Genuinely what the Fuck is the appeal of this guy

Genuinely what the Fuck is the appeal of this guy

Other urls found in this thread:

He's Sup Forums's definition of "satirical". Which is just being extremely obvious, unfunny and occasionally spouting some random opinion Sup Forums agrees with

He has good opinions and is half-eloquent enough to communicate them

Whether or not you find him funny is a different question

Why is this Donkey faggot and this faggot shilled so much on this board?

Fuck off. I'm not watching your videos

I have no fucking idea

lolsorandumb xD humour.

that's literally it. That's all he does.
Watch Sup Forums not prove me wrong.

first post best post

vinesauce and dunkey need to be filtered imo

The appeal is I fucked your mother

I only watch Dodger for feet

i have no idea
i like him, but i have no idea

he has all the points to be the lolsorandum youtuber i'd hate solely out of its aura of autism but his vids always get me

Le funny nigger voice and dank randummeemees for 14 year old LoLfags

I actually really like him though

I guess a donkey wearing a suit is funny. If I were to imagine him talk, he would be voiced by Eddie Murphy.

post playboy pics

main appeal for me is his lack of seriousness. So many gaming personalities treat gaming like it's some new artform and are just fucking nerds about it then you have this guy who just wants to have a joke and a laugh and doesn't have a stick up his arse.

Does he still browse Sup Forums since the pastebin thing?

He's genuinely funny. its almost as if he takes the cliché YouTuber persona and turns it on its head. He's a parody of YouTube itself. Thats why so many people can't really explain why they like him or hate him.

He fucking hates LoL though and makes it a point to call it shit in every video he makes now.

Why do people think he sounds black?

God I fucking hate YouTube shills

He's Reddit personified

>people think dunkey is shit

I don't care too much about him but watching him try to play Far Cry cracked me the fuck up

As always, Sup Forums talking out of his ass not knowing anything about what they are talking about.
Watch his mega-man or mario64 walktrough. He has more of a AlwaysSunny or ATHF of recurring jokes and inside references that makes you genuinly laugh. Besides, he's been trough some shit so he's pass the point of giving a shit and taking bullshit which is a nice change in this beta cucks videogame environment that you all seem to like.


I like him. I will admit that the serious parts of his "reviews" don't grab me, but he clearly loves his video games.

It's mostly his editing that does it for me. Since he quit League he's put out a lot of good videos. His latest Overwatch one got a few chuckles out of me.

>Good opinions

He lies and makes up shit, which is somewhat related to Sup Forums humor.

>mfw he still mentions joey bonzo to this day

Spaghetti and meatballs

>Far Cry

When he reviewed Undertale I knew before watching the video he would reference Joey Bonzo when Sans makes the joke. I was so happy. How old is that reference tho? 6 years?



Being 15 years old

>LoL is shit
>but Overwatch is fine


>comparing pretending to be retarded with pure Kino of Its Always Sunny

Enjoy your fucking (You)

>Hey people are talking about this dunkey guy guess ill check a vid
>Obnoxious neckbeard voice
>Almost rip my headphones off from how torturous he is
>His voice is only better than his sense of "humor"
>Unfunny, reddit-tier random, and most cancerous youtuber fanbase that's literally all just damage control/his defense force
>He plays mobas
I'd rather watch James and Mike mondays. They act like real people, sound like real people, and are actually fucking entertaining and not try hards.


my understanding of LoL is that everybody who plays it hates it but can't stop

His quitting League of Legends video gives a bit of insight into him being somewhat of a manchild, but when he actually tries to discuss topics I genuinely find his videos quite entertaining.

His voice is so fucking annoying.
I haven't been able to watch a single video of him till the end because of that.

Why is every dunkey fan always doing damage control

Only because he got banned, coon was up in its shit every day up until that point where he threw his bitch fit

I've only seen a few videos by him and they all were lame.

If anyone is a fan of him, what would you consider his "best" videos.

I like skyrim video a lot
Everything else is shit tho


>"Now it's see why it's Far Cry. It's becau-What the fuck? It's because the enemies can see you from across the realm"


The funny thing is that this post is actually serious and not bait.


sO rAndOM!

I agree people who post "thick" girls need to be banned.

whats this

>why is this guy who likes said person defending said person when said person is being ridiculed?

Oh gee I fucking wonder

"Why is a fan of anything always defending what they like from big mouth retards?"


God I fucking hate Porkchop fatfags

I think dunkey is hilarious, he's one of those people who when he uploads a video my day gets better.

these "my youtuber is better than ur youtuber!" threads are so fucking autistic lol, just watch what you like and chill out.

