What went so fucking right?

What went so fucking right?

The fact that SEGA let someone else do it

>Bigger FOV
>Good speed, not so fast not so slow
>Good physics
>Great aesthetics
That's everything Team Sonic should have never stopped doing in the first place.

Everything else going wrong and Sega not throwing in the towel on Sonic.

Finally letting Taxman and Stealth make a new 2D game instead of ports.

It's the kind of thing we only dreamed of before now.

They hired fans to make the game, and fans know better than Sega does as to what makes a good Sonic games these days.

IGN was right: Sonic was never good and your nostalgia pandering and group of literally who's working on the project isn't going to save it

Sega finally listened. That survey they did awhile back really must of worked.

Thanks, Sega.

>What went so fucking right?


weak b8, only 1 (you) out of 10

The game isn't even out yet you triple fag, for all we know it's secretly shit

>What went so fucking right?

They let people who know what they're doing and who have a proven track record take the reigns.

This, the mobile ports are so much better than the original games. Albeit you gotta use a controller because touch screens are shit

Completely avoiding the DIMPS style of game design.

Some of their stuff, like Rush, was fun. But they all had the same fatal flaws.

>paying for romhacks

Autism goes all the way

>Albeit you gotta use a controller because touch screens are shit
Speaking of this, does anybody know of a good, not-expensive controller for android?


The wrong company dropped out of the console business

>arms flop behind him when he's running really fast
God it looks so retarded, it's exactly his running style from fucking Sonic Adventure. Please put his arms back to his sides where they belong.

The whole "release the game you've wanted for like 20 years instead of faggy stuff" thing

It's from Sonic CD you doorknob

Sega's only becoming cool again because they had to change or die.

No, the infinity feet are. The arms flailing behind him looked stupid in that game too, but it least it made more sense since you can't see his legs at all, and covering his body would have made him look like a floating head. In this you can see his blurry legs fine, so no point in making it a Naruto run.

The point is that it's a reference to Sonic CD, how he would do that when you're going at extreme speeds. It's the same in Mania.

No, it's an animation, not a reference. Doesn't even matter where it's from, but it's a Sonic 2 beta animation.

seygar was finally thingken of fast

So why doesn't Nintendo let fans make their games great again?
SEGA does what Nintendon't?

I haven't bought a sonic game since SA2 and this will be buying this.

because Sega let them make this games. Fan games normally get shit down so I do not get the uproar with the fan Metroid title.

>capcom and sega let fans make their fangames and even encourage it
>squeenix and nintendon't
>everyone mocks sega and capcom for being le evil jew failures and praises nintendo and squeenix for constantly spouting their samey shit
really makes you think

Your average fangame developer has little to no experience in an actual dev cycle. AM2R is great and all but it took a fucking decade to make.

Taxman at least had to get a couple of ports under his belt before Sega trusted him with an actual game.

Because nintendo can't keep milking their games from 1985 if they do.

What Capcom fangame are you talking about? SFxMM?

That was just a normal fangame and then Capcom picked it up at the last minute and said "hey we're officially endorsing this" as a desperate attempt to get back in good favor with Mega Man fans. And it ended up being pretty mediocre anyway.

At least with Mania, these are people that SEGA had hired years ago, have proven themselves to be competent with their ports, and is being developed from the start with SEGA.

Because they formed their own development companies and formally pitched Sega a game. No different than Next Level Games working on Mario Strikers.

This. And it can't really be understated. SEGA forgot how to take games through development, to finished products that actually fucking work, sometime around the early 00's.

Nintendon't won't make (any) metroids anymore. They won't even retread them. But they're more than happy to shut down a fan game trying to do what they won't.

How is that hard to grasp?

Not really. They just did that with Sonic for some reason. Some of Sega's best work came from that time. Pic fucking related.

> SEGA forgot how to take games through development, to finished products that actually fucking work, sometime around the early 00's.

Why does everyone talk about "Sega" as if they're one single entity? They hire people, and those people make the games.

"Sega" as a company hasn't learned or forgotten anything except that they can make a fuck ton of money localizing games and releasing them on Steam. They still push for insane schedules, still work their employees to the bone, still have infighting between the american and japanese branches (less so since the american branch is so small now), still rely on outsourcing for a lot of their work, still have ties with the Yakuza, and so on.

The people that made the games we love, Sonic 2, Ristar, etc. have left Sega for other things a long time ago, some immediately after the game they worked on released.

Sega didn't "forget" anything, they just let good talent go and never hired any suitable replacements.


Amusement Vision made that, not Sega. All Sega did was publish it.

>IGN was right: Sonic was never good and your nostalgia pandering and group of literally who's working on the project isn't going to save it

IGN is so fucking retarded with its opinion: Sonic was never good except Sonic CD!

That doesn't make any sense since 2 and 3 are objectively better than CD design wise.

Fuck meme opinions, man.

I thought Amusement Vision was a division of Sega?

>2 an 3
>3 was better than CD

the fuck?

3&K is about equal to CD.

3 sure as fuck isn't.

>Amusement Vision a division of Sega

Turns out they are, and I suck cocks.

Which is why Shovel Knight was so universally poorly received, right?

shit bait, m8

It's not even fucking out yet

Name ONE fucking thing that could go wrong now that we've seen gameplay.

Another dumb opinion.

Just on level design alone 3 is on par with CD.

You are parroting meme opinions.

Sonic 3 and Sonic and Knuckles are just as good games on their own as they are together.

In fact, the game goes on too long when they're together. I will argue that they are BETTER separated.

>In fact, the game goes on too long when they're together. I will argue that they are BETTER separated.
Now you're just going full retard.

