Fuck you, I liked it

Fuck you, I liked it

Other urls found in this thread:


DmC: Devil May Cry and Dark Souls 2
Fuck you, they really are my favorites from their respective series.


If you don't like KS you have no soul desu

crapawa shitjo is not a game

shit taste

DaS 2 was my favorite too. The worst part of the game was enemy placement and level design which was really bad.

If you really liked it, you would have more than the first picture.

Lily best girl

We /vn/ now?
I'm almost finished with pic related, just two more Bad Ends to go!

KS is alright, especially as far as western VNs go, but it is a bit overrated, or at least it was when it was released.

go fuck your selfie it was dope

Worth it?

She is actually a close second to Hanako.


I really liked this one and i have no idea why
do i have shit taste?

Fuck you, I hated it.

I gotta ask, what makes you like DmC more than the other games?

O well no shit

Everyone loves the cripple fucker sim

as long as you didn't like raping Hanako.
or anything in her route for that matter, it was pretty horrible

>babby's first visual novel
>elevator music
>main girls hardly have any personality
>shizune's route is a boring mess
>normie devs
>routes are based on "muh message"
>character doesn't do what the decision says
>timeline is a mess
>only redeeming factor is the cripple idea

It was okay, routes were uneven as fuck though.

Top tier game, that soundtrack.

Finished this today, great parts 1-3. Comfy as fuck. Last 2 were garbage and choices didn't matter.

Oh jeez, this is sounding like Morenatsu levels of half-assed routes.

It is.
It's only liked here because the devs browsed Sup Forums and Sup Forums when they were not on reddit.

Sure it has balance problems, and somebody going in blind would probably hate it, but I had a great time.

Real talk, was not adding a misha route the biggest fuck up these niggers made? comforting her is just not enough, and it ends in a bad note.


Katawa Shoujo is not that good but compared to some other VNs it's fucking great

YMK was literal retard-tier with its shoehorned pop culture references and decisions that literally didn't do jack shit

Good taste, Remember11 is fantastic. I played it for the first time recently. Was planning on getting all the endings, but after getting the "true" ending I decided to wait a while first.

The soundtrack is fucking amazing too, particularly youtube.com/watch?v=J0DJ1AZVXcg and youtube.com/watch?v=LhxtoNyxfKY

Sick burns.


No Man's Sky
Super Mario 3D World
Star Fox Zero
Far Cry 4
The Wii U

Euphoria is objectively the best visual novel

KS is the only visual novel I've ever read

I liked some of the girls, but Hisao is a jackass. It didn't turn me onto the genre, but it didn't turn me away from it. Considering getting Steins;gate for the PS3


>"playing" a VN more than once
lmaoing at your lives right now.

I've never played Katawa Shoujo, but I do miss the absolute shitstorm it caused when it first got released.

Dark Souls 2
Resident Evil 0

Shadow the Hedgehog

All of the writing talent went to Rin's route.

The rest of the game was hilariously bad.

Das 2 is my favourite too, but DmC fucking sucks compared to 3 and 4


I like it. Especially because it was made by anons.

Rin's route made no sense to me, care to explain it?

Bitch has no arms.

>Oh shit I can't write a compelling story
>I make the dialogue as ambiguous as possible to add the illusion of depth
There you go

It's an absolute master piece without any doubt!
But I agree the fanbase is cancer as fuck!