Is this real? What the fuck...

I don't think so. Part of me feels like they used to browse Sup Forums just to promote their name.

All the people shitting on dunkey saying hes bad. chill out niggers its a dude making videos with legitimate content. at least its better than "HEY WVHATS UP BROOOOOOOOOOOSSSSSS ITS ME BACK AGAIN FOR ANOTHER VIDEO"

Yeah. It was straight up real. Vinny acts like a 7th grader who listens to nu metal in the real world.

is there more back story to this? I feel like im reading the ending to some long winded story.

cant b8 any harder than this guys cmon

>Dunkey, Jon Tron, H3H3, and FilthyFrank

Literally Rebbitcore

i read that in vinnys voice and it came out way too easily, where did that come from?

girl straight up saying fuck me whatever and hes crying and shit? damn

top tier dunkey: 2011 to 2012, Mario 64 videos
shit dunkey: everything before that

The Far Cry one. It's not that I'm a fine it's just every once in a while he comes out with a video that makes me laugh


Sup Forums hates e-celebs, yet they're hypocritical enough to have a thread about their gaming channel

i have friends that are plat and are more than willing to teach me and get me to that level but holy fuck, its only fun if you win or you have smart team

butcha-u Samus look it up son

Man that kinda makes me feel a bit uncomfortable. Been watching his streams for years and I never knew about this. Had a lot of respect for the guy.

yes he's an e-celeb but he's a greasy neckbeard and a walking meme

i'm honestly surprised there's so much hate for him here

>he takes the cliché YouTuber persona and turns it on its head. He's a parody of YouTube itself. Thats why so many people can't really explain why they like him or hate him.


I made the Mystic Mungis from his Final Fantasy VII video an integral plot point of my last D&D campaign.

Call me a cancerous redditard all you want, Sup Forums. You can't make me leave.

I unironically enjoy bunkey and I'm not even an anglo

Hey Cap, mind keeping your autistic obsession with Vinny out of threads that have nothing to do with him?

Was the BBEG six frogs?

Not sure but I'm still subscribed and I still enjoy his videos. Especially so now that he's done making LoL videos.

If you go back on youtube to his streams from like 2 or 3 years ago you can really hear it in his voice. Constantly upbeat and happy Vinny is a new thing. I think it was when he realized he was getting big and needed to keep viewers.

I still watch his stuff but a lot of it is an act these days.

The appeal is that I think he is genuinely funny, I like the way he speaks and his jokes

He posts short, well crafted videos with no bullshit

He sold me on Yakuza.

He also liked MGSV like me

show me a dunkey video that isn't like this


Nah, muscle wizard. The DM never used frogs for some reason.

what do i call you to make you leave

Dunkey seems like an alright guy, its funny that the one thing I didn't like about his channel was the League videos so I fucking loved it when he completely shat on the game.

You know what I don't get about dunkey? He mocks people out all day, talking all sorts of shit, but then you see a picture of the dude and he's the most autistic looking fuck I've ever seen. Complete with fat gut and neckbeard. The whole nine years. The dude just looks like a beta fuck. Yet then he's got that girlfriend too who is hot as fuck and probably a kink freak. Is she just slobbing his knob because he's got a billion subscribers? This world isn't fair if that's the case. These autistic beta fucks shouldn't be that famous, no matter how "funny" they are.

i enjoy watching him when hes having fun, but jesus the depression just gets more and more noticable each time i see his streams. you even see him saying he forces himself to do the streams because its the only thing that makes him happy...

People love the internet tough guy act.

>cancerous little newfag generations that gravitate towards ecelebs like cancer they are and dont actually have opinions of their own
>fat faggot literally 400+ pounds and shits out garbage videos and gets worshipped for it

That one part in an overwatch video where he's Winston and does the banana emote on a ledge was pretty funny

user dunkey isn't a dramalert channel, he doesn't talk shit about anyone except that 1 malphite player.

Ok the pastebin is too long and bland. Can an user get a summary with highlights?

Also I don't know how much of Dunk's NMS video is joking, serious, or incorrect. Is it fun if you only want to look at the animals?

Jealousy is an unattractive quality you know.

>you have to not make fun of people, be fat, AND have a neckbeard to be successful and have a HOT GF
Who is Jack Black? Also quit bitching and get better

>Is she just slobbing his knob cause he's got a billion subscribers?
While that would be a good guess, I think she's actually been with him from like the start.

>Yet then he's got that girlfriend too who is hot as fuck and probably a kink freak

nice one