What the fuck Japan?

What the fuck Japan?

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>And now, Attila the Hun!

She's pretty hot, what's the problem?

Is that supposed to be a wedding veil?

So what happened to the Gilgameme costume? Did they really remove it because of gook trolls?


Only censored

at least its not another saber.

I'm offended - white people

What's the problem?

Delicious. What's wrong with it, exactly?

Two things I must know about this game.
1. Where mah boi Lancer at?
2. How is it going to run on vita? Think they can keep up the fps?
3. Secret mahou shoujo Ilya with transforming card capabilities dlc when?

More like, "thank you, Japan".

what do you mean?

Because Attila was actually a very interesting character, unlike meme garbage like arthur and alexander

Saber fags can't stand a new brown delicious taking center stage.

Prisma Illya can never appear in any Fate

>Still no playable Shiki Ryougi..
It's not fair.

The only game I know with her as a playable character, is Melty Blood and that one doesn't even have her stage available.

Brown saber you say?

>Attila Saber-clone DLC outfit, Day 0
>"It's intended as a joke!"

>No Red Archer in the roster

What, are you upset because the game has good character designs unlike every Western game ever? Kill yourself, social justicefag.

She has no reason to be in a fate game.

Genderbent Attila the Hun was a mistake.

Then again maybe not, she is just a delusional alien that deluded herself into thinking she is Attila the Hun.

Not that faggot, but she had no reason to be Extra, and yet there she was.

Tell that to Fate/Grand Order

Makes me feel hot and itchy down there.

Wasn't she a special boss in one of the games already though?
This is the closest thing to a Kara no Kyoukai thread, I have to complain in.
At least that I know about.

Unlimited Blade Works Archer from every other Fate game is confirmed for this one as well. It's basically a sequel to Fate/Extra, so it mainly has that cast along with some old and new variety.

I'm hoping for Tamamo Berserker as well.

I'm hoping they actually localize the damn thing.

go suck more jap dick weeb

I don't understand, it seems like a normal anime style female
is there some hidden thing I'm not seeing?

Why the game is so low budget looking? Type-Moon, Takeuchi and Nasu, those two faggots are now billionaires thanks to Grand Order, Takeuchi bought two custom Ferraris for fuck's sake.

Surely they can force Marvelous to make a game that looks half-decent.

>I'm hoping they actually localize the damn thing.
The fact XSeed has registered a domain for this game has been for ages, time to get out of that cave.

Yes, it's Attila the Hun

He is mad because she is lewd, or mad because TM pulled another "genderbent lol" card, now with Attila the fucking Hun.

Either way OP is a faggot.

So, uhh, that pretty seals them forever making shitty Fate/Stay crap instead of anything Tsukihime ever again doesn't it?

wot, western release was confirmed for winter eons ago

>Takeuchi bought two custom Ferraris

You're pretty stupid aren't you

PC release when?

Its Sony funded they get the majority of the profits anyways in FGO. Nasu and Takeuchi get royalty and work on the game

Ah, ok. Cute I suppose.

>instead of anything Tsukihime ever again doesn't it?
That remake is coming user, have faith.

Didn't Duke Nukem Forever come out?
Didn't Chinese Democracy come out?

and they all sucked.

Rumor spread out by /jp/ and Sup Forums, seems unconfirmed.

Get with the times grampa, its been announced for localization for months now.

Nasu said no Tsukihime for now its all about Fate because he gets Soul games in return

If fate/go is anything to go by modern day Fate designs are fucking awful

>The fact XSeed has registered a domain for this game
I take nothing for granted.

I didn't know it was confirmed. I was certainly planning on picking it up anyways, but it's nice to see thee game getting a certain English release.


Cool! we'll get it on PC in due time. Whew, almost thought I was going to have to buy a PS4.

Btw that is some delicious brown you got there.

Except its a license game owned by a different company

KnK is the only Type Moon show I watched.
I never even knew it was "type moon" til I read some shit on wikipedia.
Are there any other ones worth watching that aren't originally video games?

CCC translated fucking when?

Nah, just better taste than you, faggot.

its TM

Yeah, I'm also weirded out that they made a Saber that isn't an Arturia clone.

Fucking strange is what it is.


none of the adaptation are good, stick to the VNs

I hope based Ozzy gets in as DLC

I already have a Vita, so no need for that.

But yeah, I like Fate/Extra so I say spread it around as much as possible. Convince whoever to allow a PC port of that game, then put out CCC and Extella as well. Xseed can't be worse that Tecmo Koei's PC ports.

Takeuchi is trying to bullshit the clones through other classes, like Ruler, trying to make less blatant.

I was expecting him to be an arrogant bastard like Gil, but he is a total bro. With Dio's voice. My brain is still trying to understand that.

What game isn't a "license" game. I mean only about 92% of games are licensed, so what are trying to actually say here?

>With Dio's voice. My brain is still trying to understand that.
Like Gil's voice belonged to straight up hot blooded characters before he even was Gil?

Its never going to happen Nasu wants to retain full license of his stuff which is why he works for Sony

Marvelous didn't create Extra Type-Moon did and they have the final say and Nasu hates Westerns.

Takehito voices a lot of chill characters.

Like a literal chill character.

Also Bobobo

Also Thugnificent

Oh wait, this isn't even coming to the WEST? It's Japan only? They hell was I smoking?

Welp, no time to read moonrunes so I'll pass on this one. I mean when it comes to these games STORY is important. You don't get Fate and not into STORY.

She can jump dimensions, so why not?

It's due in western territories by Winter of 2016, so probably February of next year.

Okay. So KnK was a light novel at first. Are there any other ones that started as a LN?
I guess I just need more motherfucking KnK. I'll just rewatch it.

Its coming to the West sony only
Not owned by Sony therefore not allowed even when seriously talking about Fate Nasu never brings up Illya

This is coming over here user.


Oh ok. Well then back to the PC hype!!!!

I'm glad Japanese developers are developing for PC these days. I mean there was a time I hated PC gaming because all the good games that mattered were on consoles. But those days are long gone and you'd be an idiot to assume that any Japanese non exclusive wont come out on PC in the future.

Its not coming to PC, Sony is the enforcer of Nasu stuff in the West.

mfw waiting for fate extra or fate anything on Pc

why so sex negative?

There's always F/SN

Alright, alright. IN the future I'll buy a PS4. For now I will at least support the cause and buy the game even if I don't have my PS4 yet.

I am going to get one eventually because I will not wait for Nier Automata to release on PC. I can't.

I don't see what the problem is.

might as well be a numale and watch a youtube playthrough then

That weird bottom part that can't decide whether it wants to be underwear, swimwear or a skirt.



gilgamesh had a nazi soldier costume and that triggered SJW as usual

Why would Gilgamesh even have a nazi soldier costume?

why not all

It was actually koreans

The character models are great, as far as musou goes definitely has more budget and effort going for it compared to the Berserk game, for example.

too barbaric for my d

It's a shit Atilla the Hun, I sure wouldn't fear this conqueror, I would want it to suck my instead.

SJW are behind everything according to Sup Forums
You should know it already

Because it looks strange.

>that triggered SJW as usual
Not them this time.

Because he is a damn perfect aryan, who mused about genocide once (different reason than the nazis, but still) to boot.

Korean SJW then

why would koreans be mad about nazis


>The character models are great
For a Vita game, which this game has as its main version.

This doesn't even begin to look good as a PS4 game.

I'm picking up the Vita version anyways, so that doesn't concern me.