>"What do you mean, this game is not like (Insert AAA game name here)? LOL FUCKING SHIT ASS PIECE OF CRAP GAME"
>"Oh my fucking god COD runs just fine and it's a 10 year old game LOL"
Friendly reminder that No Man's Sky is a indie game you dense motherfucker.
>millenials in charge of ruining game industry
Just give it a month or two, and It'll be better than Minecraft, Starbound and any other meme-tier game altogether.
"What do you mean, this game is not like (Insert AAA game name here)? LOL FUCKING SHIT ASS PIECE OF CRAP GAME"
Other urls found in this thread:
>b-but it's an indie game!
The PC port is objectively bad.
The actual game itself is dull as fuck and you're deluded if you think a small team of 10 dudes or whatever are going to pull a bunch of content out of their hat in a month or two.
>No Man's Sky is a indie game
then why the fuck is it priced at AAA prices?
if it costs the same as a AAA game, then i'm gonna treat it as a AAA game until devs learn their fucking place
if it's an indie game, how come they sell it for 60$ since they dont have hundreds of people to pay but only like 15 ?
>No Mans Sky is going to be sick! You should buy it user.
No one wants to play a game develpoed by a bunch of fucking nu males that is a pointing lasers at rocks simulator.
>"woah man, the planets look so cool. I can't wait to explore them all"
literraly look like they were designed by high school art students who think "good art" is shit that looks like a lsd trip.
>"So many cool creatures! Haha I found a flying rino, look at it's tiny wings. I can't wait to show this to everyone on reddit!"
Fucking stupid procedural developed creatures that all look the same with no interaction. Kys.
>" And there is so much to explore".
literally 6 things on every planet that are exactly the same.
A indie game hyped up by the ignorent populous to be the next coming of Jesus and shown off at every game convention imaginable for the 3 years.
Nobody it to blame you hating the game but the Devs and your dumb ass self for hyping it up when it never showed promise to begin with.
Indie games aren't $60 with a large publisher (Sony) behind them.
Funny, I don't usually pay 60 dollars for indie games.
early access indie game with aaa game price
>literraly look like they were designed by high school art students who think "good art" is shit that looks like a lsd trip.
Yeah nah fuck off. The one thing it gets right is the aesthetic. It looks like Chris Foss art, and that's awesome. Shame they didn't put it to use in a good game.
>indie game priced at 60 bucks
they should get flamed for that alone
>it's an indie game so it SHOULD not work
Alright then, I'm making an indie game too. It won't boot up, but give it a month and I'll fix everything.
Now will you please buy it right now? Can't wait for you to buy it when I fixed it.
>has potential
this is the first red flag of a bad game. no one cares about whats in store in the future. the devs could abandon ship next month for all we know
litterly bought the game on pc tested it for 20 min refunded it then pirated it NOW THATS HOW YOU DO IT NIGGERS
>I buy into NMS
Are we safe? Can we handle it????
It's pretty random. Some people on toasters run it fine, some people on monster rigs get stutters out the ass and wildly fluctuating fps regardless of settings.
If it's an indie game why the fuck is it selling for AAA prices and getting bank rolled by Sony?
For 60 bucks people expect it not to run like shit after waiting all these years.
Mfw the repack of this game is literally 1.7GB, and it still won't convince me to pirate it
I mean, why the fuck would anyone bother
Runs like shit on my 980ti
>millenials in charge of ruining game industry
Considering the game was made by millenials, you're right
>hurr it's an indie game
>60 burgeroos
>Sony sponsored hype train
>lack of actual gameplay
>devs first lie about multiplayer, turns out it isn't in the game, devs CONTINUE TO LIE AS PEOPLE ARE PLAYING THE GAME
>it doesn't even fucking work on PC top kek
>Just give it a month or two, and It'll be better than Minecraft, Starbound and any other meme-tier game altogether.
