I'm almost finished Katawa Shoujo all the way through, finally. Bad endings included.
All's that's left is Rin, is she worth it Sup Forums?
I'm almost finished Katawa Shoujo all the way through, finally. Bad endings included
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I personally wasn't too into it
>leaving best girl 'til last
I'm not sure is this the best or worst way to play.
as of right now it's a tie between the blonds for best girl.
You are accidentally saving the best for last. Someone post that video that some user from Sup Forums made, where he talked about how great he is. Its some vintage meme-tier stuff.
Emi > Lilly > Rin > Hanako > Shizune
Could not hit space bar fast enough through the Shizune arc.
don't fuck up in her ending nigga.
yeah if you like reading a lot and existential crises
Rin's route is pretty fucking polarising. I'd say it's the most interesting of the lot though, so if you managed to get this far, go for it.
Rin's route was the best one. I was pretty sad when i finished her's second. None of the other girls had a nearly good enough story
damaged goods still a shit though
Rin's arc is probably the most interesting writing wise though by far has the worst sex scenes out of any of the girls.
Same, I was really fucking tired by the time I reached Shizune.
At least the artist's were smart and self-aware enough to give her the best sex scenes.
Don't bully Hanako.
rin a best
I got bored and rushed through her story
If you made it through shizune this will feel like heaven
Be advised she broke many men...
the good ending of her route was the one that touched me the most, in that field i understood what it meant to love someone.
>rin neutral ending
Felt worse than any of the bad endings of any route. Holy shit.
How the fuck did you leave best girl for last, you monster?
Don't ever do her bad end.
It's the best. Tsukihime is the proof.
That's not Ciel.
Lilly is best girl
all things being equal she has the least emotional baggage or damage
Was she autistic?
No, it's not the third best girl.
True facts.
Ciel's route is kind of horribly overlooked, as is Ciel herself, but I wouldn't say they're better than that.
Lilly a best girl
Enjoy her fucking off without telling you anything.
Probaby somewhere on the autistic spectrum. I had a friend in school with Aspergers who was a lot like her.
Made her route quite a bit more effective for me as a result.
Someone post the comic. You know the one.
You've done everything else, why the hell would you stop there?
Right, it's pretty armless at this point.
i know every game has "that one route" with the retarded tone shifts and horrible forced drama and no plot resolution or any of that stuff, and it never has any fanservice or anything while all the other routes do, and this route always has you wondering if it was made as an inside joke. you know, "that one route"
but even knowing that, i didn't expect it to belong to the girl i fell in love with
i should have seen this coming. why would anything good ever happen?
Hanako route would be superior if:
1) Hisao wasn't that moronic about "muh fragile flower",
2) The plot present in the game didn't last for the entire story and you got to see them actually dating.
Hisui is better.
why did you abuse Hanako?
Rin reminded me to much of my actual life.
Rin's Bad Ending fucked me up. Don't do it.
The Emi route is the forced drama one.
The Hanako one is actually well told because for most of the story you're lead to think just like Hisao. The fact that she hates being treated like that comes off as a shock, making the resolution very satisfying.
Emi route has Hisao being a complete retard about every single sign of DEAD DAD HANGUPS. It's a long exercise in frustration.
maybe *you* are retarded like he was and maybe *you* were shocked
I decided to give the story the benefit of the doubt and assume Hisao suspected it the whole time but wanted to hear it from her mouth.
But the canon explanation is probably that he is just that retarded.
Why Shizune's Route is actually the best:
>Afternoon student council work with best girl is the comfiest
>Misha is fun
>Get raped by best girl
>Communication aspect is cute
>Cutest scene in the game (carrying the box)
Threadly reminder that burn scars are unattractive.
Just make her wear a Phantom of the Opera mask or something.
>still wearing a piercing
Are you serious?
No choices.
No arc.
No resolution.
You will either "get" what Rin's story is about or you won't. It's not classical romance at all. If you "get" it it has a good chance to be your favorite of the lot.
What's so hard to "get"? It's a story about a girl trapped in the role of a Great Artiste(tm), with some carpe diem thrown in for good measure.
I think you mean Great Autiste
true facts
also, we are receiving reports that water is wet
please elaborate
I like Rin but she is the worst girl to actually be with, it just leads to unhappiness
Am I the only one to find Rin far more attractive than any of the other Katawa Shoujo girls ?
She is a wonderful character but not many people seem to appreciate how aesthetically pleasant she is as well.
Hard mode boy, get your tissues.
Not for fapping though her scenes suck.
That last panel has happened to me before, what a coincidence.
I think there is a connection with fans of Utsuge and Rinfriends. I know there is a connection for me.
Something about short red hair girls in anime does it for me.
Possibly, she makes a good story but not a good gf
Best kept at arms length
You know, if there was ever a case for KS having a silly off-canon pseudo-sequel with less serious shit and better sex scenes, Rin's route is the one in most desperate need.
It should be both Rin and Hisao fucking whilst being total goofballs on codeine, possibly with Emi getting in on the action at some point.
Written by Bromont.
>remember the nonstop general threads when this came out
>go to /vg/
>they are still going and literally at like general #3000 something
Rin's story is by far the best, though it's not without faults. It requires a certain mindset though, if you're just in it for le qt grills then it's probably the most boring one for you.
I personally simply couldn't finish the other routes once I was done with Rin, because the difference was that big and the others really didn't do it justice.
I teared up a little during the second one
So really close then
>Rin and Emi
Fund it.
Same here, couldn't go back and do another route. I guess I liked the slow moving relationship that never really goes all the way. Very subdued.
Could never stand a real woman that acted like her though.
>Emotionally tepid
This is why I did Rin next to last, I knew there was no way I would get to 100% if that was all I had left.
Not him, but my problem is that it just seems like a whole lot of wasted potential to me. They set up Shizune's family and Misha being hopelessly in love with her, and yet the only endings you really get are "break up with Shizune out of nowhere" and "Generically happy ending".
Her good ending made me sob for hours non stop