Fan made games thread. Pokemon Uranium 1.0 recently released. Discuss your thoughts and opinions.
Fan made games thread. Pokemon Uranium 1.0 recently released. Discuss your thoughts and opinions
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Please stop posting Non-official Nintendo franchise games
>Links in thread don't even work
thanks mate
Anyone have a full pokedex for it? Want to see what they look like
Do you really need to make a thread about yet another shitty rom hack twice a day? I understand you wasted nine years of your life on the project, but enough is enough.
Not a rom hack. Made from scratch.
Still a piece of shit rip off no one cares about you fucking retard can't wait for the CEASE AND DESIST. Fucking cunt "game dev". Also the OC designs are worse than anything game freak has ever made.
>this mad over other people's taste/passion
fucking kill yourself holy shit
>OC mons fighting original mons with their official artwork
This looks horrible.
How long till the DMCA hits?
why? give me 1 reason and a valid one you duck
Nintendo has rights as a company
Independent devs should respect that and not make games that have the name of nintendo's franchises plastered on it
you care. i see you post right there chuckle fuck
main download link doesnt work and goog drive has too many downloads, anyone have a working link/torrent?
>this pathetic and useless in the real world that you created a direct rip of a successful game from a huge company that will get taken down within the month for all those years of work
Oh man. I'm just mad you are so stupid.
Your place is over there
pokemon fangames never receive cease & desists. that kind of thing is more up to game freak than nintendo is my understanding of the issue and they don't give a single fuck about fangames.
something like respect is hard to define. You could argue that they respect nintendo enough to inspire upon their franchise and add to it possibilities they would not have considered. argument voided
a month because sun/moon release
Nothing, im sure it deseased already
No thanks I'll just buy a real pokemon game in a month or so. Nice try autistic dev. Keep wasting your life for subpar ripoffs.
I've never played a main Pokemon game before, only two of the Mystery Dungeon games, is this a good starting point?
i rather be stupid than a loser like you. You don't exist anymore and for the better cause all you ever did was bitch and whine like a faggot on the internet over how other people should live their lives while you complacently ignore yours cause nobody irl like you and you've even manage to make people youve never meet on the internet to dislike you. do you user. no body cares what you think. your opinions have no value and never did
all that matters is based nintendo's definition of respect
and they want fans to not release games that have their games' names on them
evident by their frequent CnDs they've been dealing out
cool! So let them handle it. go fap or do something useful if you can manage.
Do you have any idea how in your own head you have to be to think like this? Get a doctor or kill yourself, it's incredible how much you project your own hatred in your shitposts