ITT Post the best game from a developer.
Catherine is easily the best game from Atlus.
ITT Post the best game from a developer.
Catherine is easily the best game from Atlus.
From Square, or from Takahashi? Because I think Xenosaga 3 is better than Xenogears.
>hurrr I'm 30: the video game
it's pathetically bland and uninspired for a subject like this.
games shouldn't try to make great story when tons of books already did it better before.
"You shouldn't express how you feel because someone else did it better than you before"
Do you even understand what art is m8?
Catherine is a great game, but it is way not the best game of ATLUS when they have done things like Persona 3 and 4, and Radiant Historia.
Because it actually finished its plot lines, had a decent combat system with alright balance and difficulty curve, and it looked and sounded much better.
I prefer the Xenoblade games, desu, but of Takahashi's early works, I think Xenosaga 3 > Xenogears > Xenosaga 1 > Xenosaga 2
> Persona 3 and 4,
Please, just leave.
Katherine > Catherine
Odin Sphere Leifthrasir from Vanillaware. GOTY 2016.
You mean P Studio right? Because that's the only good game they've ever made.
I remember playing the demo of this for way too long. Wasn't 3 the better one though? Never got around to playing any of them.
>Some people have never beaten Catherine on Hard
>They had to release a special version with super easy because people were that bad at puzzles
>mfw trying to get Gold on Hard
not at all op. that block climbing shit was absolutely fucking horrible
the story bits and all were neat and fun but the actual gameplay is pathetically bad
>that dude who doesn't know how to EDGE
>video games
3/10 I replied
Good taste
>Pussywhipped: The Game
Who would play this?
Goddamn, I've seen a good amount of Catherine threads recently. You're making me want to start up a new game.
Why do so many seem to dislike this? I absolutely love open world Mario games and though some of the levels made me want to fucking swallow a socket wrench with how needlessly hard they were, I enjoyed it a bunch. Never ended up completing it though lole
Objectively incorrect
I'm not sure if BL2 or Battleborn is Gearbox's best game.
BL2 certainly has more total replayability but starts to get boring after the first two playthroughs.
>Wasn't 3 the better one though?
Nah, slapdash with a Captain Planet vibe compared to 2. Even 4 was better than 3's mess.
My nigger.
The Ace Attorney Team, I don't know what they are technically called. And I don't want to say all of Capcom, that is a tough decision they have made some damn fine games.
There was a fourth game?
>Great graphics
>Great music
>Great story
>Great gameplay
>Great difficulty
>New game + is amazing
It did start to get repetitive near the end though
Shu Takumi and friends
My nigga, Ghost Trick is one of my favorite stories in any game, gameplay and animations were both one of a kind too.
>all those re-use bosses
The relatively new one made by some other company.
Which wasn't particularly good, I just really wasn't a fan of 3's direction.