>the last videogame character you played as takes a look through your fridge
Are they disappointed?
>the last videogame character you played as takes a look through your fridge
Are they disappointed?
Other urls found in this thread:
most likely
i dont have enough food
Chosen one from fallout 2, alternatively Pudge from DotA 2.
Not really?
Sauce motherfucker. Before this thread gets deleted.
Yeah probably, all I have in there are a few tuboware containers full of chicken and rice and a couple gallons of milk
sinner something
Don't bother, it's unfinished for now
Did you really make a thread just to post this image for a subtle overwatch porn dump
The OP that didn't deliver.
fucking great discussion guys
Post source you faggot
Sauce artbysinner.tumblr.com
shu tup
I didnt know this was a LOL thread
Thanks guy who probably isn't op.
>yfw looking through a black person's fridge
God speed.
>looking through my mother's fridge, where half the things are 4 months past expiration date and the freezer shares temp settings with the fridge
even i'm not used to this shit
Lycan from Dota 2.
He'd eat all my burgers.
>2 empty pizza boxes
>store bought cheescake
>large cardboard box with 14 beers in it
+2 hp
+2 damage
-1 speed
-tear accuracy (15° variance)
They're worried about that horrid smell and that expired salad bag
>but muh welfare
Which is it, you white oppressor? Do they abuse welfare and live like kangz or are their refrigerators barren and foodless?
>not "source"
This is why no one spoonfeeds you fucking reddit nu Sup Forums le epic Sup Forumsros.
Anyone that browses for longer than a week knows no one has posted "sauce" in over 5 years.
I bet you fucking faggots unironically type "moar" too.
>Marked One
He'd be impressed by me having food that wasn't bread, MREs, sausages or vodka in there.
fucking this.
go back to 2004 if you wanna get moar epic sauce 4 teh lulz xD
>Silent Hill 2
There was food here. It's gone now.
Pretty much the former, there are usually some good shit in a black person's fridge.
>spess muhreen
I hope he likes kebab and swiss chalet sauce
who doesn't?
>There are ingredients in the fridge tonight.
>You can make lunch.
>Will you spend tonight making lunch for tomorrow?
Well? Yes or No anons?
There's some pizza hut left so I guess he's good
is ebaumsworld down again?
So is this a porn thread?
When was the last time you went to a red board? Not defending the "sauce" phrase, but it has probably been posted daily for the past ten years.
Killia doesn't have anything to make curry with, poor guy
Spend the time hanging out with Adachi instead
Kek, gotta get that trex mode
>red board
You mean literally only Sup Forums right? Because no one else fucking types like theyre trying to fit in even though no one has used that phrase since 2004-2005."
Only red board i ever went to was Sup Forums to laugh at dindus. Never went on Sup Forums either since Sup Forums was literally Sup Forums 2.0 back about 5 years.
>you can't say that, it's not cool anymore!
Now go back to fucking ytmnd you faggot
cmon Sup Forums this isnt 2006.
do you unironically save rageface comics too?
7 complete
No, I'm talking about /gif/, /h/, /u/, or /s/. Go in pretty much any thread on those and you'll find at least one post asking for "sauce" in almost any thread. Probably the other red boards too, but those are the only ones I really use.
ytmnd actually was good though unlike you sauce le epic moar underage b& MOOOOOOOOOOT fags
And people say summer Sup Forums is a myth. Fucking newfags.
it's posted here literally all the time lmao
summer Sup Forums?
This has to be some of the best bait I've seen in a while. Well done.
Salvador from Borderlands 2
No booze, mostly empty.
Yes very disappoint.
Does she even have to eat with all those bird implants?
>literally on Sup Forums for most of the day, even while at work
>been here before the Shazbowl
>never seen it posted unironically until recently
I remember when entire threads would be derailed from one user posting a word in a sentence that would never normally be posted here.
Doesnt happen anymore.
Shazbowl was a mistake.
Sup Forums was muh sekret club
>Need to pay patreon
Where's the leak
I'm going to start saying lulz and roflcopter in hopes one of you internet lingo sperges sees it and freak the fuck out from now on. Get the fuck over it you fucking asspie
>literally looking up knowyourmeme pages to pretend you're an oldfaggot
you are so full of shit
thanks for the compliment but its not bait.
>you've been to Sup Forums
If you had, you'd know people post it there as well.
Italian Food > Country African-American Food > Mexican Food > German Food > American Food > Chinese Food > Indian Food (If it doesn't make you sick) > Japanese Food > Everyone Else > What the Yuropoors eat
Fucker would probably eat my left over pizza and baked ziti
Calm your fucking tits. Your anger isn't going to get people to stop using the phrase. It only makes things worse
>Know Your Meme
>Not Encyclopedia Dramatica
Kill yourself
Cry harder.
>pasta > cornbread > fucking diarrhea > schnitzel is dank > LOL > cats > actual best > no Thai wtf m8 > poor man's Thai > vomit
>look at all the Sup Forums meme pages I know!
oldfag confirmed.
you're all fucking newfags to me now shut up
I guess she wouldn't care even though she doesn't know what a fridge is in the first place.
>thread about Overmeme
>cries about summer
Sounds about right.
If it's just the fridge then definitely, I only have things to drink in there, my pantry is where most of the food goes since I buy a lot of canned and dry goods
>vanilla almond milk
>half a rotisserie chicken
>some celery that's going to turn to shit this week
>half bottle of chardonnay
>berry/Orange sherbert
>half bottle of vodka
Ill post one of your nu-memes i learned from r/Sup Forums the other day
im part of V now!!
There'd be a QTE to open the fridge, he'd examine the stuff in there until he bursts, and then destroys either me or the fridge.
wow, you've dropped all pretenses haven't you? just go back to you-know-where kid.
>Toredor male
He's just going to be dissapointed and then spend another five fucking hours wandering he ship because he can't pick the lock or feed on anyone
The last Sup Forums thread you browse uses tangential justification to make a Sup Forums thread, do you reply?
I'd throw Mexican spicy salad crap and American hyper-processed sugary shit lower and put Greek/Middle-Eastern (it's basically the same stuff, mild meats and unflavoured yoghurt) on the list. German I'd put higher but all their non-meat dishes are ass.
Indian food is great if it's made for white people. You know, butter chicken and the like. Else it's just trumped-up poverty cooking, bukkaking a dish with spices to make up for lack of actual content.
>bending over to check the fridge instead of squating
what are you, gay?
>Hatsune Miku demo
she wonders where the fuck my fridge is
I don't know if you're a newfag or a newfag in spirit.
>that frozen fanart
i knew this was familiar
Freezer has a meat lovers lasagna and some chicken, while the fridge has some odds and ends. Then there's a plate of brownies near the stove.
Probably going to find the damn kitchen emptied.
I think Mei would like the ice cream because it's cold, and the chicken because she's fat.
She could also help you freeze the celery so it doesn't turn to shit.
What a coincidence I just got this
>unironically browsing Sup Forums after 2007
Doesnt matter if youve been here since 2006 or before, if you still go there youre a fucking newfag.
>A Roman legion is eating all my food
I can't really tell them to leave, can i?
If you speak Greek they might think you're a nobleman and politely bow out.
>True sons of Rome
>Bowing to Greek boy lovers
Aw, that's all user?
Romans loved Greeks, though. Hence half their mythology was lifted and all their aristocrats spoke Greek.
At most you could say that they were tsundere.
DJ probably wouldn't find anything interesting in my fridge, but if nothing else I'm stocked for at least a week.