ITT dump your nms collection here , starting with a classic
No Man's Meme thread
In 10 years time OP won't have a wife and family, but at least he'll have his memories of funny stuff posted on Sup Forums to sustain him.
Anyone have the unedited version?
Been searching for that as well
You're asking a board of meme loving fucks if they have the non meme version.
True enough
why do you have to lash out at people making fun of your game?
are you insecure about your game because even you don't think it's good?
I can't believe you actually found it
Surprisingly easy through a google reverse image search
5 legs
there are 6 there
theres 6 legs
Are there also planets just look like earth? The varying degrees of green/red/purple looks pretty shitty.
You mean green grass and blue skies? Because this is it
The blue sky is less of a problem than the taint that plagues every planet. It's like you are walking inside colored gas.
This and rocky planets look like they are from 2004
No man's smog
You better be fuckin me if that animation wasn't like ripped from an early Godzilla thing
>literally Spore
this game looks so fucking stupid. cant believe i bought a ps4 for this game
Is that one of the teachers in Murenase?
>when the game on pc is literally the ps4 version with left overs
it looks even more pathetic
Fresh out of the oven
>the 29% of reviews are positive on steam
Anyone got the
>it clearly needs someone
Mostly memes.
fucking pyramid head is a creature.
Watching this game fail miserably is almost worth the price they charged for it.
Oy vey!
Whatever this means
>Well, you can tell by the way I use my walk, I'm a woman's man: no time to talk.webm
Literally all these things look like they came out of a more realistic Spore creature editor.
/fit/ here
I barely play video games but sometimes lurk Sup Forums when I'm bored
The NMS fiasco is quite fascinating, keep the memes up boys!
Turns out this game isn't that bad if you can come accros shit like this.
would fuck
It's one of those weird feels where you want to play the game just to see the god awful shit, but you don't want to support them for making said shit.
this one's cute tho
post more fucked up creatures and less epic low review it's shit memes please
Its a fucking green ewok. Someone call disney.
best meme coming through
it's funny because it's true
>spore monsters
>on every fucking planet
how can it be, that there is not a single intelligent lifeform on any planet?
medieval as an example
What should I call it, Sup Forums?
this seems to be the only thing that can motivate me to continue in this game. Find this stupid looking wildlife, or even come across something that looks nice
>newest discovery
my dad has had two wifes and two families. he seems miserable all the time
I wish there were websites where you could download the files which have been shared by others.
>there were actually people who got exited for this
I hope they learn their lesson after this. I learned mine after Cubeworld a few years ago but at least I didn't pay 60 bucks.
You can fuck off back to /fit/ you fuccboi your kind isnt welcome h e r e
What the fuck
this guy died eh
Its a bellendog
Sean Murray
has anyone found giant looking creatures? like those sauropods in the trailer?
So life forms in other planets are just illogical mixtures of parts of Earth's animals?
Shit, at least with Spore you could get some alien looking stuff, these are just plain dumb.
Clearly multiplayer must work, he found manly tears.
>there were people saying they didn't add dicks to the algorithm
Is taking a fucking screenshot really that hard
You can literally just press Print Screen and then hit ctrl+v while typing your post.
For fuck's sake.
I call it a squeak gator, because it squeaks.
that's 6 legs
what's retarded is the leg placement
Obviously the scottish tranny slipped it in.
>So life forms in other planets are just illogical mixtures of parts of Earth's animals?
There is nothing wrong with that. IRL evolution path will be not so different on other planets
That's a dick if I ever saw one.
Plain dick.
You posted this exact same thing the last time someone posted this image, dude. It's from Reddit. Calm the fuck down.
>giant fucking creature
>squeaks like a little baby
So this.... Is.... Audio generation.... In... No... Man's... SKY
>those textures
Meme city boys
>You posted this exact same thing
That was the first thing I've posted on this board in the past 6 days.
So probably not.