Is Darkest Dungeon the greatest battle RPG ever made?
>Dem battle mechanics
>Dat narrator
>Dat gloomy atmosphere
>Dat strategy
Is Darkest Dungeon the greatest battle RPG ever made?
>Dem battle mechanics
>Dat narrator
>Dat gloomy atmosphere
>Dat strategy
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It's a solid 10/10 in every regard but that which matters most; gameplay. It just has far too much grinding.
I dearly love the aesthetic, but the gameplay is far too grindy
are you 12?
it's a shit rng based grindan adventure without any real skill involved
and please don't call it rpg
Everything is great.
Too bad the grinding kill it all.
Grinding is fixed by mods that increase your earnings, desu senpai
How does it not require skill? RNG alone can kill you outright if you're not careful
>How does it not require skill? RNG alone
you're not very smart
>Rebutes by copying opponent's opinion
>Insults intelligence
And you're not very good at articulating arguments
I read about the grindiness and RNG before buying it, but said "fuck it" since I'd tried it with a friend before and had fun. Now have 15 hours played and can attest to the grindiness. The RNG is not really a downside, only a kiddie who never uses any strategy and blames his failure on the game would say that. I don't have a single dead character.
The one thing that would make the game much more enjoyable to me would be to somehow ditch the mechanic of higher-level heroes refusing to do lower-level dungeons. The consequence of this, in my case, is that I have a roster full of overleveled heroes, with all the boss fights being levels 1-3. It would be better to have every dungeon end with a boss fight, so you dont accidentally grind too much like me and end up having to THROW AWAY your heroes because you literally progressed faster than the game intended you to. Anyone else have this problem or is it just me playing this game too carefully?
Speaking of Darkest Dungeon, where the fuck did the general go?
I kinda miss seeing skeleton memes.
ok son since you're polite i'll try to explain it to you as simple as possible
there's no such thing as skill when it comes to rng
rng is pure luck based and you don't have control over it no matter how good you're
unlike games like dark souls or binding of isaac when a good player can overcome the impediments
Darkest Dungeon does not have that, even most experienced player can be easily killed by some random crit or random op creature out of nowhere and there's nothing he can do about it
there's no real the sense of accomplishment in it, everything is only a pure luck
and that is sign of a shit game
DD is utter shit
Rng means random number generator
>only a kiddie who never uses any strategy and blames his failure on the game would say that.
said the retarded teen
He did that because you are refuted by your own argument. RNG is quantified luck - the literal opposite of skill.
Stop shilling, the game is so fucking repetetive and gets boring after 2 hours
The RNG can definitely fuck up your day and be unfair, that's kind of what the devs were going for, with the "stress" and the "hardcore" and everything. I've also noticed that you can counteract this RNG boogeyman by preparing properly, being strategic instead of just always clicking "attack", and using your heroes' abilities in synergy. Note that I still don't really like the game. But the RNG has been completely surmountable in my experience. Whether or not it's actually fun is debatable though.
>I've also noticed that you can counteract this RNG boogeyman by preparing properly, being strategic instead of just always clicking "attack"
>Poker is about luck there's no skill involved
>RNG implies no skill
except you have to calculate your odds and know how to prepare for the worst possible outcome
>comparing shitty darkest dungeon to a fucking poker
I didin't know the poker face could save you from a random one shot mobs, thanks for the tips user
Poker is more about mind games than anything else. This is just strict, sterile number crunching.
Ayy when the fuck is this game coming out for the ps4?
Too much grind. Money, town upgrade items, levels, you name it.
Games like XCOM and Invisible Inc. make almost every mission feel like a dangerous high-stakes situation with adequate progression, but Darkest Dungeon has way too many run of the mill quests in between the truly hard ones.
Should've compared that to roulette, but poker came to mind 1st
Right after it gets a final release and stops being early access.
September 27th
It released in January
>cure failed
that can happen?
then explain why in poker / card games its the same 20 people winning every tournament?
risk management is a skill
No. Too fucking grindy
remember, it's not luck, it's skill
I played one run-through of invisible Inc, and I felt like it was a good first act, but then it seemed to 'reset'. Is it really just playing the same story over again or is there some kind of progression there?
>not popular enough to maintain a general
still hurts desu
you're retarded.
Indie """roguelike""" that has RNGfuckery instead of legitimate difficulty #53.
Atmosphere right, gameplay still shit.
