Have you saluted your new Queen yet, Hordebros?

Have you saluted your new Queen yet, Hordebros?

watch her ruin the economy

My dick has.

I can't believe they censored her. Gutting 90% of the gameplay and removing more content than they added while charging you for it was one thing but this crossed the line for me. I literally unsubscribed the second I saw it

Her pussy is filled with maggots.

What the fuck is going on with the Horde?
They change warchiefs like underwear.

What the heck i can see her belly button?

Fuck yeah I have

She and Genn are the best leaders

Horde have had 4 leaders, Alliance have had 3. It's not that one sided.

and that's.... a bad thing..?

Thrall really sucks at picking people.

>Makes Garrosh WC.
>Goes full retard and we have to kill him.
>Makes Vol'Jin WC.
>Does nothing and dies.

Garrosh didn't want to be in charge, Thrall just dumped the responsibility on him and fucked off to the Maelstrom.

Does she still have that thing covering up her abdomen?




So does Illidan have a demon dong?

So is the main city undercity now? Or is she taking over org?

Let's be honest, he was probably raped by Maiev while imprisoned by her. That's why she wants him back so badly. Her Dalaran coin is literally " WHERE DA ILLIDAN AT?"

Nah, Org is still the center of the Horde, Saurfang is watching over it, but Sylvanas is ruling from Undercity.

It's funny, when raiding Saurfang, the achievement says that he just humors you by pretending to be dead

Sylvannas's model looked cute, the cutscene did a great thing when they focused on those super close ups of her face - helped make people forget about her new redesign.

Her chestpiece was changed literally because Metzen's daughter saw it and thought it was sexist.

>Illidan can fuck like a champ with that huge demonic schlong
>Tyrande chose a sleep-addicted hippie covered in feathers and shit instead.

Thought it was the dragon aspects his daughter pointed out and Metzen was like "I don't know?". He couldn't explain why the dragon in charge of nature (who really should be nude if anything) and the dragon who represents life and fertility were scantily clad. Ironically the most scantily clad dragon is the male aspect of time.

She's no queen of mine. Fuck the Horde and Alliance, I'm going neutral.

I'm a gobbo so I like to pretend I go where the cash does.

>broken shore
>alliance fighting off literally all the important named NPCs of the Legion, including Gul'dan
>is winning up until the point where the horde packs up and leaves because they were losing to some run-of-the-mill legion plebs
>don't even say anything or signal the alliance why they're leaving because they're just that incompetent
>thrall on the ground groveling like a cunt
>Gelbin has a few seconds of screen time and is already more awesome than the horde leaders combined
>vol'jin gutted like a pig from the side by some shitty felguard
>babbles some shit about the Loa before dying to justify making Sylvanas warchief despite none of the horde leaders, including voljin himself, wanted her to be
>meanwhile Varian takes down a fel reaver on steroids on his own, allowing the remainder of the alliance forces to escape
>takes down a few more felguards before being overwhelmed, then spits in the face of Gul'dan before getting killed
>Sylvanas making le epic speech about avenging vol'jin when she's only ever had her own interest in mind, which has always been very obvious to the horde
>everyone cheers
Ayyy lmao

Never played a panda, can you actually queue for shit if you never chose a faction?

everything below the belt is demon

Epic meme brother!


They choose their faction at the end of their starting zone. And apparently they forget how to speak their native language.

Remember when Guldan just wanted what was best for his people even before he lamented the horde's hubris?

Because not the writers

>Be Horde
>Run away
>Be Alliance
>Save the day

Gul'dan's been the evilest motherfucker ever since Kil'jaeden started whispering sweet nothings into his ear.

>Giving a shit about lore consistency
>TFW you lived to see the day the Alliance actually got treated with respect.

I doubt any of the horde change their underwear with exception of blood elf males.

Watch sylvanas become another kerringan
Watch Illidan become another kerrigan

>alliance fighting off literally all the important named NPCs of the Legion, including Gul'dan

Where? All I fought was shitty fodder.

Why is Sylvanas blonde now?

At the last fight before the cutscene all the named Legion commanders we've seen over the years are spawned in by Gul'dan

You don't fight them tho.

>Tyrande is crazy ass thick in hots
>She's a twig in wow


But you do, since the cutscene shows the Alliance still fighting when it pops, which means you're in battle after they're all summoned in. You can argue the player isn't actually fighting them in the sense that you're forced in to the cutscene before you get a chance to, but that's irrelevant.

Sylvanas will be a good warchief, she was quite respectful before garrosh took the wheel.

