Leafyishere > CrowbCat
he is pretty much a living version of Sup Forums, Leafyishere is our guy
Leafyishere > CrowbCat
he is pretty much a living version of Sup Forums, Leafyishere is our guy
Other urls found in this thread:
When can we just get a youtube board? I am so fucking sick of hearing you people jerk off to internet personalities.
>b-but its video game related
Not when you don't fucking talk about video games. What does this thread have to do with video games?
Why anyone watches leafy is beyond me, you have to be a mouthbreather to enjoy his "content"
You are cancer
He has the fambase equivalent of all the smash and dark souls autists on this fucking board
hey guys heres another video where I find some kid online to bully lol look cringe
What is even tolerable about him?
neuroticism awareness
Shill elsewhere you cock sucker,
Literally most of this guy's fanbase consist of 12 year olds.
This, people need to stop caring for attention whores.
even worse is how mods are actually letting these threads stay up now, and will ban you if you say its not videogame related with "dont complain about moderation"
>even calling it "content" is giving him too much credit
Ugly ass faggot just throws on some shitty surfing video and makes fun of other channels for 10 minutes like a faggot and then slaps on some ridiculous clickbait title...WHY THE FUCK IS THIS ALLOWED? I can see if you're actually making content and shilling your shitty clickbait like some of those CoD channels, but this faggot is literally just reviewing channels. Like 50% of the video is clips and highlights from the person's channel. HOW THE FUCK DO THEY LET THIS UGLY ASS NIGGER GET AWAY WITH THIS? I'd rather watch that faggot Pewdiepie than Leafy.
I fucking love leafy so fucking much, he absolutely rekt that trangender freak faggot, exposed the little Nazi girl and is all around based as fuck and funny without being hateful.
most of his haters are either jealous of his success, tumblr tard SJWS or Sup Forums fascists
yes he is
i watch it
>he absolutely rekt XD
it makes sense, since most of Sup Forums is 12 year olds
only autistics actually enjoy shit like this
Go to leafy if you're underage and your whole motivation in life is listening to shitty drama
Go to Crowbcat if you want clips of video game history
Or even better yet, stop posting fucking youtube celebrities on a videogame board.
>youtube celebrities
This is an 18+ board, fuck off back to r/cringe
this is not a 18+ board
Go to the e-celeb general.
>being this new
>posting a YouTube channel on a video game board
>leafyis here doesn't even make video game videos
All of Sup Forums is 18+. Read the rules and enjoy your ban.
Sup Forums is an 18+ website
Here, I bet I can guess your age. It starts with 1, and ends in a prime number.
Technically all his videos are because they have it in the background, but that's just to milk the system.
Keemstar is alright, fight me faggots
>it's another "summerfag confuses SFW boards for 'underaged allowed'" episode"
>this is not a 18+ board
Better than this faggot called leafy, who am I kidding fuck of and stop posting in Sup Forums.
I don't care if you're just shitposting, OP. Don't encourage it.
Can we at least agree that h3 is the most obnoxious, self-righteous, memeculture pandering turbofaggot on the entire internet?
>video start
>surfing on cs go
>"hello guys, leafy is here"
>rant about people hating him
>play someone else's video
>forced laughter
>repeat the above 5 times
>"for every like you'll get 1 hamburger, 10 hamburgers..." and so on
>thanks for watching
Please don't fall for this.
that shithead ruined tetra for me. any time i see her now i immediately think of this cancerous douche. also, who is crowbcat?
This entire thread is bait, roll for your waifu
>real life women
>r9k memes
eric, simply eric
A pretty good channel that makes compilations of gaming stuff. Not at all similar to that faggot leafy
Literally what does leafy even do?
All I know is that he talks about dumb shit over video games. Is that it? Shit man I do that all the time and I get nothing from it
Also the the fuck is crowbcat? What the fuck are you talking about
rollingu famalan
Lizzy is so fucking OP it's unreal. who the Fuck balanced this?
Rollan for Klara
"See this user right here? He's gotta be the cringiest kid on the internet, fucking cringe central right here. I bet he jerks off to anime, am I right guys? Gee, what a fucking loser."
I've dated Collette and a light version of Naomi (wasn't a games journalist, but the rest applied)
Collete is a prime waifu.
Gee, it's almost as if it's been confirmed for ages that the mods aren't doing it for free and are getting compensation.
being the physical embodiment of Sup Forums isn't exactly something to be proud of
Reminder that this is an 18+ site. Do you really need a baby faced ugly prepubescent child who covers up his homeliness with swag meme teen hair and a fitted hat that he wears indoors and speaks like his parents are home and he doesn't want them to hear him bully handicapped people and children
Colette or bust niggas
brooke and lizzy are fine too
When I thought Sup Forums couldn't be any less shit here we are complaining about cyberbullying on fucking Sup Forums
Gonna take this opportunity to ask. Anyone know any good small gaming channels? I'm bored and need something new to watch. I'll leave this as compensation.
>implying you wouldn't bang Hila's jew ass
That whole list is pleb tier.
Bow to the king.
end your life
why would I ever want to roll :^ )
>this thread
There is no pleasure in bullying LITERAL children.
>inb4 armchair psychology
People who do that probably had a shitty childhood.
i thought the same until i actually watched their stuff and didn't go off how their fanbase acted. they're both extremely nice and genuine people.
surely you baitin
i agree with the pleb-tier choices though
Dead mother posting is cancer
that tetra picture is his only saving grace. other than that he's complete and utter garbage subhuman filth.
Skydominecrafr is good, very good. I like him and he is funny and derpy XD
there must be a better way to get (You)s
rolling on the river
Lets do dis
Fill in the blank:
I wanna ____ Brad Jones
waifu time.
holy shit
give me lizzy
roll for klara, the best slav waifu
Never even chuckled at any of his videos I've seen. I think it's probably because I'm not 12 years old.
undoubtedly the worst roll
Literally who cares about these talentless hacks making money of retarded 12 year olds?
half of this is cuck shit but we still >roll
there is L I T E R A L L Y nothing wrong with Madelyn
let's do it