Opinions on this shiz? is the 3d effect really worth it?

Opinions on this shiz? is the 3d effect really worth it?

the 3d effect is the fucking worst just get a 2ds

The 2DS is so flimsy and cheap you'd still be better off getting a 3DS, even if you do not care one iota about the 3D effects.

3D is shit, but the N3DS XL is the best version, unless you're autistic about faceplates and are European.

I personally like the 3d effect and I would say it is worth it. The n3ds xl also comes with a weird joystick that is useful for games like MHG and Xenoblade chronicles

>The 2DS is so flimsy and cheap

Bullshit. I've dropped mine on the road several times and it still holds up.

also what's the best mario for the 3ds

>flimsy and cheap
It's literally designed to withstand a child handling it. No one who passed 3rd grade will ever break one of these.

Get a 2DS or a N3DSXL, don't halfway it.
Nonsense. It's literally made to be kidproof.

It's crap. Screen is too small, it's uncomfortable to hold, can't close it to protect the screen when not in use.

It's required by the FCC that electronics must survive a 3-5ft drop and still be "functional".

The 2DS has to withstand that. But the wedgeshape makes a fucking nightmare if it ever lands on its corner or any side that's not a flat one.

2D is made like an old Nintendo handheld. Every DS/3DS with a hinge was flimsier and more breakable than the 2DS.

It's built like a fucking tank and the fact that you can't tilt the top screen makes sense if you're just buying it for a kid who will drop it on the first day, but in practice it's a shit experience. Also having the screen always open to get scratched is shit as well. No one gives a fuck about the 3D, it was a gimmick from the start and no one uses it on the XL anyway. Don't make your decision based on that. Buy this if you want a cheap turd that will play games but give you neck pains trying to find a good angle to stare at it. Buy the XL if you want to actually play games

n3DS is the only system to buy, newer games are basically shit tier, run at ~15 FPS on o3ds, plus they have less or even no effects.

Basically there's 0 reason to ever own an o3ds or 2DS, ever. If you buy one you're a retard.

3D Land

It's comfy to hold and you can pirate every game worth playing on it. Personally I stole mine, so I don't really value it that much, but I've enjoyed using mine.

I will say the d-pad is absolute dog shit. Cheap ass plastic and incredibly loose in the socket. I don't know if only I got fucked on that or if they'll all like that.

The Vita and the 2DS are those type of situations where you feel it's absolutely necessary to have an extra bit of security like a carrying case because of the fucking thumbsticks.

I have one and never have any problem with the triggers.
Even while playing MK7

Where would you recomend stealing from?

Anywhere with self checkout limes, but I got mine back when XY and the 2DS released. Big release dates and sales are also pretty good opportunities
>go to Walmart with friend to buy XY and a 2DS on release day since FUCKING GAMESTOP didn't have a midnight release
>see the stack of 2DS's don't have any side wire protecting it along with an unlocked display full of PS3 games
>grab a dufflebag from the luggage section and start stuffing it full
>buy it at self checkout and walkout without anyone trying to stop us
>came up on 4 2DS's and 10 PS3 games
>go to gamestop to buy XY

It's not like you'd be putting the 2DS in your pocket or taking it out. And because of its design, dropping it while playing is pretty hard to accomplish.

>live in a country with no self checkouts
I'm too white to steal anyway

That's a lot of risk for, what, $1000? Not really worth getting caught over a relatively small amount.

Doesn't matter anyways, self checkout is usually the closest aisles to the entrance. Even if someone tried to stop us, we could easily drop the merchandise and run for it. Once you're out of the store, the clerk can't legally pursue you. Never did get caught though, so I've never had to worry about it.

They actually legally can't pursue you until you leave the store, maybe it's different here but Im a security guard and during the course we were taught not to pursue anyone until they leave the store because it's possible they "forgot" and could sue you and the store or whatever to court.

A lot of games don't even support 3d anymore.
No 3d in ZTD and 7th Dragon.