A better question would be about Anduin and what kind of a king he will be. Will he be the next führer or will he turn the alliance into the a safe space of tolerance?

Blow the fucking retreat horn.
>"Why didn't you warn us QQ"

what the fuck were you expecting if Blizzard uses the Horde to get the niggers, angsty edgelords and kids away from the alliance so the superior players can acomplish stuff

They're just fighting generic demon mooks. There are no named Legion commanders at all in the cinematic.

There's a difference between signaling retreating and letting friendly troops know WHY you're retreating. As shown in the cinematic the Alliance have no fucking idea why they leave, and assume its due to the animosity they've shown prior and that sylvanas just doesn't care to uphold her end of the "alliance".

Maybe read properly next time.

They're literally summoned in in front of the players and Varian, what do you think they were doing? Showing off before leaving again? Stop being fucking retarded.

Her hots model was made from scratch.
The wow model is still based on the old vanilla model and underwent through a lot of upgrades over time.
Don't forget that wow is still based on the old warcraft 3 engine.

The gul'dan in legion is from alternate universe draenor and has a different backstory from the dead gul'dan in our universe

>I have no understanding of battle or warfare

Every second counts you dumb nigger. Voljin got ganked, Thrall is JUST, Baine is babysitting him and their position is quickly being overrun. There was simply no time to let the Alliance know.

Maybe if a certain furfag had obeyed his king's orders and not be a petty cry baby, he'd see the Horde getting overrun and he'd let him know

>don't fight them in-game
>don't fight them in the cinematic

This Guldan was bullied for being a cripple so literally went full columbine on his village.

>muh no time
this stupid argument makes no sense. They literally had a clear view of the alliance troops from the clifftop, they had several kinds of flying units, batriders, valkyr etc and dark rangers who are trained to be agile and fast.

Trying to suggest "there was no time" is literally the most retarded argument you could make. If the Horde cared to uphold their end of the alliance they would have made some effort to reach out and let them know they were being flanked. Either they simply didn't care to, or they're too incompetent. Whichever way just makes the Horde look shit. Deal with it fanboy.

>I have severe autism and can't think for myself and have to be shown everything literally or I can't fill in the gaps

Do I have to do the Broken Shore scenario on all my characters or can I skip it?

she's always been blonde.

I just came.

I still wonder if they will ever do a full engine reboot given that the game is still going. The amount of work it would take would probably make it prohibitive though.

The HotS modelers know what their doing.

the game is dying. People who play it dont complain. Hell when they wanted to update models people complained their 2004 toaster couldnt handle it. There is no reason for them to do this.

Also HOTS is made on the SC2 engine. SC2 engine can handle a lot less shit at the same time. When people tried to mod in WC3 into SC2 they had some trouble with trees. So the SC2 engine would have a lot of trouble with WOW unless they instance a bunch of shit or rework it into something more feasible. But then again why would they when people are fine with what they got

If that was going to happen I'd expect a WoW 2 instead. Simillar to what Guild Wars did.

not as undead. Then she had the usual grey hair

what hes trying to say is even though the legions top forces were there they didn't lift a fucking finger at all save for Guldan They let the fighting be done by the grunts because they didnt have to.

because had all of the Legions generals had engaged the Alliance they would not have lasted as long you you think they would've even if the horde was there to help.

Sylvanas greenlit the development of chemical weapons and mind control techniques during vanilla and and TBC. She lost her own capital to an insurrection and almost lost it to the Alliance for good, were it not for Jaina. Then she kills herself at the end of Wrath because shes fucking useless, only to be brought back by Valkyries and then adopting them despite the fact that they're tools of the Scourge.

Then she completely shat all over Lordaeron and only managed to conquer like 98% of it before the isolated Gilneans became a fucking insurgency and she was assassinated.in the most embarrassing way possible. Then she hides away for all of Pandaria, letting the Blood Elves do whatever they want and scavenge all the tech they could find in preparation for their own uprising. She was completely absent for Draenor, and now she shows up at the Broken Shores just to sound the retreat and fuck over the Alliance. That might have been considered one of the greatest achievements the Azerothian Horde has ever made, were it not for the fact that she sounded the retreat horn because she was scared of dying instead of any actual attempt at long term planning.

Oh, and now shes the warchief. This loser who has to be given everything short of three dragon eggs and a hundred ships is now the warchief. The only things that make her threatening are how the Alliance have lost most of their fighting elite, pussyboi Anduin is sitting in the throne, and most of the Alliance leaders would rather kiss her ass than fight her.

That was the RAS under her nose, not her.

>I've never played the game
Top kek, gtfo

>imagine being this autistic