Best game ever made

Nu-Man's Sky thread discuss stuff and make Sup Forums mad.

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sorry, can't discuss the game anymore

now that it's out on PC, we gotta talk about technical difficulties

It's too bad we can't talk about all the depth this game has. It's so deep.

runs good on my rig around 60 fps looks fucking great 2bh

>yet another no man's sky thread
Kill yourself, you stupid faggot.

I spent the bulk of my evening playing this last night.

Found several barren planets with huge Gold reserves, promptly claimed them for my illustrious mining company, and managed to get a dope new ship.

The game is fun, and comfy as shit.

nope :^)

>start on toxic planet
>collect all the resources under pressure (was a bit fun)
>get my ship fixed
>launch to space
>head for nearby space station
>it's 10 minutes away with boost
>boost is hold and not toggle
>what the fuck
>use a shot glass to keep shift down while going our for a smoke
>arrive at station at last
>2 out of 3 doors require some passport to enter
>the only room I have access to has an alien that wants resources
>have none of those
>mfw I realize the flight was for nothing
>mfw no indication on what the fuck to do to get further in the story
>quit game and go play Rimworld instead

How could they get away with selling this joke of a game?


Ok, baby peen.

I would if I could paly it

>game doesn't explain everything so its shits
alright neo-Sup Forums

I spent like 3 hours exploring one planet getting upgrades, learning that warrior language and expanding my invintory.

Fuck underwater planets

>I don't know how to play video games.

The doorman will take your gamer card on the way out.

Crash on start up

Well i am glad i am not the one that bought it. I wonder if my brother will refund it or stick with it.

>game comes out
>people make threads about it
wow, call the cops

No, that's not what I mean. There are plenty tool tips on what I need to do, but it's fucking unintuitive. Get Hyperspace Technology? Yeah, I should be able to get it from the giant space station with ships going in and out of it. Oh wait no, you have to mine for it.

This motherfucker doesn't even know how to start his warpdrive.

You don't hold down the medium speed boost the entire time, fuck head.

You idiot.

>that filename
>my fucking sides
I understand that you're trying to troll, but at least be subtle.

You are stupid, and will feel stupid soon.

I didn't even know I had a warp drive.

>no useing thrusters
Are you retarded?

still needs some patching and shit but I do get some Freelancer vibes in space.


You're right, you should probably stop playing. Here I brought some coloring books for you instead.

Spider-Man AND Shrek?
Fuck, gimme dat.

Why? For failing at unintuitive controls?

I've played games that require twenty times the mental faculties of NMS with no problems.

L1 + R1 on controller, not sure about KB&M.

You're literally almost done with the tutorial.
It's going to teach you the recipe for hyperspace mats to jump star systems and then you're good.

>not using pulse drive

Brain problems

thanks for samefagging

The game litterally tells you what to do.

>I've played games that require twenty times the mental faculties of NMS with no problems.

Sure you did.

Oh wow! Look at these people enjoying themselves! I am so upset! I better go poast aboudit!

Honestly, no one cares if you like the game. 95% of the hate is directed at Sean for lying for a consistent 2 years. If you're not upset about that, then you're either okay with being lied to or just determined to enjoy something, regardless of who that money is going to.

So there's that. You're supporting an asshole that will lie to you and take advantage of you and you'll just say "it could be worse". That's the mentality that we're against. So if you want to think we're mad at you personal (if that gives you a giggle) then go ahead. But that's not what's going on and it comes off as arrogant that you'd think your likes or dislikes are important enough to warrant such a reaction.

inb4 but u responded :^)
Because you are in error.

I put my FOV to 100 and it doesn't make any difference, it still feels like 60. The default was 75 and it felt like 40. Something is really wrong here.

I put my mouse sensitivity to 0 and my cursor still flew across the screen, as if changing the value doesn't do anyhting. Probably because it got ported from PS4 sticks.

There seems to be some heavy mouse smoothing on my end, and I have no idea how to disable that shit.

It feels like I'm crouching over the floor the whole time because the camera is placed very close to the ground, I feel like throwing up.

I get cinematic 35 FPS with dips and drops down to 15.

I played the game for 98 minutes and keep the other 20 minutes to test upcoming Nvidia drivers and game updates.

If it's still shit in a few days I'm going to refund.

I'm impressed by the world design, but I can't help but feel a certain lack of depth. Yeah, that's a stunning landscape, but what can I DO with it? On it? There's all this beautiful terrain, cool alien designs, and it amounts to mining & scanning by the looks of it. Please tell me if I'm wrong, I want to be

You gotta go deeper

You forgot meeting other players! Silly user. You can't see them of course but the idea is just so cool.

>guess I'll give it a pirate at least
>I bet flying around the galaxy will be fun
>four hours of running around a fucking boring planet
>heridium: 16/200
>no fucking heridium anywhere

>he's such a faggot he'll never get laid

I'm having some really nasty slowdown/stuttering.

Not FPS issues as such, I have a 980ti, but it's like the game is constantly loading data whenever I turn around or use the scanner.

Feels choppy as fuck.

Even had it in space too, when the space station got closer.

Look for the big blue pillars while flying around the planet in your ship.

If you still can't find any then go buy some from the market or an alien.

At this point I'm running to anything that's blue.

I haven't seen any markets/aliens, though I discovered some pillars of knowledge and shit.

Speccy screenshot please

Soo.. how do I get back to my ship?


probably doesn't have it yet, it takes 200 Heridium to fix your engines n shit

You done fucked up.

Why would you do this?

See that mountain?

You can't go there!

That's game over right there brah

numan? Like gary numan?

Where can I find reliable Russians to sell me this game on the cheap?


>Space is orange

captcha = stop nova m



Pick one.

>sonypony trying to make a shit game seem good

Where can I find Russians to sell me this game on the cheap?

Find a beacon that can summon your ship. Search for question marks.

>You're all alone.
>You never get any action.
>You can only play with yourself.

>Nu Man's Sky

It's interesting, but I have played Elite Dangerous and Space Engineers.

Both are shit on by Sup Forums for not having much to do even with their ongoing development and procedural generation/a star map so big you will never visit them all/nothing to do. NMS has a similar problem.

Sean murray's favorite pokemon

He's probably too dumb to even find out how to repair his scanner so he won't even have the option to do that.

>Best game ever made
every time new game is released

Thanks todd



Looks and runs like shit for me.

Isn't there already an update available? Can someone confirm this?

>First planet: lush but few animals. Outstanding is a giant bug with 'eradic temperament.'
>It will run around in circles, jump out of nowhere, then attack, then run away again. I named it the 'rogue bug.'
>Next planet is a rad planet. No flora but alot of fauna.
>Slug headed bulls and dinosaurs roam.
>Jump in water because why not?
>Giant schools of fish, some normal and another looking like split bananas. Get attacked by a sword fish.
>Name the planet: The Most Radical Planet.

>I'm pirating this

so yeah the game is alright.

>$60 indie game, top kek.

I'm just figuring shit out. 'Baby's first space game' is kinda interesting to say the least.

>illustrious mining company

You mean you with your single ship because this game is shallow as shit.

I'm pretty bored with the game. Get to the center of the galaxy just so you can get to the center of the galaxy again isn't that great of a motivator

There's been like 2 now.

>70 from CRITICS on metacritic
>3.9 from players

this has got to be a shill thread