How are your hunts going?
Monster Hunter Generations
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I main both sns and HH, and I don't feel that, together, the two of them are special
Ever heard of exhaust oil, nigga? KOs for days.
Anyone wanting to do some arena quests? Just the low rank stuff though. I don't have any unlocked right now.
ayy I only bother with affinity and, for pain in the ass monsters, mind's eye. So that's why.
sure ill play
pretty alright. im starting to try out bowguns/bows now, theyre hard to get used to
Should I make the room or you?
go ahead
im starting up my game right now
Alright it's up.52-2354-7123-5380
I wonder if it will be any good. I hope it has some good monster fighting action.
>tfw you have to craft armor sets for defense because you suck so much
I don't like this feel
it's shitty CG, get ready for Berserk: Guts' Frying Pan part 2
>people are saying shoryugeki is technically a surefire OHKO
>I only KO'd with it once after I para'd it with deathprize
aside from the lubes, please tell me your secrets
some people are saying you should use shoryu only when the monster tripped (which is weird because that means its laying on the ground), others say para'd, other say when exhausted
Is Seregios the best thing to happen to flying wyverns?
This drilltusk set is shit but I'm gonna use it anyway. It looks good.
Someone post the Berserk scene of the bunny getting stabbed.
Maybe it could be good, not all CG is bad.
So what are the quests I need to beat to unlock Coal Hearted?
At least I'm finally done with all LR quests, Palico ones included, but I wanna farm charms now that I can.
What did she mean by this?
No, user. The lubes are the secret.
is dreadking armor good for gunners?
thinking of going teostra bow + dreadking
>Animated with low-poly CG
Fuck me, all hope is lost.
At least the boy is cute.
It's all single player village quests. You have to be at least 6 star in the village.
So that means we're getting it, right?
At this point, it's looking more likely. I mean, they gotta sell those Amiibo right?
Which ones? I already have everything completed except Advanced, Seltas Queen not included, just beat her.
to bad the gameplay's mediocre.
If you thought Yokai Watch was Easier Pokemon, then MH Stories is Easier Yokai Watch.
Kokoto village quest from li'l miss forge
Ahh, then go talk to the armory granny in pokke village. She'll say things like "I'll gather stuff from the volcano talk to me tomorrow lol".
Even though the anime looks like shit, the game looks fucking beautiful for a 3DS game.
I thought the game wasn't even out in Japan yet? Do we know how exactly it plays?
>"I don't know how to use adrenaline+2" the post.
Pretty good, I'm at the beach with my gf, she be lookin' good as F and while she takes the sun, I take the mon-hun. Don't believe me? Ask me to post some peeks.
I'll try, Thanks a lot.
It looks pretty silly, though at least they decided to make everything squishy in keeping with the 3 shared lives thing normal MH has.
You know you're on the right track when you have the quest to make the dual blades that look like the sword you pulled out of the stone... You did pull that out, right?
Yeah, game preview videos have been shown off.
It's quite literally rock paper scissors.
Yes, I did.
>it's a monster refuses to exit rage mode episode
It is "okey". No focus, Normal Up though.
I recommend you to do arena for Barrage earrings. Get focus, NU and True Shot Up if you can
WHO /glaive/ HERE?
>concept art narga
>It's a monster refuses to leave the exit zone episode
>implying hammer, HH, and SnS aren't all my mains
Feels good, man.
>its a Gen 1 maps didnt get their exit boundaries updated episode
>its a randos going aerial episode
>its a solo every monster in under 10 minutes episode
What are some good armor sets for blademasters? What skills should I be focusing on slotting?
I mainly use LS and SnS.
good taste.
>one guy posts quest
>show up, eat, accept, and wait
>they insist on more people.
what was the request
what are the best arts for each weapon?
I need to make one of those images in the OP one of these days but I dunno where to start
>wait a while for more people
>eventually just leave
>by the time you enter the quest another person or two came into the hub and left
Start by opening Photoshop/Gimp.
>one guys puts a trap down
>he starts pinging frantically until everyone is huddled up next to the trap
>keep attacking monster anyway, he keeps pinging like a madman
unlocked turns
I can't decide between lance and hammer
Fake and gay
lance AND hammer, you won't regret it.
Hunting Horn
Are there any fights where you CB users prefer to stay in sword and shield mode most of the time?
The only right answer.
>Frontier Portable 2nd
Rajang or really anything small and fast
>you get to ride mr. pickle
>be high/g-rank
>join a lower rank room to help out
>undergeared guy posts a quest he isn't geared for (defense is too low, weapon isn't upgraded enough)
>wants to depart with just you and him
Yeah let me just go ahead and waste 35 minutes of my time to basically solo a monster that should take 5
>want to try Mizu's gear for the skills
>will look like a huge dork the whole time
I'm so conflicted.
>Says this in a thread about frontier 1.5: We actually added super attacks, the anime.
every time
How, what? You're using up 35 minutes on a quest you said yourself takes 5. What are you doing the other 30? Jerking off?
GS: Lion's Maw, if Adept Ground Slash
LS: Sakura Slash, if Adept Unhinged Spirit
SnS: Round Force, if Adept Sword Dance
DB: Aerial Slam
Hammer: Spinning Meteor, Provoke online
HH: Euphony, Harmonize online
Lance: Shield Assault/Enraged Guard
GL: Dragon Breath
SA: Demon Riot
CA: Energy Blade
IG: Swarm, Extract Hunter online
LBG: Full House
HBG: Guns Blazing, if Adept Gunpowder Infusion
Bow: Haste Rain
>communication error
HR 6 Marathon will be back up momentarily
>not typhoon trigger
You blew it.
>DB: Aerial Slam
>not wolf's maw
>if adept: unhinged spirit
>DB: Aerial Slam
And we're back
With a full group, even a full group of under equipped people, it would take 5. Niggers just want you to solo their quests because you're at a higher HR than them, while they run around the monster doing jack shit.
>GS not brimstone slash with focus
What monster? before i start criticizing you
Damned gunner defence holy shit.
So is there anything in particular I should look for when scouting for healing cats?
>LS: Sakura Slash, if Adept Unhinged Spirit
>SnS: if Adept Sword Dance
>DB: Aerial Slam
all of them
It's applicable to many situations you negative nancy. Depending on where you are in the game and what your gear is. I remember people back in MH3U coming straight out of low rank in full Jaggi asking to do shit like Agna.
SnS is objectively wrong though, there's only one option
Shoryugeki is fookin useless m8. Just use blue oil.
Any good LS recs? I wanna get back to using them but it's been a while
Send help
I'm using Mysterious Husk with an armor set i got in early high rank/late low rank with attack up m and weakness exploit. I need a new armor set because I'm farming hyper monsters now and I feel like I'm not even close to optimal for my armor.
TL;DR, need recommended LBG armor sets/weapons
>a skill that gets the first KO by itself for most monsters