Starbound is literally what this game claimed it was going to be, and it's STILL roundly criticized around here for its execution. What makes you think No Man's Sky, which is worse than Starbound on every front except for number of dimensions, should be exempt from the same criticism?
you realize thats the community that probably sucks this shit up and loves it.
its the older gamers who probably dislike it. Why? Because they have been alive long enough to see what good games are. How good production value is. NMS is not a good game, so people who know what good games are will call it out
In a way you're right, the customer is also to blame for trusting shady niggas.
>Fucking stupid procedural developed creatures that all look the same with no interaction. Kys.
I actually lol'd at this, well done
>lies to hype
>60 bucks
>dont give review copies
fuck that
>set every video setting to max
>textures are still a muddy mess
>mfw people actually paid for this blunder of the century
this desu
>indie game
>huge $$$ from Sony
pick one
What did he mean by this?
The refugees need more money to rape white people
>$60 for an indie game
>b-but it's an indie game!
then why isn't it priced like one you twat?
>start game
>sit through boring intro
>starting planet fucking sucks, barely any resources at all, and it's -75 degrees
>walk around gathering resources for a entire fucking hour
>game is already fucking tedious, feel like blowing my brains out
>nothing interesting to see, textures suck, animals look autistic as fuck
>20 fucking fps and frequent stuttering, and I have a good rig
>finally get enough resources to fix my fucking gay looking ship
>realize I also have to power it up
>are you fucking kidding me
>walk around for another fucking hour collecting 10 different fucking resources to power my ship
>Have to recharge my fucking gun and suit every two fucking minutes
>FINALLY fucking finish
>takes me a half hour to walk back to my fucking ship
>get in, at least now I'm about to explore space
>the in-game tutorial in non existent so I alt-tab to look up the ship controls
>try to go back to game, it's not working
>keep trying to go back, screen is black and all I hear is sound
>whatever, I'll just force close it, surely it had to save
>boot up game again
>intro plays
>excited that I'm about to explore the universe
>game starts, planet looks different, can't move around
>intro voice starts talking again
>realize the GAME DIDN'T FUCKING SAVE, and now I have to restart and recollect all the fucking resources again
>close game
Thank god I fucking pirated this piece of fucking shit
GTX 1080 here
I often drop to 15 fps
>It's only an indie game guys! jeez!
So you just admitted you got suckered into paying $60 for and indie game?
Wow that's pathetic, you got gyped hard.
then it shouldn't have been 60 bux
Probably because it doesn't have the production costs of other indie games. But like, that's the problem with funding an indie studio. Unless they have an EXCELLENT track record why the hell would you?
Nobody will be playing it in a month or two.
You know what else is an indie game?
And guess what? It even has multiplayer.
pirating this game now, is there any day 1 patch bullshit i need too? or just the GoG release
Oh, and it only costs $25.
An indie game which is $60, so yeah, If they are gonna charge that ammount for this piece of shit, being an indie is not a fucking excuse faggot
3.5 Meme victim here
Playable with FXAA at 1080 but drops down to 30-40 every 5 seconds. Can't really tell since neither shadowplay nor afterburner detect the fucking game.
Just do it user you'll spend an hour or so doing something instead of shitposting.
I'm thinking about buying it. What would you recommend Evochron or E:D?
I don't give a fuck if it's an Indy game, it's a 60$ game and it deserves to be judged as such. Fucking FTL and Risk of rain are indy games and I'd pay more for, over something like this. I spent like 200~ hours in fucking Endless legends and only spent 29.99 for it.
I wouldn't buy No man's sky for anything over 10.
>an hour
What kind of pleb internet you have, faggot.
are you stupid or just pretending
>First solar system.
>Inhabited by a warlike aliens.
>All their planets are barren.
>One system down has three planets.
>Almost empty system, no traffick.
>Only ships are combat ships. Their capitals are highly armored and reinforced.
>Enter the largest planet.
>Highly radiated.
>Rich in very high-quality, expensive resources. Gold and shit everywhere.
>All the animals look like other animals that were mutated. Giant deer, flying frogs or something, etc.
>All their bases are abandoned. Filled with some kind of living plant.
>The very few that had someone in them, had someone who had anti-social tendencies. Were afraid of me.
>Other planet has literally no life and even more valuable resources.
