Why did this board turn into Sup Forums and /e/ 2.0?

Why did this board turn into Sup Forums and /e/ 2.0?

Through dick, unity.

This is why weebs must die.

haha hilarious meme! japs are so le based xD

>/e/ is full with threads about animegirls because Sup Forums is sane enough to get that this still isnt discussion about the anime itself
>mention that those "hurr post vidya ass xD" threads belong to /e/

I agree, ban all thickposters
>Sup Forums
what the fuck are you talking about? Do you get mad at anime reaction images?

u tell me

With the amount of shitposting, I'd say Sup Forums or Sup Forums 2.0

better then being Sup Forums 3.5

>Sup Forums is always enforced on topic as it should be
>Sup Forums despite having the simplest rules have all sorts of threads

I sometimes wonder if moderation really is global.

Yeah but I don't like Sup Forums posters so I think Sup Forums is shit. I don't like Sup Forums posters much either though so I guess Sup Forums is even more shit.

What pisses me off is the fact that sometimes I see threads that are really interesting that still die with 50 replies while threads with blatant waifu and /e/ posting usually last for fucking hours despite having literally no discussion going on at all. Says a lot about the posters frequenting this board.

the big problem is that video games encapsulate everything. name any board, and ill make up a thread that would work here

ironic shitposting is still shitposting


I'm sorry I just get so mad I have to shitpost to let it out.

containment boards dont work, thats why you still see bronies sometimes.

weebs do exactly the same as bronies, both are fucking cancer.

its not anime posters, its avatarfags that ruin it. youll see 30 posts and its alllll coincidently the same moeblob and while technically they arnt a namefag, theyve deliberately left something as an identifier.

t. reddit


>not every fucking second of every fucking minute of every fucking hour

its doing okay. i still think the board should go tho.

just replace that picture with a mlp picture, and thats basically the same what bronies do and behave.
weebs and bronies have similar levels of autism.

oh fuck, that ones actually a stretch, BUT: you know those vidya merch threads. like "subtle vidya clothing", im seeing

"have you ever made anything from a video game? any models, projects, shirts or origami?"

>Sup Forums
>containment board

Why did you turn into a bitch ass nigga, OP?

t. reddit


>we go there, posting about Sup Forums vidya
>they come here, posting about Sup Forums vidya

toppest of fucking keks. heres the news, bruh. almost every Sup Forums poster plays vidya. few Sup Forumsaggots watch Sup Forums.

that makes you a subset of us

>he doesn't want Sup Forums to become /e/ 2.0

Who knows

>Sup Forums vidya
Do you not understand that it is a video game, and therefore belongs on Sup Forums? If it was an anime about a video game it would go on Sup Forums.

that's because it's forced. that's litetally all they come to Sup Forums to die. if a mod deletes their thread for being off topic they post it again. this happens in a never ending cycle until the mods give up. these permavirgins will ban evade all through the night if they have to because this is literally the only thing that brings them happiness in their pathetic lives. whenever you see one of these wafiu threads just let them have it and don't get mad but feel sorry because without it they would literally end their existence.

did you not understand that its anime, and therefor belongs on Sup Forums? if it was a videogame about anime, it would go on Sup Forums

Sup Forums was a place for people who watch anime to discuss vidya
The reverse doesn't really apply

September 30: moot announces Sup Forums.net in Something Awful's ADTRW forum. Thread is titled "Sup Forums.net - English 2chan.net!"
October 1 - Sup Forums is founded by moot, a member of the Something Awful forums, intended to be used as an English version of 2chan, a Japanese imageboard created in 2001 out of an extremely popular Japanese BBS called 2channel. moot creates Sup Forums (Anime/Random) and makes a topic at Something Awful and world2ch about the website, which is received extremely well. moot also holds a contest to decide what Sup Forums's logo should be. Within three hours of creating the contest, around 50 banners are submitted, after which moot decides to simply make it so that it would cycle through the best banners randomly every time a page was loaded.
October 2 - Sup Forums's hosting company receives an e-mail complaining about "lolikon and guro posted in Sup Forums, to which moot writes back that neither of the two is illegal. Later in the day, moot creates a second board, /h/ (Hentai). The email was sent by Shii/Menchi because the people of world2ch felt Sup Forums ripped them off (Which is inaccurate, since world2ch was a sister site to 2ch and Sup Forums was a sister site to Futaba/2chan) moot later befriended them. The rules page describes Sup Forums as a test board which will later become an anime board. moot describes Sup Forums in a news post as "a retard bin".
October 6 - moot creates four new imageboards: /c/ (Anime/Cute), /d/ (Hentai/Alternative), /w/ (Wallpapers/Anime), and /y/ (Yaoi), along with an oekaki BBS board. The /y/ board is unique in that (at the time) it was user-moderated. moot also fixes a retention bug that cause posts to be deleted too quickly and raised the maximum number of log entries for each board from 500 to 5000 (2000 for Sup Forums).
October 9 - Two new imageboards are created: Sup Forums (Guro), to clean the nastiest imagery on /h/, and /s/ (Sexy Beautiful Women), both of which are user-moderated.

I don't hate anime I just hate over 98% of it and I'm very close-minded in general. Also pic related is the only good meme in existence. Just try to prove me wrong.

I don't know if you meant it but you just agreed with me
just in case let me spell it out, the word order matters here
>anime VIDEO GAME = Sup Forums
>video game ANIME = Sup Forums

tl;dr - anime IS Sup Forums

kys newfags

Jews shilling their trap agenda
t. Sup Forums

Please stay away from /jp/, no one there finds the MAGA hat thing funny.

right so name these games

first one is koishi from touhou

Guess they need some cultural enrichment.
Thanks for the tip!

Sword Art Online

I wish this board was as good as either of those boards.

/jp/'s moderation is much stricter than Sup Forums's, you'll get banned quickly
this is a warning not a taunt

/mlp/ and /vp/ were created because of the rampant threads and how common derails were. That's why they're containment boards. Sup Forums isn't a containment board since it was here from the very beginning.