ITT we argue about who's the king of the sweet little lies

ITT we argue about who's the king of the sweet little lies

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Todd's games are playable at launch

I declare this user the king of sweet little lies

When has Todd lied?
Being honest here, not bait.

Radiant AI? That was a reality, worked just like he described in the sense of NPS having a schedule.

Well user, he promised mods and PS4 is still waiting

"it just works"

Todd at least built his studio up before breaking out his sweet lies
Sean was more about misdirection and shit but didn't even wait to establish cred before busting out these gems

Yeah, Todd doesn't lie, he just under-delivers to the point where it'd be nicer if he had.

What is Todd sweet lies meme? He has never actually lied. Eveything he said can be replicated in his games even tho the means is not always appropriate.

tell me lies

Well that Sony's fault

Molyneux is - and forever will be - the undisputed champion.
Anyone else is merely contesting for the runner-up position, or the latest "cool to hate" situational meme.

What if they got together to make a game?

>mods on consoles

wew lad

Sweet Little Lies: The Game™

l o l

Molyneux, without any real competition.

Molyneux has been doing this shit for decades now. He has effectively ruined his own career after talking out of his asshole about a dozen games.

The shit that he said about Fable makes Todd and Sean look like saints.

Molyneaux is not a liar. He has a tendency to promise things that he can't deliver but he actually believes that he can do it.

As for the nu male guy, I don't remember he actually saying that MMS has multiplayer.


>It's not a lie if he believes what he's saying is the truth

Its no the specifics, its the whole "it just works" "oil snake salesman" kind of speech and personality.

Please god I've been trying to find this out for ages: what in the fuck did Todd Howard lie about that there are constant threads about it?

Every single fucking time I try to ask the thread gets deleted.

Moleyneux can lie all he wants because he actually tries to fulfill his promises on top of being responsible for some pretty good games.
Todd lies, tries to fulfill his promises and then just gives up later.
Nu Male just straight up lies.


Nice edit

He tells half truths, things that are shown of are exaggerated for demonstration.

Hand crafted dungeons in skyrim even though each dungeon is the same shit with draugers.

NPCs in oblivion will all function to carry out their day and add to the economy, having unscripted conversations etc.

Graphics are a big one, look at demos for oblivion and skyrim the graphics are turned way down in release, content is lied about too.

I'm sure I am missing things, but it is the package he sells that is the lie, what he tells us is an exaggeration of what is capable in the game.



It would be the most hyped up game in history, culminating in a suicide wave at release

It's missing Jonathan "ding dong bannu" Wu

The only thing Molyneux 'lied' about was planting acorns and watching them grow into a tree which was a pretty insignificant feature they had to cut.

Todd and Sean are just enthusiastic enough that the majority of Sup Forums are stupid enough to let their imaginations run away with them and picture something crazier than the bare-minimum that they actually talk about.

If you haven't learned to read between the lines of marketing bullshit by now you're the problem.

They are like a little babies compared to this developer.

>nu male hipster and liar too

Molyneux made good games, he also had the decency to quit.
Todd is still getting away with it, and worked on Morrowind.
Sean has no achievements only lies.

Schafer needs to be on this list too, after the kickstarter bullshit. Psychonaughts 2 will be a fun trainwreck.

>The only thing Molyneux 'lied' about was planting acorns and watching them grow into a tree which was a pretty insignificant feature they had to cut.
Cutting a tree will make it bleed sap in real time.

Spending time indoors or underground will make you pale, conversely spending time in the sun will give you a tan.

Villagers will begin to copy your hairstyle and clothing if they like you.

And those are just the ones I remember off the top of my head all these years later.

It would be stuck in early access forever, never adding anything yet releasing constant patch notes saying what has changed.
All the budget would be spent on marketing.
It would be kickstarted and never deliver the rewards.

forgetting someone?

Oh please CCP are pushovers. They KNOW their userbase will literally riot if they make too many retarded decisions.

They're probably the most open video game company ever these days. The o7 show every month talks about exactly what the teams are working on.

Molyneux's lies were the biggest and most egregious.

Sean wasn't so much lying as he was extremely vague and misleading

t. Sean

you guys forgot one

remember me

>Infinite Quests
>Radiant AI
>You can play forever
Technically these are true. Boring as fuck, yes, but true.

Fuck guys I'm sorry

Does anyone have a list of Peter's lies?

Todd doesn't tell lies, his words are just misinterpreted by others.


>the king

Sup Forums seems unable to tell the difference.
Seems most people here think that it's a lie even if it's true but less fun that they imagined it would be.


When I hear Todd say something, I always assume it will at least be semi-in the game. Maybe not quite what we were expecting, but it will be there.

