Don't play Lucio

>Don't play Lucio
>An idiot plays lucio
>Holds onto his ult all game
>Uses it in the last 10 seconds when he's alone

>Play Lucio
>None of the offense players can kill anything
>Get gold objective kills and elims

Every fucking time.

>play lucio
>want to push
>tell team
>speedboost and ult
>they run away

>retarded friend can only play one character, and even then he's not very good with it
>our comp team has a really good genji that I can compete with for the gold elims if I'm not stuck playing support or tank
>friend refuses to learn how to play tank or support and when he does he plays fucking awfully so he doesn't have to play them

>playing hanzo/genji
>carrying garbage

You're right, let me team wipe them as Lucio with my wub gun. Not much more I can do than gold obj time, gold obj kills, 20+ barriers applied, and 10k+ healing.

> Play Lucio
> your team is half decent
> opposing team can't even get out of spawn


>we take the objective
>four of our team immediately go out to chase kills, leave LOS of me and the objective immediately
>they don't bother actually protecting the objective
>Pharah comes round and inevitably fucking kills me because I'm Lucio

Gotta get that gold elims bra

>playing hanzo

Stopped reading there

>All the reasons to not play competitive ever again.

>Be rank 60.
>Playing competitive for a few hours.
>Playing against stacked teams.
>Tanks dont push or anything else.
>DPS are to chicken shit to get in there.
>Heals are normally focused on something dumb, a bastion in the corner for example.
>Be playing as Mercy and our entire group cant handle a Genji.
>Literally got ult as Genji struck me down.
>Never go Mercy again, remain Lucio.
>Bitched at cause not Mercy or Zenyatta now.
>Before I know it the shitters have me down to rank 52.
>Quit go to casual play.
>Dominate so fucking much against scrub players I begin picking classes to play as non stop jokes.

I dont get it, why the fuck cant teams work together or have some balls.
Why dont people use Reins shield.
Why do people have trouble with Torbs or Bastions!

Sorry user, this is me.

> hang out on the flank and take pot shots with McCree, try to get into 1v1s
> lose half of them
> never stand on the objective
> never switch to tank to make a push

I know that feeling bro.

>Standing on point.
>We cap.
>Everybody runs off.
>Leaving me all by myself.
>Suddenly hear a "Hi" from behind me.
oh god.
>Turn around.
>Its Reaper.
>It feels like minutes pass as we stare at eachother.
>Manage to give him a Hello back.
>Shots me in the fucking face, kills me dead.
>Squats on my dead body and walks around it in circles.

Because roughly half the population of earth has less than 100 IQ and 15 million people are playing this game.

You could have an IQ of 90 and still figure out how to be useful to your team. I'd chalk it up to a combination of low natural ability AND the fact that people would rather play fun characters and try to engage in 1v1s than try and work together as a group.

>Now arriving in Russia.
>Stand on the ledge near the water as Road Hog.
>Sat in all chat " I HOPE I HOOK A BIG ONE!"
>Out comes Rein.
>Hook drop into the water.
>Alt fire to keep them pushed in just abit.
>Here comes Mercy.
>Hook, drop, into the water.
>Rinse and repeat until somebody stats complaining and telling others to report me.
>Say "Just fucking counter me instead of that Hanzo shit!"
>Here comes Hanzo, into the water he goes.
>Here comes Mei, into the water she goes.
>Here comes Road Hog, tries to hook and misses.
>Into the water he goes.

>playing Mercy post Zen-buff
Remain at your skill rank

This is also a lot of these player's first FPS, realistically. We've all had team after team that just pushes straight down the middle one at a time all game, and anyone who's played an FPS for any amount of time would know basic skills like flanking and positioning.

>Play Mercy because my team is full of shitters that need constant reviving.
>We do just fine until the end of the match where everybody suddenly goes Mcree, or Genji in a shitty attempt to stop a horrible Bastion.
Ya nah, I used to play Mecha Monk before the buff and enjoyed the fuck out of him, but when you got a team who drop like flies you gotta do something.

>Team Comp starts out great
>2 tanks, 2 support, 2 attack
>The attacks know what to do, the tanks know what to do, the supports know what to do.
>Whichever you're part of you're doing well
>Cap the first point with ease
>Cap the second point with little trouble
>Suddenly you just lose it all by the third point
>Other team counters your ults
>Other team kills your supports before they can do any healing, the tanks get picked off easy and the attackers just die whenever they try anything
>All your ults fail to get kills
>Waste 8 minutes going to the same area just to die and die again
>Somehow the other team pull through, defend for the remainder of the time and win the game
>POTG is some ult on 4 of you grouped up together trying to push
>gg ez

If you want to rank up next season, follow the meta, scrubs. And don't "main" any hero because this isn't fucking anime fighter 2k16. And stop blaming your shitty teammates and focus on improving your own gameplay, you little bitch, you're the common factor.

