Why isn't this game more popular? I found it amazing and I think it's probably one of very few games that deserve a honest 10/10 rating.
Atleast they're making a sequel for it, which is awesome.
Why isn't this game more popular? I found it amazing and I think it's probably one of very few games that deserve a honest 10/10 rating.
Atleast they're making a sequel for it, which is awesome.
Other urls found in this thread:
because it kinda came out of the blue, from a very unlikely devs. Way too many people also like to judge it as a "Portal clone", which really isn't the case. In numerous way at that.
I personally gave it a shot just couple months ago after sitting through the Croteam's lecture session in the NGC16, and I was seriously hooked for the next couple weeks. Got a good 40 hours out of the main campaign, and I believe I might still have some of the optional-ish stuff to do. Finished the DLC just last month, and got another 20h out of that as well.
tl;dr: I love TTP, and I don't know anyone who would not after trying it. Really made me think many things in my life, and that typical overblown Options-menu makes my inner Mustard-race soul cum buckets every time I open it.
Loved the base game but holy shit the expansion is balls to the walls difficult.
Picked it up during the summer steam sale. Felt like Portal set in Riven which suits me perfectly fine. The endings felt really underwhelming though, especially the "ultimate" one if you collect all the star map sigils.
I found it to be boring, repetitive trash.
Dropped it after a few hours.
>the expansion is balls to the walls difficult.
true that. But that's also one reason I love it!
It's such a joy to see the devs crank up the scale and depth of their game and show some true creativity with just handful of actual gameplay elements; ones that you'd first assume they'd used in every way they could in the main game.
Talos 2 when?
>currently trying to get all the stars in the DLC
2017 probably, if we're lucky.
What's going on in this thread?
>currently trying to get all the stars in the DLC
wasn't that bad IMO, compared to main game.
when in doubt, use a tetradodu...a block!
I am in the World B right now after randomly launching it in Steam this week. It's very good, reminds me of portal but more complex and interesting.
I am loving this game especially after playing SOMA as it asks some similar questions about consciousness and humanity, and even plot-wise is sort of similar but tonally different.
it's actually quite fascinating how we got two games of very similar themes and topics within a single year. Hell, there's even hints in Talos that the game might've been called SOMA at one point.
Then again, how many people even knew WTF "Talos" and "SOMA" were before these games came out?
Is there any particular purpose for those hidden viewfinders in world b?
SOMA seems pretty awesome but I'm a little bitch so the horror side kinda scares me off. Maybe I'll man up eventually and try it.
That picture remains me that the Gehenna message board is really well done. Be sure to check it out, if you haven't.
Iirc you can see the statue of liberty.
Who is the worst SOMA and why is it Faith?
there's more than one, bruh.
This game makes me sick. Literally. Which is a bummer really. What's weird is that I never experienced motion sickness before. I tried everything I could in the options to no avail.
Looks like the devs are aware too, but they just don't know how to fix it.
I can imagine it. Croteam games have a really weird "feel" to them, it seems "pure" FPS in some way to me. I can't articulate it.
>that one egyptian zone with the hidden fan that blows you clear across the map into the Pink Floyd easter egg
>spent like two fucking hours trying to jump from the temple roof cleanly on top of the fan
>as soon as I finally pull it off I realize I could have just put a box down and reached it that way
>SOMA seems pretty awesome but I'm a little bitch so the horror side kinda scares me off. Maybe I'll man up eventually and try it.
SOMA is literally just another watered down Amnesia clone, from the same devs. It's actually quite a shame to see the devs downgrade their horror-side with each new game after Penumbra.
>That picture remains me that the Gehenna message board is really well done. Be sure to check it out, if you haven't.
I've already long finished both main campaign and Gehenna. Yeah, it was all great.
No idea why this one would trigger something like that, especially with all those settings. Maybe you should play in 3rd person? Lower the speed?
they're certainly not modernized, casual console-trash with smudge-filter visuals, that's for sure.
>SOMA is literally just another watered down amnesia clone
You don't need to be so dramatic. SOMA is not the best game, but that's ok.
I never really felt it in Serious Sam, it seems to be specific to Talos. At least according to the steam forums.
I tried that too, sadly. I wish I could just stomach it and finish the game but 15 minutes in and I'm feeling like shit for two hours.
I actually found turning the HUD off helped with that for some reason. I actually prefer playing without the display on anyway, I just went with the expectation I should get every sigil instead of trying to pick out specific shapes.
One of the best looking games I've ever played. the architecture and scenry is fucking beautiful, Croteam is pretty based
is there any specific scene where this happens? Just wondering if it could be a certain graphical effect, a sound effect, or something along the lines, that triggers it.
Sounds very fishy that another game running on same engine does nothing, but a calmer paced, comfy puzzler suddenly makes one feel sick.
Without doing some extensive research, trial and error, I can only suggest playing in well lit room, as far from the monitor as you can, and take off the blur effects.