When Molyneux says something, I immediately assume it is a goddamn lie and is either not in the actual game or will be cut later.

I still mad about all the shit Molyneux promised for Fable and releasing it the way he did.


It wouldn't exist.
They'd announce it at E3, make trailers, do interviews, then when the release date comes, nothing.

If Todd and Peter teamed up a really good game might be made. Peter overhypes and lies about shit, but has really solid ideas that are never implemented, while Todd always underdelivers. If Peter can sell us the game as literally better than any other game in existence, then Todd will under deliver and Peter's claims and instead just give us a really good game.

Wouldn't that just result in Peters good ideas being under delivered? I guess it's a step up from not existing at all.

Peter > Todd >>>> Sean

You literally can't dispute this.

Peter has actually made good games and his heart is in the right place. He's just held back by limits.

Molyneux just makes up shit he wants to do and then never manages to do it. If he didn't spout that shit on stage it wouldn't have been a problem.

Howard lies through his teeth to sell copies. If nothing else, it's more scummy through intention.

Don't know who the middle guy is.

He made what, one decent standard aRPG with Lionhead and two subpar sequels, and nothing but absolute shit with 22cans. At this rate who knows how much he actually had to do with Bullfrog's killer lineup.

Has he actually lied? He just makes really mediocre games and there is usually no hype and it dies a silent death.

He made one. And even then he was just the "designer", all the legwork was made by a procession of programmers who got sick of him.

Lies of omission are still lies. If you promise something and only deliver a single aspect or facet of it, or deliver it piecemeal through DLC, you're leaving out the "except".

that interview with him RPS did is p good

A brief moment of clarity during post-Walker's death spiral.

The funny thing is, Bethesda actually used to be a reasonably competent developer. They developed a "3D" engine that was pretty damn convincing well before Quake came out. I think old Todd is kept at gunpoint by Zenimax to overhype their games.


What did Peter Molyneux do?


Tameem never lied about anything,sure he was a colossal dick to all the fans of the previous Devil May Cry games and talked a lot of shit but he never really lied about anything

His output with bullfrog is hard to downplay. It's everything subsequent to that.

Have you actually not followed the man's career for the past 20 years? Every game he's made since B&W was fraught with lofty, unfulfilled promises.

Wasn't there something about the kids of people you kill hunting you down?

No, I haven't, that's why I'm asking.

>RPS: Do you think that you’re a pathological liar?

>All those cutoffs and callouts

Damn this was a tense exchange. Fuck Molyneux

you forgot about this guy

I'm baffled that Starbound creator isn't even added to this list like at all. Is starbound such a disappointment that adding it to this list would
make everyone go mad with rage?

The creator of Starbound is a literally who and nobody gives a fuck about that game anymore anyways. The salt has passed.

1.0 was released weeks ago.

Molyneux by a fucking mile.

Todd exaggerated some shit in Oblivion, but he released a playable game that was mostly not bad.

Sean Murray implied a bunch of shit that wasn't true and hyped up his game to a ridiculous degree but in a way that was only believed by idiots. What he delivered was mostly what he promised: an infinite sea of shallow dogshit.

Molyneux straight-up promised shit that was never even planned in development. That "You can plant a tree and watch it grow" shit? He pulled that out of his ass on the spot in an interview. His programmers were like "what the fuck is he doing?!" every time he spoke about Fable publicly. He lied about his plans for developing Godus. He lied about Curiosity Cube being "something incredible." He lied about multiplayer being in Black and White 2. It never happened. He's lied more than any other vidya developer out there, and it took decades for people to call him out on it in an interview. Sean Murray and Todd Howard have never lied as much as Molyneux lied and they never will.


Waiting for someone to post THAT

>YFW Todd is actually behind every toddposting thread to keep himself going for being forced to tell these lies
Haha, wouldn't that just be funny?
Everyone would be shocked by that.
Like seriously, the absurdity.
Possibility of that having is night impossible tho.

Molyneux isn't lying for cash.

I don't see Will Wright here. Second place goes to Molyneux.


Todd tells small lies, but for the most part delivers what he says he will (poorly and sloppily executed of course).

Peter overhyped his games to a ridiculous degree but didn't lie about anything especially significant. He also mostly delivered shitty versions of what he said he would, while cutting the side content that he lied about.

Sean Murray overhyped his barebones garbage game to the point of absurdity, outright lied about some things, and was so ridiculously vague about others that nobody knew if it was gonna be true or not. On top of that, he barely showed any gameplay of his shit game to avoid being exposed. At least Molyneux and Howard released complete games (even if they sucked and were buggy). Murray released a broken game with no content after years of lying/being vague about what was in the game all while barely showing gameplay of said shit game off.

nice try, Todd