Just started the original fallout, is there enough time for exploring or should I rush to water chip directly?

Just started the original fallout, is there enough time for exploring or should I rush to water chip directly?

theres plenty of time, don't bother seeking it out, just do quests and it will come to you.

Take your time, if you really need to, there are ways to extend the timer anyway.

make sure you have lots of saves like before you go into new areas in case anything happens in them or during that will make progress impossible. Also I had a bug that made an item I needed to continue the main quest despawn and I had no other saves so I had to hack it in.

Thanks, guys.

The unofficial patch should give you an option to extend the timer if you want to

get the water chip eat a pip bag of chip get it quick the time is short swimming bort and you sink in the

SUPRE MUTANT HUN they are fast they rae qwucik the will kill you with a stick poke you in your one eye 2 fast fo r u 2 not die n i u didie!

Try to keep Dogmeat alive until the end

I remember doing that. He made me so fucking mad.
Especially in the super mutant base with the fucking laser doors

I wish I never got him, but I couldn't let him die.

Post more of this semen demon

Looks like an SCP.

Please tell me she does butt stuff

Did you just have a stroke user?

This, you'll have months to spare with natural progression unless you get really stuck into guarding caravans. Even then you can do that and extend the timer a few towns in

Sorry that's all i have. Saved from one of these threads.


what the fuck

Are you doing an 1 INT run irl?

That exact point is where he canonically dies anyway

I've heard. I wasted so many items on him to make my own canon.

Holy shit is that dodger

your post has me all giggly, urururururururu


I got the water chip at level 2 and got to the master at level 5, you got time.

Is there anymore of her?

Be sure to tag outdoorsman, steal and gambling. Best traits are jinxed and heavy handed

Do a fair bit of exploring, but don't get caught up with the caravan escort quests in the Hub because they might pay well and shirt but they take loads of time. Also, leave the Brotherhood initiation ritual/quest for later. It takes a couple of in-game weeks just to get to the place.
The chip has 150 days which can easily get extended to 250, and then the bit after that, I remember reading somewhere that it has an unlimited amount of time now, but how long you take affects the ending slides. So you won't get rudely interrupted by a cutscene where shit happens, but get ready for a bad ending if you take an autistically long amount of time to deal with the main big baddies.

Don't even joke about that shit user. Still made me cringe. Jesus.
Jinxed is good for meme runs tho

Jinxed is mandatory if you want to have FUN

>get ready for a bad ending if you take an autistically long amount of time to deal with the main big baddies
That's what I usually do.

>no steam achievements

You have like 10 Years at most anyway so do whatever you want, you can even rush the waterchip and then enjoy the game at your own pace


>heavy handed

Also make sure to save a LOT when you have a companion. A lot of times they'll block you and the only way to move is to kill them.

Why does it rhyme?!

Who is this girl (male)?

>dat Vault Meat



You have a while to explore dude. Just don't forget otherwise bad end.

Wow first time i witness a "MODS" happening and it really is not what I expected :P



Poor OP just wanted some advice on Fallout 1.

that's a man

none of you are free from sin.


there's no saving this thread

just purge it

I can't see what's going on. Is that good?

Ahh...the dude that posted the cp shit needs to burn in hell.

>this entire thread

Might as well delete the thread mods.

I like video games.

Excuse me?



What did he mean by this?

hey you good bruh?