Fucking neat narrative.
So are there even hostile animals or aliens on planets? Cause I have yet to see anything attack me other than the gay ass sentinels.
Pretty pricey for a indie game that also received money from Sony to be exclusive to their console and PC.
Still dosent excuse the shit port.
Yeah, there are hostile animals.
Are you serious guys? If you expected this to run properly than maybe this game isn't for you. NMS was never about running properly, idk where people got this from. Maybe you should lower your expectations, because for me this is exactly what I wanted.
>indie game
>priced the same as an AA game
>Fucking stupid procedural developed creatures that all look the same with no interaction. Kys.
I love the amount of pasta that this game has produced.
12:37 PM - nigfriend: WOW MY FRAMES
12:37 PM - nigfriend: WHY CAN'T I HOLD ANY FRAMES
12:37 PM - c0denam4 fluffypants: yeah
12:37 PM - c0denam4 fluffypants: i heard it's just
12:37 PM - c0denam4 fluffypants: literally a ps4 port
12:37 PM - c0denam4 fluffypants: with some ps4 library stuff in it? not sure if that was true or not
1:09 PM - nigfriend: i take it all back dude
1:09 PM - nigfriend: i am having the time of my life just wandering around the starting planet
normie approved
this is the next "Sup Forums hates a good game"
>mfw my toaster can't even open the game
>better than minecraft
but minecraft has every single feature nu male's sky has, plus a shitload more, with ONE (1) single mod: Galacticraft 3
Dear No Man's Sky Haters…
You. Yes, you. The one screaming, "There's no multiplayer!" and "Sean Murray lied to us!" and other slurs I dare not mention.
Tread lightly.
You are one. We are hundreds, thousands. Millions. You aren't just IN the minority; you ARE the minority. I don't feel awkward or anxious playing No Man's Sky around others, and your words don't affect me. Many others, however, are coming out of their shells for the first time in their lives. This is the first time many are enjoying the beautiful world that has been procedurally generated for us - and it IS beautiful. Incredibly so. DON'T ruin this for them. We No Man's Sky fans may have our differences, but we will not hesitate to come to the aid of our fellow explorers, especially against someone who so virulently slurs that which has brought us all together.
Don't take this the wrong way. I don't hate you. I don't fear you.
I pity you.
I'm sorry that you feel this way towards us. I'm sorry that No Man's Sky is such a bane to your existence. And I'm sorry that you are missing out on such a wonderful experience. Mostly, though, I'm sorry that you feel the need to go around and publicly chastise and berate others. I'm sorry that, to ensure your own validity, you need to make others feel invalid. I'm sorry that your self-worth is so infinitesimally miniscule that you have to make others feel less-than-human, at least in your own denatured mind, just to feel whole. I am truly sorry that day-in and day-out you have to put up with your worthless, meaningless, Shakespearean tragedy of a life.
I ask you politely to cease your unnecessary cries for attention, and instead invite you to join our ranks. Uninstall Call of Duty, start up No Man's Sky, and breathe in the splendour and the amazement of your first planet, and then, maybe, just maybe, you'll see what you've been so hopelessly searching for this whole time.
I believe it's more of a blessing than anything else.
I think that was OP's point.
So how does updating work with GoG? I pirated it, so will I still get updates? No right? So I have to wait until someone throws the patch up online?
But yeah so far, it's a novel game, but I feel like will get old fast.
It's funny because if this game was sold for $20, I probably would have bought it, and it probably wouldn't be receiving the criticism it is now.
I wish ship flying was more interesting.
It's not the 3.5 issue, the game looks like fucking ass. There's no way it uses 3.5 vram with view distance of 5 meters and textures from 1998
>GTX 980
>8gig ram
>win 7
My game runs fine. I do get random fps drops, but i dont get them often that it would anger/distract me.
Played 2 hours so far, it was enjoyable. Would be nice if we can mark the map, i got lost in a cave/tunnel system for awhile.
Looks like tens of thousands want to play it according to the sales numbers.
