Name 1 (ONE) 3D game that is harder than Souls.
You literally can't
Name 1 (ONE) 3D game that is harder than Souls.
You literally can't
Other urls found in this thread:
Bad rats
No man's sky
ninja gaiden (any except 3 and RE).
what do I get?
Lovely Planet
Eat a dick OP.
>I've never played anything by FROM SOFTWARE pre-Dark Souls
DC:SS and Furi
King's Field 1 and 2.
ALSO by Fromsoft.
Serious Sam Second Encounter
You never played Lovely Planet that much is obvious. Still though should have guess OP was a shit anyways.
King's Field is just first person Demon's Souls at a quarter the speed.
Precisely. Which makes it much more difficult.
It is the Souls of Fromsoft games.
The camera controls are what actually make it difficult.
Devil May Cry 3 on hardest difficulty
or bayonetta
Sonic 2006, Cool Spot, Aladdin on sega genesis and I can keep going
Souls games are easy.
op made a b8 thread
Super Mario Sunshine. Sue me.
Ninja Gaiden.
That was easy. fan of both franchises but Dark Souls doesnt compare to Ninja Gaiden when it comes down to difficulty.
Souls games are like a grenade and Ninja Gaiden is like a nuke.
Ninja Gaiden is a joke compared to Souls...
Dumb frogposter
Devil May Cry 3, not the special edition.
Can I go now?
Don't get me wrong I love both franchises and I like Souls games a bit more in general. But difficulty wise Ninja Gaiden wins by a mile.
Monster Hunter
Most Ninja Gaiden games
People need to stop pretending Dark Souls is hard.
great argument
souls isn't even hard, you basically get infinite tries and just grind for souls if you want
>le anonymos man voice
dropped immediately
Kirby and the Rainbow Paintbrush.
souls is only hard with a pleb build or if you're retarded and don't pick up on monster animations, it doesn't really help that almost every monster ends up having the same kind of pattern so it's pretty easy once you learn how to dodge
also depends on what kind of difficulty you mean
like, trying to beat battletoads with more than one player? shit was hard as fuck
devil may cry on the hardest difficulty had some hard games
amusingly i think cod on max difficulty on console was fucking retarded, you had to play like a slug and let the ai do everything for you because if you tried to shoot back you'd end up dead, the only thing that made it beatable really was checkpoints, most people still died repeatedly tho
Lovely Planet is challenging, but the short length of each level makes it fairly easy to master the game through practice and memorization. When I first started the game, I thought it was hard as fuck, but I had three stars on every level within a few days.
I never played Dank Souls, though, so I can't really make a comparison.
combat amphibians
Monster hunter.
Try to solo G rank and you are gonna get your ass so blasted so many times that you will start to lose your shit.
i've played every 3D Ninja Gaiden game and every souls game many times over.
the Souls games are not naturally difficult, they are just punishing.
if you are not patient in a Souls game, you can die and lose the past hour of progress that you've made. if you are not observant in Dark Souls, you can get hit by a boulder rolling down stairs. if you are not thorough and skip past sections without checking every nook and cranny, you can be ambushed by an enemy (or multiple enemies) and die, once again losing progress. none of these things equate to difficulty, though. is it hard to kill most enemies in Souls games? no, not really. is it hard to figure out how to beat most bosses in Souls games? again, no. most enemies have slow and very obvious movesets, and they just require the tap of the dodge button or holding block. that's it. then you attack. there's no difficult tells to learn, no complex combos or pristine timing to master. you just exercise patience and attack when it's your turn.
with Ninja Gaiden, have to learn combos, timing, enemy tells, each weapons' strengths and weaknesses, boss battles, dodging, overall movement on the battlefield...there's just so much to learn, so much to master, so much to practice. if you want to master the game, it takes an incredible amount of practice, patience, study, and most importantly...skill.
if you watch a master Ninja Gaiden player in action, you can tell they're a master. they're going to be doing things you simply can't if you haven't put the time in. if you watch someone who's spent hundreds of hours on a Souls game, though...they're going to be doing mostly the same things that a person who's only beaten the game once will do. with the exception of a few tips and tricks the more experienced player might have picked up along the way.
TLDR; Ninja gaiden is harder.
>skill-based game
choose one
also I haven't played a souls game since the first dark souls but doesn't this game have rolls which give a bunch of invincibility frames?
I am really shitty on most games and I dont get it when people say that ninja gaiden is hard.. played tons of games in the franchise and it was hard but not much harder than any other game. Dark Souls 2 is hard but once you understand the mechanics it's easy. There is a sword you can get when you start and you just needle everyone with it. Super easy when you know this trick.
Once you've played one souls game, the rest become a cakewalk in comparison.
I played Bloodborne and it was darn hard the first 2 bosses but you gain momentum and you gradually become a better player.
I was actually stunned at how easy I found Dark Souls compared to my first playthrough of Bloodborne,
Monster Hunter and DMC3
Ninja Gaiden
It took me like a week or two from when I first started Ninja Gaiden until I beat Master Ninja. Get over yourself you clown.
You've obviously never played Monster Hunter.
Is this webm supposed to convince me that Ninja Gaiden is hard?
I don't know, is your post supposed to make me believe you're arguing in good faith and not judging answers on arbitrary personal qualifications?
