What are some of the comfiest games you have ever played?

What are some of the comfiest games you have ever played?

Other urls found in this thread:


post more pupper

Trails in the Sky FC

Dwarf Fortress and TerraFirmaCraft. Realistic survival is comfy af.

La vida es extraña


2nd part: -N293K
1st part: C8ZPJ
3rd part: -4G84W

Enjoy your steam code

Wow I fucked that royally, let's try another key.

2nd: -7HWRA
1st: LDP7P
3rd: -9M90A

Kabo-chan a cute



The Long Dark
Fract OSC
Sunset Overdrive
Dirt Rally
Eurotruck Simulator
Risk of Rain
Luigi's Mansion
Sword & Sorcery




I'm here for the shib


Wow, thanks dude

Shibe + Cat

Animal Crossing
No Man's Sky
Megaman Battle Network
Katamari Damacy


>wanted to save that second key for a friend's birthday


In which games can I play as Shibe?

I only know Purse Owner 3

Samorost 1-3
Age of Empires/Age of Mythology
Persona 3

postal 2

Here's my comfy SFV setup

>RTS genre



Bruh there's nothing comfier than getting into a game with 2 standard difficulty AIs then playing the game like its a city builder instead of trying like a madman. Building a fortress as the Teutons/Byzantines/Inca and getting cozy is fun as fuck

nice dog who does he/she main

nice MadCatz (TM) wood blocks m8

>there are cats posting on this board right now



back when the only people to speedclick their way through build orders were koreans and retards

That's how I anno 1404


HoMM 3
Skyrim(with camping mods)

He mains Chun Li he's got them sweeps

Thanks m80 took me 5 minutes to stabilize my garbage fightstick





Hi there. Would you please sign my petition?

Patrician list:

Persona 4

Endless Ocean

Gravity Rush

Etrian Odyssey 4

Atelier Sophie

Animal Crossing: New Leaf

Rune Factory 4

Harvest Moon: FoMT

Pokémon Platinum

This is why I want a Shiba Inu, so I can take pictures of it doing cute things.

>implying I have any doggos to post

Fuck off!

Shibas are cute. CUUUUUUTE

r8 my sleepy pupper





Sign the petition, damn it. I've got stuff to do.

keeping it vidya related

Life is Strange.

The AI is literally dumb sometimes. And I don't remember much of the voices.

Life is Strange

Rune Factory 4
Victoria 2


>anno 1404 continuous game with no AIs
>don't have to worry about maximum efficiency or doing things quickly
>can set up cities for aesthetics instead of utility

Thread Theme



Sheebs are fucking shit dogs. Get a large bro-tier one that won't kill you like a golden retriever or german shephard.

Rune Factory 4
Fantasy Life
Captain Toad
City of Heroes (RIP)
Age of Empires
Sid Meier's Pirates!
Sleeping Dogs
Don't Starve (once you know what to do)


Shibes are not "fucking shit dogs" but they have their own personality and temper and you have to earn their trust and loyalty as opposed to retrievers or shepherds who really want to please their owner

Arma 2, when you're just cruising in a shitty Lada down some country road

Name a better pupper in vidya.
Pro tip: you can't.


The Witcher 1: Enhanced Edition

Elder Scrolls Oblivion

Go away, Todd. I'm not buying your game.

Why are dogs so amazing, Sup Forums?


Because GOD backwards spells DOG

They're the only animal besides humans capable of feeling love.
Plus they're cute and funny.


Yume Nikki
Kirby's Epic Yarn
Super Mario Galaxy

>Super Mario Galaxy
Also, the toad marines or whatever were great. Galaxy was such a good game.

Why do we always send dogs into space to die?

What makes a game comfy? What is a comfy game?

I was thinking it is because we owe our history to pups

What was it?


Super Mario Galaxy 2 would have been sooooo much better without the retarded NSMB-style level select

Sleep tight sleepy pupper.

sauce on anime?

I think 2 is better in terms of sheer gameplay but 1 definitely has the comfier atmosphere.

R8 my pupper

Is he a good boy?

One thing that makes a game comfy is a large, interesting environment to explore. Something where you can ride in a direction without a goal in mind and just admire the scenery is very comfy. This can be found in a few genres, like riding around admiring the nature in The Witcher 3, or drifting through space in some exploration game, or driving down a road somewhere in Arma like an user mentioned.

a game that is slow, relaxing, and immersive


Dorf Fort
>tfw watching 200 dorfs scurry around

Nothing compares


I gave up trying to learn Dorf Fort but damn that spanish guitar really is nice. I like to listen to it while studying

Someone in the dorf fort general recommended me youtube.com/watch?v=9nby7DoM8rE when I asked for similar music, enjoy


Just bought Sophie. What am I in for?

A great game, my current GOTY.