It costs too much dosh
>Then why are they charging the same price as a AAA and not expecting it to be compared to them?
We will look how it handles after a month or two,at least on PC
Idk guys I kind of like it
So is hating this game just a Sup Forums meme or is there actually something seriously wrong with it?
Its a singleplayer game. Who cares about it in a month or two. You play it when it comes out then forget about it forever.
Then why are you amazed at the fact that people play newly released game? Of course thousands of people play it right now, but this won't continue for a long time, not in player count nor in general sales numbers
Just torrent it
the devs lied about features, and are still lying about them
it runs like shit on PS4's
its boring
it doesn't work on PC
They didn't even use any emulation for different SSE instruction sets, meaning the game WILL NOT START on specific hardware that meets the min specs
That is a stupid argument, OP. They charge 60 dollars for an indie game, and in the mind of the consumer it is no longer an indie game.
Its pricetag at launch is equal to that of any AAA game. Do you understand?
Its physical monetary value is EQUAL in value to any AAA game. Do you know what that says to a buyer? No Man's Sky is a AAA game.
It doesn't matter if thats true or not when that is what it is marketed as.
>Here is the math.
x = $60
No Man's Sky = x ---- Brand New AAA game = x
No Man's Sky = Brand New AAA game
Its on steam it'll continue to sell. They already made a decent profit anyway. All this shit about it being a blunder is a complete lie at this point. Its successful.
Played for about ten hours, could have been something really special with some competent devs on the team. The procedural generation is alright but it can't sustain the entire game. You'll get a chuckle from about one of every 1000 animals and that's about it. Highly doubtful any of the planets will wow you in any way, especially with the PS2 tier graphics.
Once you unlock the warp core blueprint the paper thin gameplay loop of warp to a new universe, land on a few planets and mine the three different items you need for another warpcore, maybe go get one of the suit upgrades if you're feeling adventurous. Everything else is optional.
The in-ship controls are completely braindead. There's no depth whatsoever, you're just panning the camera around. Planets all have invisible walls at the bottom that push your ship away if you fly too low. They couldn't even do that shit right and sometimes if you fly into the invisible wall it just snags you and you hang there in the air until you point the nose back up.
Space combat isn't even worth getting into, it's some of the most basic shit I've ever played. There are SNES games that handle space combat better than this.
I finally gave up when it crashed to the dashboard (PS4) three times in less than ten minutes.
how do people who paid 60 not get mad?
played for about 20 minutes and found it was literally a 4 minute walk to find some materials to repair my ship with walking at a snail's pace
this shit is not fun at all
it's so fucking boring
seriously how can anyone enjoy this shit
>spelling out circular logiclike it's a good argument
i agree with you but this is some dumb shit
Don't take that you feel whole time.on't fear you. I don't feel the first planet, and breathe in the No Man's Sky fans may have to make this their lives. The one screaming, "There's no multiplayer!" and others, and your own denatured mind, just to the splendour and the amazement of your ranks. Uninstall Call of Duty, start up No Man's Sky, and your worthless, meaningless, Shakespearean tragedy of your own denatured mind, just IN their shells for them. We No Man's Sky Haters..
You are minority.
I don't feel awkward or anxious playing the first planet, and the amazement of your first planet, and then, may have our difference. Mostly, thousands. Millions. You are missing out on such a bane to put up No Man's Sky, and invite you.
I ask you have our difference. And I'm sorry that which has been procedurally minority.
I don't fear your own denatured mind, just maybe, just maybe, just maybe, you. The one screaming out on such a bane to your first planet, and the amazement of your self-worth is so infinitesimally miniscule that No Man's Sky around and breathe aid of our fellow explorers, however, are coming out of your existence. Mostly, though, I'm sorry that you have our own valid. I'm sorry that which has brought us all together.
Don't take this for this way towards us. I'm sorry that your self-worthless, meaningless, meaningless, Shakespearean tragedy of a life.
I ask your worthless, meaninglessly searching for us - and it IS beautiful world that No Man's Sky is such a wonderful experiences, but we will not hesitate to come to the amazemention.
Tread invite you. I pity you.
