When this free game runs better and looks more beautiful than NMS

>when this free game runs better and looks more beautiful than NMS

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Did not know about this game
Huge fucking thanks to you OP

But this game doesn't BLOW MY MIND like No Man's Sky does!

too bad this game is fucking dead

You're just a jealous poorfag who shits on games for no reason.

In game screen shot

more time spent going to planet to planet instead of mining the same shit to get off the rock you're stuck on

>All the planets are barren wastelands with no plants or life whatsoever

Kinda like real life huh?



Did people really buy NMS just to farm and grind?

Too bad its not a game

But that said, neither is No man's sky

I once played Space Engine while tripping and it gave me an anxiety attack.
Haven't touched it since.


I once found a beautiful ringed terra orbiting a beautiful ringed oceana, and both were orbiting a binary white star(s) system.
why the fuck didn't I take screencaps ;_;

>no plants or life whatsoever


farm? hah it's 100% grind

you even need to grind for stuff to power your grind

>That comma splice

>forgetting to back up screenshots before installing new version
Every fucking time

just like real life m8

Are there even barren planets in nu males sky?

Though on the main site you can see no updates for at least a year or so, you can still find beta updates on forum. Flying ships is pretty fun now.

How do people get those great looking hightmaps.
Mine always look kinda meh compared to screenshots posted.

Doesn't it say that it just got an update a few weeks ago?

it's on now

0.9.8 is out on download page.

I really wish some company would license the engine and build a real space exploration/trading game around it already.
It's all so freaking cool and beautiful, but there's nothing to do.

Not to mention this was released fucking years ago.

Thank you, user. I might add this to my wallpaper folder.

Hey, didn't see that. Last i checked was about 2 weeks ago. Thanks for that.

Change Landscape LOD to max in your graphics options. Also try zooming in and then zooming out when taking a screenshot for loading more details.


Is there a reason this game was never put on steam?

it looks really good on the highest graphics settings, but you might have to wait a really long time for it to load

also, on the console, you can place "set LandLOD 2" to increase the quality of the terrain. That's the highest posible, but it really is a gpu killer

I put it on max for screenshots, it loads completely within a few secs but never looks as great.
Some moons have some pretty good looking terrain but still not comparable to what's posted on here.

>thread theme

Also this used to be my old wallpaper. Thanks for reminding me OP

these are so beautiful I fell to my knees and cried

Try finding a really good place to make a screenshot. Decent place and good timing is also important when making a screenshot.

Thanks user, I was looking for some comfy music to listing while exploring.
Getting a little tired of the soundtracks.

black holes are fucking scary

>The anal rash planet


plz no.
I found a BH once, but I was 1.5AU away from it and it still wasn't appearing. I backed away because the last thing I wanted was to have it appear on top of me.

>>when this free game runs better and looks more beautiful than NMS

Made by 1 (one) man

Does the game have realistic orbital mechanics?

No problem. Have another one.


That shit is pretty sp00ky... but why is it sp00ky

1 male > 20 nu-males

because it's actually out there in space right now

In all seriousness, the first time I played space engine it blew my fucking mind like none other.

>Zoom out to see galaxy
>select Galaxy and press shift+F

Could you please stop take screenshots in png? They would look just as good in proper jpeg without taking seconds to load.

You don't grasp just how big "200 million stars in our galaxy" really is until you see it for yourself.
...and then you realize there are BILLIONS of galaxies just like it out there.

You can also get to inside of the black hole.

The last time I tried it, yes, but it was clunky as fuck to control anything.

Reminscent of Orbiter rather than kerbal space program


Alright Sup Forums, its time to separate the men from the fuccbois.

If you were given the chance to jump into a black hole, would you?

its similar to kerbal, but more clunky looking and sometimes it doesn't respond correctly

Youll be dead before you even reach the event horizon if you did that. I would jump into a super massive black hole though, because the tidal forces at the event horizon are about the same as those on earth from what ive read
depends on the size obv

I would. even though you will die it still would be beautiful for the last couple of seconds

We can assume that you would be dead from what we know, but can we be sure?

100% send me into a black hole for SCIENCE

>In all seriousness, the first time I played space engine it blew my fucking mind like none other.

pretty much, have been times i've just turned it off because it just made me think too deep and started having a fucking mini panic attack at the sheer scale of it all.

>Hey i'm traveling 5x the speed of light and nothing is fucking moving

You'd never be able to report anything about what you see back out of the black hole m8

My apologies user, I will from now on.

Observers would never actually see you fall in, so science would gain nothing from your death
It would be a cool experience though
i feel you. ive thought about it many times and im excited to actually experience the level of scale

Space engine VR when ?

it has support for occulust rift


Only if i get to come back as a crazy murderer like Sam Neil in event Horizon.

>when this free game runs better, has more content and is more fun to play than NMS

If you guys like science apocalypse novels id recommend this.

Basically a binary black hole system shoots its way through our galactic plane. I dont remember where exactly it intersects, but its somewhere in the inner solar system.
Fucks our shit up real good. Terrifying imagery for sure.

>imblying im not going to come out in a different plane of existence and reporting my findings back to humans of earth through altering their drug induced hallucinations

>Travel at the speed of light near earth
>You fly by it in an instant
>Travel at 10 000 times the speed of light near the black hole in the galactic core
>You barely move relative to it

Easy to make a game runs well when it looks like shit.

>ive thought about it many times and im excited to actually experience the level of scale

it's also the fact that when playing SE, it is (for all intents and purposes) real. space really is that big, there really are black holes, super massive stars, neutron stars, vast expanses of nothing it's not some work of fiction, it's reality, and we're out there among it all and that to me is fucking crazy

I think it's neutron stars that scare me the most

I feel you bro. Im sorry that it terrifies you, but i find it awesome, in the literal sense

Tell that to Hello games.

hence why I omitted
>looks more beautiful

doesn't make it any less fun to play though

How do you get the actual ships? Never been able to figure it out.
Complimentary screenshot I took.

Press ctrl + f3 for ship menu.

>12 trillion stars
Just when I thought we couldn't be any more insignificant



Space Engine is exactly what it is an engine.

Its basically a walking simulator in space

Thanks lads. Have another pic.

shit thats my new wallpaper thanks user, that really makes me wanna buy a new pc just to run SpaceEngine

Is this more to your liking?

Thanks OP reminded me to update to the newest version


Any torrents?

bait right?



That looks really depressing


why? the install is 1GB, it's downloading significantly faster using torrent than browser

someone post the webm of the camera entering a black hole

what are you talking about I downloaded SE today and not only it looks like shit it's also boring as shit
there's no suns, planets are peanut sized, boring as fuck

Man this galaxy model is so ugly. Also not only this one, but almost every galaxy model in this game. Though planets look very nice, it always bothered me how repetitive and low resolution galaxy textures are in this game.


thanks guys, I've always wanted to be an astronaut
never teach your children to have dreams please