.

I saw Vampire Hunter D for the first time not too long ago, the story seemed familiar to put it lightly.
Has the Dhampir son of Dracula character been around for a while? Castlevania and Vampire Hunter D are the examples of this I've seen of this.

I beat the game twice before knowing you could use spells. Even now I don't use em. Except sometimes that one where you warp ahead, attack a couple times, and warp back.

The character of alucard is from a 1940s film called the son of dracula i think