>that star puzzle in the roman zone with all the numbered columns
Felt good to get a proper Myst-style puzzle for the first time in god knows how long
>Why isn't this game more popular?
$40 + $15
Only on Steam also on consoles.
Maybe if it was on GoG, but I'm not inclined to buy the game for that much on the Steam platform. Maybe when it's on sale, and I've bought the other Steam games I'm interested in.
It's quite crazy to think that Talos started as a Croteam's attempt to create more fascinating "calm sections" for SS4, but the idea grew bigger and bigger, and people testing the puzzles found the idea too fun, so they just turned it into a brand new game.
I'm actually looking forward to see how much Talos has inspired SS4 now. More open, multi-path maps?
I think it looks nice but I also see it as almost lazy or some kind of weird inexplicable obsession with LARGE maps set in ancient civilizations. I don't understand this about Croteam. It looks cool, but it's present in all of their games and it is strange to me.
I got the main game plus the expansion during the summer sale for like 15 bucks, the price drops a ton for promotions
It's good to be sceptical these days, but I'd say the game and its DLC have paid themselves back to me several times now. Not to mention it tends to be on sale every other month, and there's plenty of discount coupons floating around.
Hell, this thread's making me want to go back freeroaming in the game. Maybe even start a new game!
The settings make perfect sense in the context of the game though
It all makes sense in the game's context and story. In the SS-games, they merely re-used the good old "Aliens did pyramids" conspiracy theory that even Stargate used.
It does, but that still doesn't mean it's a setting present in every one of Croteam's games and that often looks identical to other maps.
I still need to play the dlc, but the base great was great. The Egypt section is really relaxing.
doesn't not mean*
Nah, all the time. I even went as far as to run the game with minimal options but it still didn't help. Something funny I just noticed though: just looking at your screenshot triggers it. The details are too present or something, it's hard to concentrate on the center of the image.
I don't really know how to explain it. Something just feels off.
maybe i'm a moron, but the last couple of tests before the tower were fucking brutal.
The "lore" of the game was fucking awesome though. Really enjoyed the reading alot of the passages and actually felt connected to the "protagonist" lady in the readings/logs which was cool since it's not like there was any actual relationship. The change in her tone as the game progressed and as you learn what happens was fun. wow, i sound like a douche, but i actually genuinely enjoyed that game.
>and I think it's probably one of very few games that deserve a honest 10/10 rating.
>really relaxing
Probably a depth of field thing.
what are you trying to say with this post?
The puzzles are ok. The story they tacked on is pure cringe.
Pretty sure he's agreeing "QFT"
That is pretty fascinating.
Not meaning to alarm you or anything, but your case sounds almost like an actual physical issue. Maybe something to do with your eyes? Worst case scenario, a blooming case of mild epilepsy?
I could theorize that the Talos' visuals are so detailed and sharp, that your eyes try to focus on something in the image, while it's still just flat screen in reality. If it's something like that, I guess you could try to play the game from further away, like literally plug the thing to a living room TV and play from a couch (you can increase the HUD and computer panel Font-size from options).
Maybe also drop the 3D Rendering Resolution to 720p, use Sharpen Bicubic scaling-filter and some decent amount of AA? Also, perhaps you should NOT use the "Vivid" Color mode?
...sorry, this is just truly fascinating stuff, no matter how unfortunate pain in the ass it must be.
I would say it's because it's too repetitive, the text and audio excerpts are always equal, they don't evolve...and even the puzzles get boring a lot of times. but still the best puzzle game of the few years besides everything
I liked it a lot but area C dragged a little, the plot starts getting heavy and instead they increase the length and number of puzzles you have to do before Milton pops up again.
>I would say it's because it's too repetitive, the text and audio excerpts are always equal, they don't evolve...and even the puzzles get boring a lot of times.
Huh, can't say I ever felt like that. I was all sucked in the world and plot, and loved exploring every nook and cranny.
>The TWO Stars in Gehenna-2 Pit
Good GOD, man.
>Redirecting beams into redirecting beams into "FUCKED UP, DAMNIT"
>Into redirecting beams into moving the cube 2 mm to the left
>Redirecting beams
>First star get
>Spend next hour trying to get star 2, thinking you do it by flipping both switches, when those are just there to get off the crazy train
>Finally figure it out like a brick to the head
Legitimately, they pulled out all the stops for Gehenna.
Is this more focused on puzzles or story? I'd be up for a story-centric game.
My guess would be contrast, the brights and the darks are really start but still really side by side, I've seen reviewers comment that Talos just looks really high contrast
Mostly puzzles, but there's a good bit of story through narration and text. You're never taken out of the game experience.
I like watching my dad work out the gehenna puzzles
I wouldn't say 10/10, but it is high.
By the end, you pretty know well what you have to do with the puzzles just by seeing what items they give you. Some of the star puzzles are pretty fun, though, like area C where you have to bend a laser through like 3 puzzle areas.
