>playing NMS on PS4
>runs great and am having a blast
>PC version runs like ass
Master race right guys?
>playing NMS on PS4
>runs great and am having a blast
>PC version runs like ass
Master race right guys?
Joke's on you, Sonygger. You're playing No Man's Sky.
>Look guys I'm eating shit and it's delicious, master race right guys?
Don't care, having fun.
Do you remember fun, Sup Forums?
Stay jelly
>runs great
>drops to 15fps while flying on a planets atmosphere
Pick one
wow that first planet you posted had green grass and red trees, and now this one has teal grass and purple trees. that's insane! i bet that's so much fun. i wonder what color combinations the next planet will have?
>runs great
>same fps drops as on pc
>runs great
>having a blast
>shooting rocks
Textures look like shit.
thanks doc
wow this game looks like shit
Back in the day I thought console peasantry is just a meme.
Now I know it's 100% true. You fuckwads wouldn't know a good game if it slapped you on the ass.
If it's so much fun, why are you here trying to convince us how fun it is rather than continuing to play it and having even more fun?
Name FIVE (5) games better than NMS. I dare you.
Looks like someone fuckin nuked Bikini Bottom.
>mfw NMS repack is literally 1.7 Gig
Literally anything.
Back to your peasant hovel.
Jackie Chan
Jackie Chan
Jackie Chan
Jackie Chan
Jackie Chan
Shit optimization makes the game run shit regardless of the rig, you fucking dumbass.
You're not only a dumbass, but a gullible dumbass too because you spent 60$ on a early-access game like the typical insecure consolecuck desperately trying to find SOMETHING that they think could one-up the PC-herrenvolk
Even fucking Hotline Miami has more gameplay than this pile of shit and better graphics too lmao
Please we all know that you PCucks love Early Access trash more than anyone.
Ride to hell: retribution
Umbrella corps
Rome 2
Why you lying
Game runs way worse on ps4
Consolecucks clearly do more than we ever could if the spamming of these NMS threads by you folks are anything to go by.
You'd literally eat shit if someone convinced you that it's console-exclusive that PC players would never ever get
So what do Xbone user play???
They hair watch tv???
so this.. is the power.... Of the playstation 4.....
Please, how many of you faggots have sunk a ton of money into Scam Citizen?
I'm finally getting it to run on PC but I had to lower the resolution and cap the frames at 60 using Crimson. Some dips but it's playable.
So what do you actually do in NMS? Like I get that you fly around and go to different planets, but so what? What happens when you get there? Is there any combat? Any survival mechanics? Anything to collect and if so does it have any meaningful impact?
I just don't get it.
There can be combat and there is light survival mechanics, charging your enviromental shields and life support.
I don't and I'm certain majority of Sup Forums hasn't either.
Meanwhile I get to enjoy games that you will never ever do
>Graviteam tactics
>IL2 Battle for Stalingrad
>Company of Heroes series
>Red Orchestra 1&2
>literally any game that requires any level of sentience
aka nothing that you can ever play on a cuckbox
>shit game doesn't work properly
who cares.
Whoa OP I had that exact same planet!
Wow, mind blown, the chances of that are like next to none.
>Jackie Chan literally has 5+ games better than NMS
oh shit, forgot image
Elite dangerous
Star citizen
Saw it at a friends house, the game looks like shit on PS4
I have this on ps4 and it runs like shit, runs worse than on PC. 15-30fps on PS4, hitching and crazy pop in all over the place. Its terrible. Taking this turd back tomorrow.
one of these is not like the others
Yet they are all better than nu males arkham.
>get attacked by pirates
>it's okay, i'll just warp away
>lose all inventory
>uninstall game
Retarded game design.
Thanks, Doc
master of orion 3
>runs great
pc version runs better and it runs like ass.
get some standards
what is there to do in this game honestly op? like what the fuck do i do? what do i discard? my inventory keeps getting full and its fucking annoying. like i just dont know where to go. i see question marks for those save points and thats it. its so fucking boring
hotline miami
bad rats
risk of rain
>40 degree FOV
wew lads
look at that fucking screenshot
i look like absolute trash, legit ugly, how can people enjoy that?
On my computer at least it runs better than on a PS4, but barely.
The game is exactly what I expected from the streams and reviews though, I started seeing repeated plants and rocks as soon as I got to my 2nd planet and most animals look completely retarded.
Exploring planets is tedious because of how slow you move and because you really don't want to get too far away from your ship.
I've just got the antimatter recipe and I feel like I've already seen most of what the game has to offer. It's simply boring.
Also I found this outpost at the bottom of a lake, its name was "something desert".
Played 3 hours on the superior version, and I'm done with the "game".
It's the most tedious grindy and uninteresting "game" I've ever had the misfortune to "play".
They should've just let you explore freely without all the shoehorned survival grind that should simulate an actual game.
It's a joke as a game, but the comfy views you SOMETIMES get to enjoy are where the "game" shines.
I could understand f you got crippling autism or very severe OCD that this "game" would be something you could enjoy simply because of your mental disorder, but a normal human being saying "I'm having fun with this game" is simply a lying sack of shit.
Is this one of those games that looks better in motion? Because, not even trolling, it looks terrible from both technical AND artistic standpoints.
I get they want everything to look alien and different, but even in space and on ships or whatever, the colors look all fucked up, and not in a cool stylistic way. Add in 2008-looking tech, and it's no bueno.
I'm enjoying my NMS. Looks glorious in 2160p although only 30-40 fps. However the biggest enjoyment is playing knowing how many cucks paid 60$ for a game that either plays shit for them or does not even start at all while based GOG is refusing to refund them. This is the very definition of a fun game in my book.
I played the game for exactly 3 hours, I will never touch it again. unles they add some real content and fix the performance issues, a game like this really shouldn't run like shit.
>he plays games in perpetual attempt to validate his own intelligence
You've completely missed the point of escapism and how enjoyable it is to get immersed in fantasy within video games.
I can't expect much from some miserable pseudo intellectual cuck who is obsessed with simulating reality though. Get the rake out of your ass you PC clown and let people enjoy whatever early access or full blown game they want to.
It doesn't change the fact that your platform is shoehorned by those games and literally created the trend of early access shovelware trash.
How deep can oceans be in nms? Are they also restricted to 128 meters like the caves?
Wow, pc looks great.
Space combat is probably the worst one I've ever seen in my life. And I've been playing space sims since Wing Commander.
You end up tanking all the shots since maneuvering is pretty much non-existent, and have to tab out to recharge your shields every 2 enemies.
It takes zero skill, it's a fight of resources.
Are you serious guys? If you expected this to run properly than maybe this game isn't for you. NMS was never about running properly, idk where people got this from. Maybe you should lower your expectations, because for me this is exactly what I wanted.
You spent $120 on the same game
You wanted unbelievably bad game design which resulted in a game that's annoying to play while with a project lead who knows more about video games than my grandmother would have been able to think of far better combat mechanics with the same amount of time and effort invested?
The game is just full of dumb shit like upgrades taking up half of your inventory.
Is it just me or the beam weapon you can put on your ship is completely worthless?
It overheats in less than a second, and has worse dps than the default ship cannons.
looks like elder scrolls oblivion to me.
What is that, a Mexico planet?
>responding to this seriously while admitting you are butthurt about flushing $60 down the drain