Are (YOU) going to buy a PlayStation 4® NEO™ #4THEPLAYERS this holiday for these VIDEO GAMES out THIS year o:^} ????

Are (YOU) going to buy a PlayStation 4® NEO™ #4THEPLAYERS this holiday for these VIDEO GAMES out THIS year o:^} ????

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Why not user?


Has any info been released on The Last Guardian lately?
I haven't heard anything about it since e3 and it's coming in like a month.

i pre ordered the world of FF today for the vita. i need something to play on it, it has no games unless its shitty ports.
pic related my vita, its dead inside its case for about 2 months already


Me 2, until FF7 comes out and looks a lot better, but That's years away and the price will drop

I was planning on it yeah.

Guessing I probably shouldn't, but mostly I heard that the old ps4 couldn't handle 1080p well and well that just kind of bothers me, so I wanted to get the stronger hardware.

fuck off (you) shill

>"""""""""Buying""""""""""" games on the cuck console
Wew lad

>Day One Edition

>Buying a PS4 game on the vita
Just sell it already. The only exclusive coming out is Valkyrie Drive

Seeing as PS4 is the best place to play this gen, fuck yeah I am.

Hopefully I can trade in my 500tb model to knock a chunk out of the Neo's price, but yes, absolutely, day one purchase. I am hype.

Yeah i love false flag threads, thanks!

>Not interested
>Not interested
>Not exclusive
>Also on Vita*
>Also on Vita*
>Also on Vita*

Jak and Daxter 4
New Ape Escape
New Wild Arms JRPG
Optional: Deep Down is still a thing

= I will ride that Sony dick for another 10 years

Still not buying a NEO unless I need to though, current model is fine.

>gravity rush 2
>also on vita

Can you at least do a little research before shitposting? You just look like a big dummy now.

They're just trying to hide because the game is going to be garbage. It was in development hell for years.

how do Pcucks enjoy sloppy seconds like nu-mlaes sky?

gaystop would maybe only giove me 50USD for it. fuck'em

What a fucking doofus, look at this guy

You can give it to Amazon for 70. :^) or just sell it on ebay or craiglist or something

>had ps4 since early 2014
>gathered games here and there being multiplats or exclusives.
>this fall and early 2017 are jam packed full of the japanese games I've been waiting for

The promised time has finally arrived, Sup Forums

wtf they give 100 for a 3ds

Feels great doesn't it it, that is, unless they delay them some more, which is such a common occurrence lately

I'd rather know as little as possible. Already knowing about a second bird dog and laser shenanigans is already too much for me

If they delay one or two of them that gives me time to fully digest the ones that don't get delayed. Seriously good looking lineup of japanese titles for the rest of the year and early next year with some games that I'm looking forward to with no solid date. Finally getting DQ7 on 3DS is a fucking plus too