Why is a game like this allowed?
we should just make a general at some point
Why is a game like this allowed?
we should just make a general at some point
then do it
there's your ticket, enjoy the trip
I gave up at the point where you have to kill 4 robots in a row to get the air vent
They made the game with CBBE?
Will there be a PAWG update?
I am really bad at this game.
post what you've got so far boys
Did you make it past the second room? Because I can't make that jump for the life of me. And can't back on the ledge to try again.
I can't believe how quickly this fucking game has spread.
Is there some easier method of dropping down to grapple ledges? I try turning in mid air but rarely seem to be quick enough and just fall to my death.
>downloaded/installed game yesterday
>just jumped around in the first couple rooms looking at robot ass, figure that's all there is to it
>today figure I'll just run through to see what's at the end of the demo
>like an hour later I'm still playing and enjoying it
I really didn't expect this to be a pretty well put together puzzle TPS.
I'm actually looking forward to playing the full game now.
particularly if there's a lewd upgrade/costume system
Sprint with shift, jump as late as possible
Turn around and press ctrl twice
Between Haydee being so popular over night and that fucking meme dog game being a hit because you can blow up girls' skirts, I'm starting to thing I can just shit out garbage with waifus instead of actually putting thought into my game
does it have gameplay or is it a ludonarrative experience like inside, soma, cancer dragon etc?
Sheeeeeiiit. Link?
Yeah I did get past that. I just reached a long bridge area. Before that I was stuck wandering around and backtracking for about 15 minutes before I found a small grate I could enter.
>Turn around and press ctrl twice
Cheers buddy.
You can shoot robots.
Where do i download this?
It's like a 3D sci-fi version of Solstice.
>Dev samefags another thread
Reminder to pirate this when it comes out. Dev is a VAC banned russian con-artist planning on running a kickscammer campaign.
Dont waste your money :)
What dog game?
Is anyone having trouble grabbing ledges? I can't seem to do it consistently.
>we should just make a general at some point
>we should just keep beating this dead horse, no way will it get old
Stop ruining this game for me
The dev even admitted to shilling the game here the other day
look away from the edge and crouch twice
just mash the shit out of space
But it's literally like one guy shilling his game though.
Shit I wish I knew before:
Ctrl x 2 while facing opposite of a ledge's edge let's you drop down and hold onto a ledge.
All Haydee bodies have important loot, you can't loot them until you kill all enemies in the room.
I saw a gameplay video of this. There is literally nothing that looks interesting about this game other than fat robot tits.
Link to the thread?
you need more?
does anyone know how to get the dildo button legitimately? I could only get it by exploiting an edge you aren't supposed to walk on. Also I haven't found any uses for it yet.
I thought the exact same until I played the demo, it's tough as balls.
He was posting with a trip and even said he was the dev. You act like he was doing it user.
As long as they don't go full LabZero shilling like they did to harvest shekels for Indistinguishable then we should be alright.
We as consumers have been shit on time and again by big game devs claiming to reinvent the wheel.
We're willing to accept an indie dev who's just gonna serve us some trim. And you know what, this game hasn't disappointed me once, yet.
Is that gouraud shading? Kinda lumpy.
Dev literally made a reddit-style AMA thread here. Every response was
>:D xD :P :) ;) :D
Then everyone found out hes VAC banned on Steam. Put these together with the fact the game is basically just a ripoff of 1000 other TPS "stealth" games but is around the 5% complete stage or less and the only redeeming thing is a thick MC, youve got yourself the recipe for ripping off stupid consumers.
Now I'm interested, please link the thread, just look into your browsing history.
Pretty easy puzzle bro. No idea about the dildo. Pressed it in every room and got no response.
And of course the forced shilling and spamming of threads, along with the defense force style responses and multiple samefagging until thread reaches its autosage.
What's a good game like this one?
I'm and I want something more fleshed out.
>browsing history
Go search an archive or something m8
Stop shilling your shitty fucking game here cunt.
Holy fuck, can I get a link to that mod?
Been doing that the entire time and it's to gotten to the point where it's not workign at all.
It's allowed because sometimes the world can still be a wonderful place.
Splinter cell, MGS, Syphon Filter, I mean fuck dude I could go on for days.
Its literally a generic Third Person template with crummy AI and a skeletal mesh of an ass. For fucks sake look at the "Gameplay Trailer".
>walking down a hallway
>crouching! down a vent
>crouching in a hallway!
>swimming in a water filled hallway!
Jesus christ, Sup Forums. What the fuck happened to you.
There are dozens of threads of haydee, can you atleast give me some keywords of his posts?
I haven't played Syphon Filter but MGS and Splinter Cell aren't really at all like Haydee.