>playing a skill-based game on a cramped handheld with a mushy d-pad, a nub for a stick, and shit triggers
Any Serious Sam and Painkiller.
If you're talking about the standard difficulty then you're full of shit.
Ninja gaiden is no harder than any other game unless you crank up the difficulty level. No idea why it got famous for beating "so hard". I beat NG Black when I was 12.
it's supposed to convince you that it's harder than dark souls
Why multiple have been mentioned and you just kept yourself in denial.
Emulate FU for good old pain in the ass.
Come here and tell me that it is not one of the hardest if not the hardest 3D game out there.
any maximo game
>standard difficulty
Can you idiots stop acting like we know your shitty games from these broad abbreviations?
Medal of Honor: Allied Assault
You've obviously never played Monster Hunter.
>Dark Souls
>wow this game is so easy when I summon 3 other people to fight everything for me
Monster hunter freedom united, go emulate it and cry me a river because how hard it is.
I know that most of the people dropped the game after being ass raped by the village tigrex.
No jeckling here bro but are you fucking serious? I am halfway through the fog part and can't even beat some of these levels. Forget even getting 3stars. Howd you do it?
Given that the comparison is to the standard difficulty of souls it's fair.
ANYTHING on the hardest difficulty level is going to be harder than dark souls on NG.
Ninja Gaiden 1-3
I'm sorry but monster hunter is really fucking easy. Some of the multiplayer only bosses get really hard if you try to solo them, but the single player is dead easy. I never failed a mission in the single player of 4 until like rank 8, and even then I never failed twice.
Souls isn't that hard but monster hunter us even easier.
>Didn't work once
>Gotta try again with full caps
Here have a (you).
Salt and Sanctuary by far
God Hand
Oh, my bad.
I find it amusing I can just keep saying the same thing to debunk your posts.
You've obviously never played Monster Hunter.
simbly ebic
I know MH is not hard though because literally every other game Nintendofags say is hard is piss easy
I did say in my previous posts that solo G rank is were the shit hit the fan not village or high rank, any shitter can solo that, but solo G rank is a completely different beast.
dumb frogposter
Fuck dude. I still sometimes watch OnlyAfro videos but I don't fucking brag about. Thats something you need to keep inside and never speak to anyone about. Its trying to bring up anime in a conversation IRL. Everyone around you instantly labels you as a faggot.
Even with the ironic smiley face I know you watch those videos.
ITT: people try to argue about something subjective as if it is objective.
ninja gaiden black, god hand, fade to black
But MH is originally a sony franchise.
Well, you walked straight into that one.
Dark Souls is more cheesy than it is hard. Once you go through it once or twice, it's an easy game. Monster Hunter, you can still get your shit wrecked even with years of experience with the game.
Bubsy 3D
That guy propably just played DS and nothing else. MAYBE he just has seen some Let's plays because he reeks of underage.
That's the point you mongoloid. Any game where you can sit back and let other people steamroll it for you isn't "hard." It only becomes hard when you arbitrarily ignore core features that are there to help you, aka a self-imposed challenge, which you can do in just about every game ever.
Any fighting game really.
Might as well add MOBAs to that list as well, based on all the crying and bitching from bads I see on Sup Forums.
But the game is obviously designed around single player with the multiplayer tacked on. If you're playing the game as it was intended by the devs when they were designing each section then it's decently challenging. If you go out of your way to make it easy then of course it's not going to provide a challenge. Presumably the people who complain about it being "too hard" are referring to single player.
I could call any game easy if I use console commands to win (it's part of the game bro!). Doesn't make for much of a solid argument.
any monster hunter
....which was also on a handheld.
Wow it's literally nothing
MH has been exclusive to Nintendo platforms for a good long while so Nintendofags have overtaken the series.
I don't think you can refer to the "difficulty" of a multiplayer game since it's entirely determined by your opponent.
Unless you're referring to arcade mode that is, in which case you can usually beat arcade on the highest difficulty of any fighting game by just spamming 1 or 2 moves and exploiting the bad AI.
Absolutelly false.
Try beating Soul Calibur IV on very hard spamming 1 or 2 moves.
>4 and generations are the only games in the entire franchise (out of like 8) that are exclusive to a Nintendo system.
>Dark souls
get your shit together.
Vanquish God Hard.
Bayo NSIC.
It's been only on Nintendo platforms since 2007 you fucking idiot
No it isn't you retard. Demon's Souls is an arcadey straightforward action game compared to King's Field, which is a proper dungeon crawler.
>But the game is obviously designed around single player with the multiplayer tacked on
Says who? Multiplayer has been one of the primary selling points of this series since Demon's Souls. It's a core feature and several aspects of the game revolve entirely around it.
>console commands
Not every game has console commands available, and no, overriding the game's default configuration with mods or console commands is not even remotely equivalent to using one of the built-in, major advertised features of the game.
Every game can be hard if you limit yourself with enough self-imposed challenges, but not every game is hard even when taking full advantage of every feature and option the game gives you. Dark Souls stops being hard the moment you summon a phantom for help. Hell, in most situations, it stops being hard once you start using magic or poison arrows. Are those not "the intended way" to play the game either?
MOBAs are not hard per se because they are determined by how bad your team is and who are you facing.
Also that genre suffers from the worst case of METAGAME I've seen in years of vidya.