Fire Emblen Thread

Fire Emblen Thread

What do I do?

Position your units outside the attack range, then in one turn kill as many up there as possible, placing more durable units on the left to guard weaker ones.

Heal up, get people near all the stairs, put people with higher movement closest. Next turn you blitz that shit, take out the two blocking the stairs so the rest can come up, stay out of the range of the dudes on the left and heal up. Also marry Camilla.

If you made it past chapter 10 you can make it past that.

>mfw the fox chapter
How do I hit these fucks? I can't get a hit % higher than 50. Subhumans can go fuck themselves.

Use Effie with a beast killer, proceed to win the chapter.

So guys I bought Fates last night and I love it quick question though because this is literally my first FE game ever.

Can I change my weapon? I want to actually use a lance, its the whole reason I made my competency Cavalier. Is that possible or does the game force you to use to use Yato the whole game?

Secondly, why the fuck is Silias not doing anything? After my second battle with him he now can't attack or defend and is entirely useless, I think his lance might've broke but I bought him a new one and he doesn't use it?

I'm not doing something retarded and forgetting to equip it right?

Charge in and kill all the Snipers. In the process, make a unit shield on the left to guard units against the Spear Masters. Don't worry about the Basaras, they're shit, though place someone between the Ballista and the torch so they have to switch to mag.
Who are you using? Fates is pretty generous with hit%s, especially since you get bonuses from being next to other units.
Or just do this with her or Benoit. Denies you a lot of exp spread, though.

You can not use the yato but it will always be your best weapon. If Silas can't use something, either you didn't make him equip it or his weapon rank is too low.

If you want to take it slowly, then have a tanky character who can reliably attack and kill those snipers go up the stairs, kill one and run back down next turn. They can't chase you down the stairs and Oboro's brigade will run back again. Make absolutely sure that the Spear Masters don't lunge you out of position and into Oboro's range. Also don't stand on the stairs, Spear Master will Lunge you and then block them.

More than likely it looks like your Marx/Xander is plenty strong enough. I question why he doesn't have Defender at level 14. He should be able to Siegfried the snipers asses.

when will the charlotte backpack for xander meme die

What route, difficulty, and mode are you on, user? Out of curiosity.
>I want to actually use a lance, its the whole reason I made my competency Cavalier
Yes, but you won't get Heart Seals for a while and you'll want to use the one you get early on Mozu or Camilla. After that, class change Corrin to Cav and you'll be free to use the Yato. Also, pro-tip: You probably won't want to class change until after Corrin promotes and hits level 5.
>Secondly, why the fuck is Silias not doing anything?
His lance can't have broken, since there's no weapon durability in Fates, so you probably unequipped it somehow. Re-equip it during the prep screen in the inventory menu, or whatever it is. Alternatively, is right and you bought one he doesn't have the proper weapon rank for. Consider you mentioned Lances and he starts at an E rank, I'm betting you're trying to give him an Iron Lance, which he won't be able to equip.


>I think his lance might've broke but I bought him a new one and he doesn't use it?
Weapon breaking is not in Fates so this wouldn't be a problem, now the other FEs? Yeah. Make sure that 1. The weapon is Equipped and 2. He has the appropriate weapon rank.

I started off on Normal:Classic, my rationality was Normal Difficult because it was my first Fire Emblem but classic with permadeath because I am a veteran of Advanced Wars so I can handle myself in these little grid strats, I proceeded to get BTFO in a battle and in shame I nudged myself down so I can get my dudes back until I git gud enough.

I have two Heart Seals now, I'm up to the Port Town when you get Camilla back, I think using on on Mozu makes sense she is unbelievably useless and dies all the fucking time currently, what class do you suggest I change her and Camilla to?

I just assumed the lance broke because Elise staff broke and I assumed weapon durability was in the game for all weapons. Nice to know I'm likely just autistic and didn't hit equip and its not some weird problem, I would still like to know how I came to unequip his original weapon, that will forever remain a mystery.

I'm starting FE11. What's a good difficulty level? Not piss easy but not retarded unbalanced.

Sometimes it just happens. I think there was one other game in the series were Weapon Durability was out, but I forgot which one. Maybe Gaiden? Anyway, if you do decide to go play the other games in the series, it is something you're gonna have to watch for, but it's not an overbearing thing.

Also, forgot to address this, while weapons in Fates do not breaks, staves do. Just to solidify that for you since it looks like you figured that out already.

don't tread on the wall


All right, question time. Which is the best game?

>Fire Emblem Awakening
>Fire Emblem Fates (any of the three versions)
>Final Fantasy Tactics PSP
>Tactics Ogre Let Us Cling Together

I got stuck there and couldn't find a way to survive that, so try using entrap on the units on the stairs, then start from there

in order
>Fates Conquest
>Tactics Ogre
>Fates Birthright
>Fates Revelations

H3 I'd say, no warpskip. For additional challenge, no Wolf/Sedgar.

I played H3 and enjoyed myself.

shut it off and play a game that's not so reliant on RNG

Did you get hit with a 1% or something?

>reliant on RNG

git gud son


Is that Xander's name in the nip version?

Sorry nigga, 94% is not 100%.

which fire emblem game is this and how easy is it to emulate?

Yes it is.
It's Fates, which is the most recent one. Particularly that's the Conquest route.

Fates, and easy. Overclock your CPU core and boot into backstrap mode. Link to urdick processer to cache the mem-boot.

pc peasant pls go

Post yfw

Were you trying to spoil OP or something?

The blood?

Flowing, through my fingers?

No, he said it was a general FE thread, and I just got to that scene a few days ago. I wanted to know what you guys thought of it.


I thought it was pretty standard coming together type shit. I liked the ending cutscene better. Also they're both hot.


Why don't you just "pirate" you're way past, you shitheadded weebqueer.

The story in Fates sucks but it was still a nice moment