Invisible Inc. follows the cancerous FTL idea of what Roguelike means, which is a linear journey that disallows you from going back with the only difference from a non "roguelike" being that theres a couple choices where to go and they are randomly generated, but they still remain a linear step in your ever forward-racing journey.
You basically play through the 3 days worth of events with mostly the same complications and same ending but the journey is different. Pretty much FTL.
recommend an alternative
this is the first roguelike i enjoyed because it has the oldschool rpg roundbased combat
Best thing about it is the difficulty level. They got it just right.
It's the same story. The DLC extends the main campaign somewhat with added regular days and a new mission in the middle (no new story relevant stuff though), after which the regular gameplay gets some small changes like different alert levels and a new mandatory objective in each level. As for progression gameplay wise you unlock new agents and programs, but yeah the game is pretty short, especially if you play on difficulty levels other than Ironman Expert (which the game is balanced around) since then it's very easy to complete the game on one of your first runs and lose the will to play it.
Plague Doctor is best waifu.
>Turn based combat is bad
Lmao this guy.
Man that's a let-down. At least in FTL the story was pretty bare-bones, in here it feels like there are a lot of loose ends that could be explored but it just ends. I would have loved if you would play through the campaign, then afterwards you take control of a second rebellion group and have to take down the AI from the first run but without certain allowances or abilities that the previous run gave you because you had the AI helping you before.
Maybe I'll pick it up later and play it on the hardest difficulty instead of the intermediate. It's been a year or so and I might not get burned out on it too fast.
But since people like Dota 2 so much you should know by now that RNG = skill
>Too much RNG!
I've never lost a single hero in such a way that I could have prevented it by playing a bit safer, ever.
>But collector!
He only appears if your inventory is full. Don't feel you can take him on? Don't go around with a full inventory.
I tried to play it but everything was too slow and difficult and it felt like a slog so I refunded it.
the "grind" was insane for sure, but i think this guy honestly sat down and played for 80 hrs str8 just so he can review the game. i honestly just played a few hours a day and some days not at all, the "grind" is only a "grind" if youre not ENJOYING the gameplay and just want to get to the end
for me everything about the game was perfect, when i got bored i just stopped playing and picked it up some other day
He's good practice for managing threat/stuns. Kill what you can, stun what you can't, and try to stack dots on the big guy himself.
I disagree, I'm afraid you're the one who is retarded. Sorry
That's actually the exact opposite. Minimizing and controlling for RNG is exactly the exact same thing as skill and you can even call it the basis for videogames in itself. If there wasn't RNG then every encounter would be the same and you could just adjust.
I dig the artstyle of this game, very mignola-like but that's about it. The game mostly just makes me angry.
>1st thing i see in the description is dude's patreon
Maybe you should try getting a job instead of shilling your videos?
>Dota 2 is rng
Ok you got me with this bait lolfag.
Here's a (you).
>I don't have a single dead character.
Doesn't the last boss literally force you to kill off your characters, making it impossible to beat the game without deaths
i feel like im on the side of players who found this game way to fucking easy, once you get like 2 moon rings the game is just a cake walk
please end your life
Yes and it's fucking bullshit. Completely forced and pointless, the boss is also a fucking joke compared to everything else you had to face.
I've also only played about 15 hours. I'm already bored though, mostly due to the overleveling problem.
I agree, there is too much RNG in this game for my to enjoy it. I like to compared Darkest Dunegon to Monster's Den: Book of Dread, which does have some RNG but nowhere near a level like that in DD. In DM:BoD attacks and abilities does X dmg/healing/whatever instead of X to Y dmg/healing/whatever. And even then I don't think that it is the worst part, it is the fact that there is such a huge gap between X and Y in DD, that it makes combat really unpredictable - which is why I think it is a shame that many of the better strategies I have seen focus on pure damage attacks and then crit, because it is the most reliable approach to combat.
A new contender?
There reached a point in the game where I felt like I wasn't progressing. However I advanced my guys I felt like they didn't get any stronger. I also felt like I had to rely on RNG mechanics to keep up at a certain point, and that led to losing key team members.
Fun and balanced first 4 hours, after that it felt like a chore
takes about as much mechanical skill as skyrim and witcher 3 imo. i personally just don't find action games very hard, playing turn based games like chess of DD takes pretty much the same amount of physical effort. So i dont understand when people shit on RNG turn based games so much, like is clicking two buttons so much more rewarding for you? like so much so that you get angry when some one shits on it?
devil may cry, fighters, and RTS games being like the only exceptions