Should I play competitive?
I've only been playing quick and I'm rank 84

>I'm the only good player ever

chubby doggy

Having Mercy on your team is like playing with half a player down. Even Ana is better right now.

>play Soldier 76
>people scream for heal
>drop my biotic field
>they stand right in front of it and keep spamming the "I need heal" command until they die

>literally in the top 20% in every catergory in quickplay as Lucio

Yeah, I kind of am.

Again, had to do something, I was Lucio but the moment they got to the last push and began dropping like flies because nobody knew how to take out a Bastion I went Mercy.

I was hoping against hope my damage buffing Mcree and having him shoot a long distance would work, but all he did was try to dodge roll into everything and stun it.
Rein would not shield Soldier 76 to take out Bastion, and instead would charge into Bastion where he died along the way.

I revived him hoping he would at least throw his shield up long enough for somebody to kill the Bastion but nope, he turns around with his back facing Baston to run away.

I normally go Zen or Lucio because I enjoy being able to heal and fight rather then walk around like an idiot behind somebody.

>Payload ranked with friends
>Me and Lucio combo Sound barrier and dragonblade together
>clear out 4 of the enemy team and yell at my friends to push
>they are all chasing after a reinhardt who is slowly backing away with his shield up
>They get mad at me for yelling at them like the retards they are
Fucking why are people this retarded

I'd tell you to analyse the replays, but the technology just isn't there yet.
Think about what heroes you and the enemy were playing. Think about the ult usage and timing. Did you even use voice chat?

It's even better when you use the group up with me command and they still just stand there.

>no healers on team
>fuck it play zen
>other team is incredibly shit and over secure their flanks, leaving main approaches wide open and indefensible
>team dicking around near the spawn hiding like they're fucking vietcong
>eventually they remember what an objective is and pile on to "hill"
>opponents rush in
>and abandon the objective

Where was your gremlin?


>Ult is ready, whole team right there.
>Everybody spreads the fuck out, OUT OF MY ULTS RANGE TO DIE!
>Just stand on the bridge leading into the dojo.
>Start clapping after my ult is finished.
>Hanzo at least gives me a proper death with his ult and they all start telling my team how fucking stupid they are.

Honestly, it just feels like it's the spawns.

You both get 8 seconds, but they can get to the point faster than you can a lot of the time, they're grouped up while you're not since you die at different times and are scattered because of it, and when you finally do group up you're ulted by 2 people since you're all close together and all die again.

It just feels like the enemy spawns closer to the objective so if one dies, they can quickly get back to where the action is with the team and support them, whereas if you die you can't do it as quickly and if you do eventually get there, you're too late to heal anyone who is hurt, or attack anyone who is low on health.

if you want to solo heal, Lucio is always better.

I assume you mean Junkrat?
They claimed Junkrat was a waste of a hero and not worth the time.

Likewise was to Pharah.

We don't give a fuck what you "used" to be. We don't give a fuck about your "shitty teammates". If you derank greatly and you're rank

>we will never see mei's armpits in game ever


Did your team keep going in solo like scrubs?

They're making it so that the defense has a 10 second spawn time, so that's something.

>If you play support you cant complain.
>Nobody goes fucking support leaving somebody to play support.
I bet you play Tracer.

>reaper ult kills me from above
>close range rip tire kills me
>graviton surge + Ryƫjin no ken wo kurae!
I know I'm trash but ults suck.

>Actually giving a shit about winning in casualwatch
Just play quick play and fuck around, stop being autistic

>Be well-rounded
>Have above-average skill in at least one character per class
>Get into a match
>"I main dps"
>"I main dps"
>"I main dps"
>"I main dps"
>"I main dps"
>Wind up with 4 dps, a disgruntled Roadhog, and me as Lucio
>Mid-60's rank match

Every fucking game ever.

>Me ooga
>Team booga

No, I meant D.Va.
Literally all you need to do to deal with Bastion is to run at him, preferably with a speed boost, with your team while D.Va holds down right click. That requires some coordination, though.

The entire point of the game is teams playing against each other with only one winner. Winning is fun, losing isn't.

>9 days left

You got that skin you wanted, right?

>I good
>Team bad

every time

>[citation needed]

Nope got everything but Muricree and Nippon Genji


Amazingly no, nobody did that, and if I had it to do over again I would and should have went as something like that the moment they began screaming for Mercy ults that I didnt have.

I got the only decent looking costume. The white one for Lucio and the cool new intro for Junkrat.

Nope. Wouldn't matter who I mained, because at Top 1%, I deserve to be where I am.

It's funny, because out of my top 5 most played, 4 of them are tanks/support.

Don't strawman me, and don't deflect. If what I posted earlier hit close to home for you, there's probably a reason for it.