I agreed with every criticism of this game prebuy, but still bought cuz WHAT IF, but nope, we were all right, we were all right forever.
what would you even do with them? why would you do it? quintilion combinations, 7 good ones.
It's not boring user, just super immersive
Honestly one of the funniest things I've seen in a while
Can I be real for a teeny tiny fraction of your life?
This community is fucking atrocious right now. You're all acting like a bunch of whiny, entitled little babies.
A tiny team of people made an entire universe for you to explore. They made it for YOU, and they're going to wake up tomorrow morning and see that instead of enjoying it, this community of "fans" picked out the 3 or 4 things that weren't perfect and are using that to fucking riot.
Guess what? The game was never going to be perfect. It was never going to live up to your hype. It was never going to be everything you'd ever want in a game.
What it WAS going to be was an impossibly big universe filled with mysteries and weird shit. I just played it for 2 hours and it was exactly that. What more do you want?
Is it buggy? Sure. Is it repetitive? Maybe. Is the inventory system imperfect and the multiplayer feature questionable and the structure unclear? Sure, fine.
But holy shit what do these people OWE YOU?
How fucking entitled do you have to be to explore an infinite universe in a spaceship and then say "yeah but…"
We should all be fucking weeping in our chairs right now at the sheer size and scale of the achievement. We should be showering the people behind this thing with the praise they deserve for pulling off one of the most inspiring games in recent memory.
Hello Games doesn't owe you the world. Yet they gave you 18 QUINTILLION of them.
If you have the fucking audacity to complain about it then you don't deserve it and you were never fans in the first place.
>bawwww im a faggy babby
lmao tl;dr
>Lying trailers
>No gameplay
>Secret Mindblowing pseudo-multiplayer proven nonexistant
>Ugly generated monsters
>No dinosaurs giants or massive sand worms as promised
>Terrible tutorial, or should I say lack of tutorial
>Forced to repair AND refuel ship before allowed fun
>Takes 30mins to 3 hours depending on the planet generated for you and your ability to think like a retard to understand the menu system
Why does anyone care if this game runs at all?
its not bad, it just needs some time and patience. Mine wouldnt work for the life of me, i nearly went through several years worth of depression in a matter of hours because of it. but when i got it working, i was like "the fuck i do now" on this planet i was lost. I took my time and slowly started figuring out "oooh so i need to do this to get this". i wandered around doing shit, and finally got my ship repaired, and kept on wandering to traverse the entire planet. I was finding all kinds of cool shit and had to let some go, but by the time i was ready to take off, i found myself aboard a space station, where i sold my things to the market, and made friends with the greeter. It was an exciting adventure of being lost and finding things.
I had my bonus redeemable ship at the ready, but i wanted to take the long road to make my trip worth it. It was WELL fucking worth it.
The people that dont like it are the people that bought it and got to flying right away. It took me a good 3 hours to get in the sky, it was worth the time and effort. i dont think i would have felt nearly as satisfied if i had just gone straight up. If you dont like this game, the adventure genre just isnt for you.
i went from pic related to im really a real life space video simulated space pilot in space!
the fucking with mysteries and weird shit. I just played it then say "yeah but…"
We should be showering game was and weird shit what? The game was an infinite universe in a game.
We should be real for YOU?
Is it buggy? Sure. They made an infinite universe filled with mysteries and scale of them.
Is it repetitive? Maybe. Is the inventory system imperfect and are using to be was never going to live up to wake up tomorrow morning and weird shit. I just player feature questionable and you were never going to be to explore an infinite unclear? Sure, fine.
What it WAS going you'd ever want in about it for 2 hours and scale of they're going to wake up to your life?
This thing with the people OWE YOU?
How fucking riot.
Guess what do the inventory system imperfect. It was never going the praise they made an entitled do you have the most instead of enjoying it, this community of them.
If you don't deserve it for 2 hours and scale of them.
If your life?
How fucking
>made a universe
It's procedurally generated
This shit isn't impressive
repairing the ship was tedius, but that IS the tutorial. that WAS(nt) the fun part.