H-have you played it?
looks like mirrors edge+portal
it looks really nice to just walk around in
the character is gratuitous tho, idk if first person would be better.
either way who cares my laptop is shit and I cant play it
We werent supposed to have a thread til later tonight
Let me guess, you walk around, search some bodies, get some keys to open doors, swim a little and hang on ledges, maybe shoot a gun, are attacked by generic,unintelligent AI. So, every TPS "stealth" game ever.
Name a unique feature. Anything redeemable that isnt "OMG its got a butt! xD thicc"
The video makes it look like complete dogshit with no good music, horrible sfx, cluttered hallways for a map.
It looks like shit and is being shilled to hell and back.
you mean a random tripfag who used a publicly available dev name did an AMA, answered basically nothing important or interesting about the game, posted with the stupidest fake "lol I'm a russian" "accent" and a bunch of smilies in every post and spent more time talking about a "crush" fetish than the actual game
You've got to be a special kind of stupid to have actually believed that was the real developer and not just someone shitposting and baiting for gullible retards like yourself.
>There are enemies that can kill you in one hit
>That are also fast as fuck
>That also have a tiny hitbox
>And there's a room with 4 of them
Why is this allowed?
search for tripfag posting with the name rekooo
I only remember it because I pretended to be him at one point and used the name for shitposting purposes
These fucking fast bots
>Let me just one hit you real quick
>Oh look I spawned in behind you
>Let me just eat half a mag
>Or maybe I'll die in two hits, who knows lol
So the game has nothing going for it apart from the big titty robot, right?
whats the difference between hardcore and softcore?
The devs name is the same as it is on the greenlight page, hes VAC banned and russian.
Jesus christ son, this is publicly available information.
It doesnt matter, Sup Forums will willingly jump on the bandwagon because "Theres a butt!". Its literally pandering to the outcry of that stupid Battleborn or w/e the shit game was that took away an ass-showing "pose" or some gay shit like that.
It is pandering at the lowest level. This is SJW tier shit.
I mostly like the puzzle aspect and lack of handholding.
Go back to /r/eddit, nu-male.
Seem to kill me in two hits but it's not like it fucking matters since they seem to basically stun you.
You know exactly what game you were referring to, you aren't this out of touch.
Damn found it, thank you very much user ;) :(
>hes VAC banned
A single VAC ban from 2003.
I can't find the gas mask
plz help
No, I dont pay attention to stupid shit like "butts in videogames". That is Anita Sarkeesian shit.
This is why its so perfect. The marketing does itself because its obvious youll jump up and defend the game even if its shit, simply because it has an ass in it! OMG BUTTZ xD
lol fucking faggots getting played like a fiddle
>Being this triggered
>I've never played the game and I'm really jealous of other people's success
Alright you faggots I made a booru and started uploading shit. Help a nigga out if you have something that isn't there.
>using the word triggered
Kek. What some fucking fags Continue to let SJWs define your speech m8. lmao @ ur life
Neither can I
I think you cant find it in the demo
think it's just bad smoothing on the model
>Still being this triggered.
you have to him them in the head.
>The devs name is the same as it is on the greenlight page, hes VAC banned and russian.
Yeah no fucking shit, a publicly known name anyone could have found by googling for information about the game.
The guy posted absolutely zero proof he was a developer, he just used one of their names while tripfagging it up.
Jesus christ you really were dropped on your head as a child, you gullible idiot.
>make uninteresting game with shit gameplay, shit puzzles and shit camera
>main character is the bland default UE4 model
>add tits and ass
>profit as the frustrated virgins crawl to your shit game
Stop shilling your shitty game.
We will pirate it when it comes out, thanks.
SJW pls
I'm going to buy this thing because robotits and support this based slav, and there's nothing you can do about it. Faggot.
Japan has been doing this exact thing forever. We are just catching up.
Pirating. Thanks for the thread OP.
>>main character is the bland default UE4 model
>google it
Still wanna fuck that robot tho
>people falling for such obvious shilling
>i was there when a mediocre puzzle game became a Sup Forums meme because it sexualized a fat robot
>Generic UE4 default TPS template with tits and ass
Meh, ill pirate it when it comes out and send free copies to bros.
>play the demo
>get to the third room
>try to run and jump
>try to climb up
>search the other rooms for anything
>try clinging to the opposite wall
>nothing works
just mod skyrim/FO4 if you want thicc robot tiddies
Its funny how every thread has someone parroting SAMEFAG SAMEFAG when multiple anons call dev out on using default assets.
Really makes you think..
But not everybody uses the same terminology.
People are gonna shit on me for this but I enjoyed playing this more than I did Skyrim.
>default assets.
Based on what?
You're really reaching for it now, nu-male.
Stop advertising your """game"" OP. Its garbage.