Your choice is to suck it up and be Lucio, or to roll with it and go full retard and pick another DPS.

>Be mercy
>damage boost someone
>they think that makes them fucking invincible
>they charge straight toward the enemy line and get killed instantly

Why does having Mercy around make people turn into drooling retards

>Implying I don't do that to get away from the worst support in the game

>Top 1%

>Don't straw man me and dont deflect.
Like you just did?
Post your rank if you are so fucking great.

So you queue with skilled players.
How does it feel to get carried by your team? I'm curious, because I've never gagged on a 10-inch cock before.

>healer is Lucio
>instead of doing anything useful, the faggot is jumping on walls like his ass is on fire

>people bitching that they cant carry as a healer
if you aren't pulling 10k healing per match MINIMUM you suck as lucio, you don't even need your team to be grouped to get those numbers with him

Because Mercy is literally shit tier right now.

>It's funny, because out of my top 5 most played, 4 of them are tanks/support.

>248 hours on genji
>45 minutes on Zen
>13 minutes on rein
>9 minutes on
>1> minute on lucio

>Have Mercy on my team
>Be permanently down one player in damage and sometimes even be down one player in healing because Mercy hides in a safe spot waiting for everyone to die so she can fly in and get a revive
>When she does get a revive she times it poorly and ends up missing several players as she flies in


The best kind of doges

Fucking no. I've gotten several golds but all are either dupes, or credits. Most of my summer loot is sprays and somehow I'm still consistently getting dupes of those.

>match lasts two minutes
>Didn't get 10k
>apparently I suck as lucio


>top 1%
screenshot or gtfo

I try shooting at people but it can be a pain in the ass. Mostly if there's a Zarya on the enemy team. Every time I get a burst heading for someone's head Zarya pops a barrier and absorbs all of it.

On that note, does Zarya's barrier absorb additional damage for headshots or does it disable headshot damage entire while it's up? Would a Widow headshot count as 300 damage or would it just be 120?

>level 85 when the event started

Such fucking bullshit

>was level 240 at 296 now
Soon lads.

look at your average healing per match on him in stats. if it's lower than 10k then you are 50s-tier

I got everything I wanted, with the exception of Sprinter Tracer. However I'm Lv. 193 and have been leveling like twice a day consistently so will have no trouble getting back to the super-low xp requirements for 201 - 222 before Summer Games ends. Should have plenty more chances to get her.

More annoyingly, I have 171 competitive points, with my Season High being 55. If I can get my season high to 56, I can EASILY get a gold weapon when the season ends, but I've hit 55 four times now and then had losing streaks. If I can't hit 56 within the season (like the next five days) I won't get a gold weapon until well into season 2.

Just recently got to 55.9 and then dropped down to 54.2 after a losing streak. Shit's fucking painful.

As much as this man sounds like a faggots hes right. At least comp stat wise.

So tell me, how do you account for steamy rolls?

The range needs a buff. Like if you step outside of their range you can still get them for half a second.


what do you know, my stats are better than yours.

Didn't mean to sound like a cunt, but it's irritating to hear people say you cant win as healer when thats 90% of what I play

post gremlin dva

I'm rank 50 - 55 most of the time and mine's 13,085. And that's playing him a lot in comp because I pick last.

That amount is how much ANY Lucio could do.

Sounds like you suck as a medic. Go back to Lucio kiddo. A good Mercy and determine the shitters who just need to be healed to MVPs who need that damage boost.

>If you dont get 10k healing per match you suck.
No, that means your team sucks, that shows just how much your team members are bullet sponges and how shit your other support is "if there is another support"

You forgot to add

>lose and drop in ranking again

>Get gold objective kills and elims
this part smells like bullshit
objective kills I could get but elims?

Dunning-Kruger is fucking terrifying.

? they're almost exactly the same. either way you are healing over 12k per game which is good. if you are losing then it may be your ult timing

also just fyi zen is much better to carry because he can easily get 9k healing per game while also pulling over 10k damage

>Most elims: 43

>playing Rein
>ult is ready
>staring down and pushing against enemy Rein & team
Fire Strike me, bitch. I fucking dare you

>63 wins
>rank 70

yeah you just got lucky and had good teams to carry your sorry ass

73 isn't the top 1% i believe, but it's still commendable so good job

>obvious DPS main, but solid playtime on support and tank roles
>top 1%
>exactly what I fucking said
>inb4 microdick rebuttals

What I said remains true. Shut the fuck up and stop whining.

>rank 73.
>Claims to be top 1%.
user, I dont think you can do math, I am sorry.
Rank 73 is not the top 1%, it is more like the top 30%.

My averages are higher in every other category. And I ult when my team's about to get wiped by their ult or when we need an extra 3 seconds on the point. My team just fucking sucks.

Tell us how to git gud with Edgelord

>this is what 50-tiers actually believe