Who's your favorite male vidya character Sup Forums?

who's your favorite male vidya character Sup Forums?

I'm a basic bitch




He's got a nice design
shame it's stuck in a mobile game.


Drives me Crazy



Do monster hunters count?

Posting kot


of course

are there any games with men that canonically fart

You some kind of secret faggot.



best bro in video game personally.

You son of a......

Post more Gaben user


I know those pictures.


is the artist dead or something by the way?

Who doesnt?

armour > no armour


I hope not there's not enough porn of monster hunter imo.


So mister secret fag is he your favorite male vidya character.

Is it cruel to want to do this to such a bro?

God yes.

No. Though I love Ocelot.

This man is.

As in "God yes, it's cruel" or "God yes, this is hot"

I enjoy a nice sweaty ass too

good taste

>guy wearing female armor
I'm telling the guild
me too man, me too

Not him but the latter


Both of you have exceptional taste.

My boy




Im him and Both

the ROTTR bad guy looks almost identical
id enjoy being penetrated by both

Imagine how cruel it'd be if he let one rip right then and there



so do gay guys like THICC too? For example how people fawn over Mei from Overwatch being THICC? THICC men?

harkyn. by far.

definitely the hog himself

im into THICC men
mei is also my main though lmao

Beyblades aren't really cute

THICC for us is called Dadbod.

How thicc are we talking here user?


Reinhardt thick?

In Seven minutes hoe many loads do you think he can force out of you?

Reinhardt is swole, not thicc.

Thats not thicc thats just fat. Theres curves and then theres circles.

Ye its nice sometimes, i mostly prefer bara dudes like Chris redfield or Ganondorf but Thicc is nice too.

builtfat - not fat fat
same applies to girls curvy in the right places, not giant rolls of fat cascading everywhere



post legs

Reverse butterface

>that thigh



I don't have any screens his legs 2bh

best fucking man

Aeon is by far the best lizardman in vidya.

Your point?

post your legs

Hell yeah I want the ass and slit

Dadbod isn't THICC. Chubs are THICC. Bears are THICC.

They're fully exposed just for you.

tfw no link bf

I will open my legs for him anyday.


Duke Nukem is my hero.

I get a bit of a stiffy every time I select him and he does that idol animation where he adjusts his pants.

tfw no link bf

I was hoping that wk0ould be a guy, the shadow is more appealing than the actual image of it

It's hard to say, but I do notice that women tend to prefer leaner men. There's a reason for the distinction between yoai and bara.

Is this thicc enough?

Do you think he takes loads and holds them in while he battles?

I dont know, but I'd like to make him do that on a dare.

Not thicc enough!



As much flak FO4 gets, it has just the right amount of thick.

Tfw no Link + pig Ganon doujins except that damn rule 63 one.

where the furshit @

Holy fuck those hips, those thighs, that ass

Looks like he would be a great aggressive bottom-dom

Say what you want about this game but they managed to make Dante hotter than ever. He's so fuckable it makes me mad he's not real

What i wouldn't do for this.

I just posted Aeon.

I prefer Syzoth but Aeon is a good one too

I would love to milk that

That one dude that is hurt when you first meet paladin danse is THICC.