Sonic Team backing off and giving it to someone who knows how to make a good Sonic game

Guys, with this release do you think we'll see the whole Genesis series ported to PC via Retro Engine? 1&2 Are already on android soit woult literally take half an hour to port them.

Rehashed levels with barely any effort? Fuck if I know. Probably won't happen though because Taxman.

>I will argue that they are BETTER separated.

Ok, now I know you're baiting.

>what went so fucking wrong?

>file name isn't "blender_of_the_century.png"

You had ONE fucking job



Original games assume you're playing a mega Drive on composite cables. They use dithering patterns to achieve a transparancy effect since MD can't do that right. It's a work around for old consoles. But Sonic Mania is a game on modern consoles. And it's not even beinb blurred, os it just has this weird line water.

Since it's a modern game, they can just use proper transparancy effects.

I'm not saying Sonic 3 & Knuckles is a bad game.

I feel those games are just as good separated and the lifetime sales of those 2 titles backs this claim up.

I want to play 3D Sonic the Hedgehog 3 on my 3DS but I know we'll never get that because people will complain that it's not Sonic 3 and Knuckles.

wow user, that sure sounds like something I never gave a shit about

It's super simple for them to fix.

You can get proper waterfalls and clear image.

It's 2016!

> what is graphical fidelity


gimme a HYUYUG man

Yes, you can use bluring for the dithering effect.

However since it's a MODERN game, it doesn't need dithering at all.

It's just pure laziness.

They confirmed CRT filters. That's probably what they're for, so you can have a more authentic Mega Drive feel if you want.

what a romhack is
original game code > read-only memory chip > rom file > romhack

what sega does
original game code > read-only memory chip

>muh authenticity in a 2016 16:9 game

how about a modern 2D sonic game with no shitty filters, in HD and proper waterfall effects? Why is that so hard?

so what (2D) Sonic games do you guys recommend for someone that's never played one

> oh man look at those colors
> it's 2016, they could have picked any of the 32 million colors out there, instead of the 50 or so from the NES palette
> pure laziness im telling you

Of all things to complain about.

Are you really fucking complaining about that. How many modern 2d HD pixel classic games did this series even get?

It doesn't "need" to be a sprite-based game either, but it is because that's the style they're going with, you assclown. Find something more significant to complain about.

>SK is good

Okay, now I definitely know you're an idiot. Goodbye!

>Shovel Knight is bad

user stop you're embarrassing yourself

Try it in this order:

Sonic 3 & Knuckles (or Sonic 3 just on its own)
Sonic 2
Sonic & Knuckles on its own if you didn't play Sonic 3 & Knuckles.
Sonic CD
Sonic the Hedgehog 1

Let me know what you think.

sonic 2 and sonic 3 & knuckles are essential, sonic advance is pretty fun

Famicom palettes are total garbage. They should choose palettes from games on the snes, MD, Saturn or PSX.

This and Sonic 4.

>Sonic 4

>Shovel Knight is bad

I know, there was no argument to that post.

You're not allowed to not note a minor issue just because it's minor? What a retarded way to self-censor yourself. If it's something you don't care about, that's fine, don't talk about it. It's fine to talk about minor details as well as big ones. Stop being such a Kirbyfag.

Still waiting on S3, S3+K and S&K for PS3...

to note*

Then go play Sonic 4 instead user

This it's pure autism. Over an effect you won't even see unless you're on a specific setup.


its not out yet though
it looks pretty fucking great though
this engine + sonic 3 & knuckles looks like my fucking dream game too

>You're not allowed to not note a minor issue just because it's minor?
I never said that. It's just nitpicky as all hell and makes you seem like someone would not be pleased no matter what.

If you want to complain about that, fine, you can do it, I won't stop you and I can't stop you. You just look like a complete autist, that's all. Especially since you keep bringing it up.

>You're not allowed to not note a minor issue just because it's minor?
No, you're absolutely allowed to do that, as long as you don't blow it out of proportion through the overuse of memes. "what went so fucking wrong?" and "blunder of the century.png" imply that you think it's a huge disaster, not a minor issue. If you present your criticism accurately, maybe you won't have people think you're a knob-gobbling cockmonkey.

Start with Sonic 2. It's easy enough to start out with and it has a decent bit of challenge to get higher times and find secrets.

Sonic CD has more of a slower approach if you don't really care about speedrunning.

Sonic 3 is the longest but most balanced and has a HUGE wealth of content so defenitely play that after those.

Sonic 1 lacks a lot of the other games features and the stages are pretty brutally designed. Honestly you should only play this if you're curious to see how the series started out.

Contrarian as fuck.

This makes me so fucking hard and makes the wait unbearable

Sonic 4 is garbage.

A direct imitation of a New Super Mario reboot.

I don't know what happened with DIMPs but they really hurt the franchise. The handhelds were the only saving grace to Sonic until Colors and they blew it.

What's the issue? Taxman made the effort to replace the dithered buzzbomber wings and the shield effect with actual transparency, it's not autism to care about good aesthetics.

I am pleased with the game. Just because you find something to criticize doesn't mean you hate everything about the game, this one thing could just be modified and improved. Community feedback like that can have good results.

Not the guy who posted that, but it was probably hyperbole, or a joke. This is Sup Forums. Now cool your jets.

Nah, it was for the best.

I think Sega fans like being the underdog.

If Sega crushed Nintendo, we would be arrogant pricks like the Sonybros at NeoGaf.

Because it absolutely isn't worth caring about nor effects gameplay quality at all. It's a fucking waterfall. If it was something they wanted to do in the first place they would have, but it obviously isn't an issue and you're the only one finding laziness in it because you can't actually find a complaint in anything else. Also shitposting.