Just finished playing this. I'm an idiot for not starting this sooner. Sup Forums has some pretty good taste, 9/10

Just finished playing this. I'm an idiot for not starting this sooner. Sup Forums has some pretty good taste, 9/10.

Should I start Invisible War or go straight to Human Revolution? Also recommend any games with similar gameplay/atmosphere to Deus Ex. deus ex thread i guess

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Check out Looking Glass' games.


Is there even something this game doesn´t do right?

Invisible War is universally considered bad.
However after a few hours of frustration I enabled God mode and simply sped through the story itself and I rather appreciated where it took things at the end.
If you want to see where JC, Paul and a few minor characters from the first game end up then play it.

Just bear in mind that Human Revolution is an actual good game and you should definitely finish it before the sequel comes out, in 10 days.
For a blind pacifist run on the hardest difficulty it took me 30 hours with all side quests.
Make of that what you will.

Okay I'll go through HR next. BTW the Director's Cut mention something about the DLC being added into the main story. Care to explain that to me?

Dishonored feels more like a Deus Ex game than HR.

Play Vampire: The Masquerade – Bloodlines if you haven't already. Just remember to install the unofficial patch.

Try arx fatalis.

Oh yes! This game has been sitting on my HDD for a month now. I'll be sure to play it after my HR playthrough. Is there anything else I need to download?

The Director's Cut is basicly HR+DLC+some improvements here and there.

But what user said. Play HR. It's surprisingly good for a modern AAA game, and faithfully reproduces what made the original good. And wait after the credits for a fangasm.

I'm holding my breath for the sequel though. Looks sketchy. Also David Sarifs voice actor wend crazy and he won't be returning, so automatic loss there.

I couldn't finish this dated piece of shit

Play both and make your own opinion, they are both worth the time.
IW is hard to run in modern systems and suffers from consolization but it's fine for the most part.
HR makes the same mistakes as IW and more and has a retarded story recycled from IW but is somehow universally praised.
They are still fairly good games but not as good as Deus Ex. Haven't played The Fall yet.

Thanks user! Will do.

In the release of the base game there was a segment in which Adam goes to sleep (so to speak) and wakes up later.
During this time there is a DLC chapter that was originally a stand-alone Mission in which you're on a boat.

This is a pretty beefy chapter with its own boss fight and so on, and is largely considered the best part of the Human Revolution series.
When you play through this segment where he "sleeps" in the director's cut, this boat chapter is included automatically.

I can attest to it being pretty good but across three attempts I've never actually beaten it, just because of various distractions.
One thing you should know is that the director's cut apparently has some optimization issues that the original game did not, though actually getting the original game is probably impossible now and the director's cut does fix a lot of problems people had with boss fights originally.
Just something to know.

Play it man. I was scared to play this game at first but mods really make this game playable. The story is very interesting too.

I just hope the soundtrack/ambient is gonna be just as great.


You should play the Looking Glass Studios games that were quite obviously the blueprint for DX - Ultima Underworld, System Shock and Thief (including their sequels). Vampire The Masquerade: Bloodlines, Arx Fatalis and Dishonored are nice games somewhat in the same vein, I'd recommend Alpha Protocol as well but that game is really divisive.

Skip IW 2bh or watch the story from Youtube. It's a pain to get working and a pain to play.

Check out Thief games and System Shock. They are fairly similar to dude sex.

Fuck off

this OP.

IMO, it's much better than Deus Ex if you appreciate characters and dialogue (it's a more cRPG leaning game than Deus Ex) more than combat and gameplay, which DX does far better. Still worth playing if you're more of a combat person because of the unique urban atmosphere.

Long story short, there is a very strong correlation between liking the original Deus Ex and liking VTMB among people who play both.

The original game has 3 completely different endings that have 3 completely different sets of ramifications for how the world will end up.
Invisible War made the bizarre decision to try to make all three of those endings canon in the same world.
It doesn't work so well, but JC/Helios are cool.

You should look up the dialogue between Alex and JC.

VtMB is nothing like a cRPG. It's a half finished action RPG.

Human revolution, my black friend. It is really good.


Nope. The game's modding scene is pretty shit desu, which is ironic considering it's a source game. People were working on a remake but it got a C&D and the "spiritual successor" to that project fell apart.

u wot m80
you have to roll for your attacks, which are dependent on your stats
just because it's real time doesn't mean it's an arpg

>VtMB is nothing like a cRPG
You mean engaging story, well-developed characters, branching dialogue, foreboding atmosphere, ripe setting and crappy combat? Sure sounds nothing like a cRPG...

Only substantial difference with the well-known cRPGs is that it is not isometric and turn-based. Hell, Troika made Arcanum before VTMB.

Invisible War really isn't that bad. It's biggest flaw is the cramped level design (because consoles) which makes the lengthy loading screens an often occurrence. And loading is long no matter what kind of machine you're running.

Other than that it's a pretty neat game. Worth playing for a die-hard deus ex fan.

A CRPG doesn't even need story. Have you only played Infinity Engine games and Fallout?

Is the loading really that bad? Also I've heard that it crashes alot.

Human Revolution is really good on gameplay, stealth mechanics are well done, but not as much in story. Original Deus Ex sets the bar too high on story.

Though in Human Revolution you can see some parallels with real life in the e-books you can find scattered through the world, and think "this totally can happen in real life".
Plus if you're a scientific nuts or an engineer, some of these e-books talk about real life research.

Give Human Revolution a shot. It's totally worth it.
And please, you must play it before the upcoming Mankind Divided. From what I've seen in trailers, you'll need to play Human Revolution first to understand how story develops in Mankind Divided.

Now, about Invisible War, just play it if you have some time after playing both Human Revolution and Mankind Divided.


Don't worry user. I'm sure I can get through it in 3 to 4 days. How is Mankind Divided shaking up to be in comparison to HR or the original?

>it's a more cRPG leaning game than Deus Ex

If you said redemption that might be true.

Modern games taught me you gotta not to rely on trailers. Looks a bit promising, but I think I'll buy it a week after it gets released.

Lack of these distinct catchy tunes in each level disappointed me in HR.

HR's plot is ultimately underwhelming, but it really falls apart in the realm of level design. HR really feels like a cheap facsimile in that department, even aping broad themes in the base game and DLC. It tries to hit the same notes but comes away feeling smaller and more restrictive.

I bought it on Steam and it never crashed for me.

What's annoying is that levels are small and if you like to explore the world to find secrets you'll be faced a lot with loading screens, which interrupt you the experience of playing and water the experience.

And a good PC doesn't save you. The game I think closes and reopens when changing levels. The PC engine is poorly designed. With an i7-2600 and a GTX960M levels take between 10 and 15 seconds to load.

That, and having so few inventory slots gets annoying sometimes as well.

I think level design in Human Revolution is good. The game allowed me to make a pacifist run without many encounters where I had to stun an enemy to advance, and I could totally blame myself when I got myself seen, instead of the level.