Have you tried reducing the colors?
It's a pretty good game yes, if they made a really good sequel it'd easily be a 10/10
It's got a lot of content in it and tonnes of easter eggs to find
If they made a sequel, it would probably be a totally different type of puzzle game if a puzzle game at all, cause unless they retcon the ending, there's really nowhere to go but into the world beyond, which would probably devolve into a more adventure/exploration-oriented game with puzzle elements.
No user, you don't understand.
The "outside world" is a simulation designed to test you.
I'd say it's very well balanced.
Everything you do has a story-specific meaning.
There's tons of optional bits and pieces you can gather up.
All things said and done, I do really recommend this game, and would not wanna spoil it.
I suppose you could have the androids rebuilding and making more androids on the desolate earth
You could have puzzles taking place in overgrown abandoned cities.
That said, don't play this game if you don't like tough puzzles. It's not exactly an easy game, though the really difficult puzzles are optional.
>Took millions of simulations to make a working prototype for an AI that has a barebones chances in hell of surviving yet another Simulation, run simultaneously to thousands of others all over the world and now, they're all vying for the #1 AI spot at the end of Sim 2
That would be scary.
2deep4u name, looks like numales pretentious indie garbage game. This is probably like 80% of the people who didn't play the game think
the cover art looks gay af
Honestly? Simulation in a simulation is the only way I can see a direct sequel happen. Any real world interaction would be fundamentally different, since y'know, real life isn't made of puzzles.
>Any real world interaction would be fundamentally different, since y'know, real life isn't made of puzzles.
not him, but I had discussion about this with a buddy earlier, and we came up with an idea that you explore the world in the "real world", looking for important gadgets and stuff, but you may need to "jack in" to various VR environments and solve puzzles there, in order to activate and do some things in the reality. Kinda like fancy SS1-style hacking.
That sounds like it could work, actually.
I enjoyed this post, thanks for writing it senpai.
I have this same problem, playing in 3rd person and changing the FOV helped somewhat
I loved it. Favorite game of 2014 definitely. I'm not even a fan of puzzle games but this shit just blew me away. I must've played through it at least 5 times.
Eyes were watery during the last audio tapes. Not gonna lie senpai.
Heavenly Clouds is a beautiful soundtrack.
Same here lad.
>Then again, how many people even knew WTF "Talos" and "SOMA" were before these games came out?
I was familiar with both soma (the drug from a brave new world) and the talos principle (the greco roman story) since I graduated high school almost a decade ago.
i expected a really fun puzzle game. i got that and a nice little story to boot. road to gehenna was the real shit though god damn was some of the puzzles hard.
Not him but the 720p and sharpening did it for me. Thanks, mate.
You're welcome, kohai...?
Not used to see posts like... THAT, here.
Glad to hear I could help!
Very interesting case you got there. I'd check your eyes and gaming habbits sometime in the future, just in case bro.
Holy shit, this
Spent like 2 hours on the first star and another 3 on the second, i just wanted to sleep so i had to check online how the fuck do you do it, and the solution was literally the only thing that didn't come to my mind
fucking hell
>when you finished nexus and got on the fan at the end and looked down at the lasers
>Why is this puzzle so goddamned easy?
Even the witness is better than this game
Should I focus on getting the stars on my first playthrough, or just on enjoying the game?
I basically got through the first world without realizing that stars are important, only picking up a couple. Should I go back and get them now, or could I get them after finishing most of the game?
>just 70
step it up, son.
You can always go back and get them so long as you don't end the game I think
I belive you can retrieve them all before finishing the game.
Heavy stuff.
play it as you please.
You can go back for the stars and everything else whenever you want. Just enjoy the game for your first play.
Is this in the DLC? I don't remember this area.
Looks great, story is pretentious and uninteresting, puzzles are either way too easy or way too obtuse and they're unrewarding either way.
I've got better ways to spend my time.
Bridge is DLC Area 3 IIRC.
Did anyone else cry at the ascension ending? dunno why that got me, never before has vidya made me cry
also i had the easter egg kitten by accident, didn't help the feels
Same here, senpai. Feels pretty weird in retrospect.
If haven't, you should check out the link above for some extra tears.
It directly ramps up in difficulty from the end of the base game. It's meant to be played afterwards.
Soma is greek for body though. Which makes more sense as a title
I wonder if they considered multi-player at some point. If you look at the console while playing, you can see loosely related stuff.
Got this game for $14 New Zealand through Steam and absolutely loved it. Finished the whole thing without guides/messenger help and even got around 15 stars although I didn't spend a huge amount of time trying to get em
Big stairs, little stairs is the only puzzle that nearly broke me. So worth it though
I liked the puzzles, but I couldn't understand the story
Wikipedia and a few other places have a pretty neat summary. Check it out, friendo.