Doesn't the self checkout require you to weigh the item? Where would you hide all that shit when you are weighing it?

>country with no self checkouts
pick one

Canada is whiter than America and I have never once seen a self checkout

its for poor people and children that would snap the the clam shell 3DS's in half in a heartbeat

3d is usually not worth it

get the NN3DS if you can

if money is a problem 2DS is fine

2DS is fine. If you don't care for 3D, and most people really don't, it's a nice little handheld that's pretty comfy to hold.

The only legit criticisms I can think of for the device is that the D pad is mushy and that there is only one speaker on the device. I dislike the D pad but it works so whatever. The speakers on all 3DS models suck so you would be wearing headphones for whatever model you bought anyway.

I'm glad this thread exists.

I went to the store recently and saw a shit ton of boxes of New 3DS Xls, but I didn't get one because I was still debating on whether or not I was going to pay 80 bucks for a 2DS or $200 for the top-shelf when I was realistically only going to play Pokemon and maybe one or two other games.

Keep in mind I haven't had any Nintendo console since the DS lite and haven't kept up with anything Nintendo.

I go back the very next day and they're all gone with a little plaque saying "temporarily out of stock =^) " I come here and APPARENTLY there's been a shortage or something of them? I'm still not sure on that. I decided i'd definitely get it, but now they aren't there.

Did I fuck up? If so, HOW badly did I fuck up?

they're not producing them anymore, you better wait for the N3DS, the regular sized one
it's gonna be 150 bucks so it's won't hurt that much and it will probably have an IPS screen

I bought the 3ds just so I could close it and not have my screen getting scratched the fuck up while it's in my backpack.

if you plan on taking it mobile with you, better have a carrying case for it.

When I lived in Ottawa there was a Loblaws that had them.

Ahh. Well, fuck.

I guess the IPS would be nice enough and the better pixel density would be pretty sweet. It's not so bad then.

I've heard the guts are refurbished 3DS hardware.

Personally I like the 3D, but I recognize that many people don't. I'd still go for a regular one just because I feel like the placement of the circle pad and face buttons would really suck if you need to use the touchpad a lot.

It's okay. Pretty cheap. My dynamic died after two months. R and L creaks like shit. Analog stick rubber completely worn out pretty fast. Awful d pad. Not very comfortable to play MH. It's good for "home play". It's too big for for outdoors. And 2ds looks like retarded tetris

A lot of self checkout workers will turn it off because it's a fucking hassle to deal with.

t. former CVS wageslave

what you should really be asking is if folding your 3ds to fit in smaller locations is worth it

It depends. If you plan on getting future games (not just current ones) then go grab a 2DS.

For the future games, they might require the New 3DS XL and it's d-pad.

I personally don't like the design of the 2DS, but it's up to you.

Cheers OP!

>90s pepe

>let's try the 3D effect on this new game
>woah, nice/woah, shitty
>turn it off after 30 seconds because it just feels weird even though it's a pretty neat feature

I do it all the time.

That's a millenial pepe who is a s t h m a t i c
90's is back for some reason

That's strange to me, because I keep it on literally all the time, unless I'm quickly flicking it off to show someone else a thing on my screen.

The L/R buttons don't feel as good as any of the other 3DSs, plus it can't fold so you will need more room to store it.
The n3DS has a nice texture and the screen is nicer than the OG 3DS, but the XL has a bigger screen.

3D sucks. Get the N3DS for the games that use it or just get a 2DS if you don't care.

Looks butt ugly though.

The 2DS is garbage. Just get a New 3DS [XL] and play with 3D off.

>says it's literally designed to withstand a child handling it
>follows up with as long as you are x years old you won't break it

>cool story

The 3D effect is just like sex. You think it's important, but it's not really.

Does Nintendo of America have plans for releasing more standard N3DS?

>"that's strange to me because I suck cock all the time"


Exactly, but it's nice to have it. The 2DS is for virgins.

Don't do this. Self check out weighs the items.

t. I work at walmart.

I dunno, I didn't know the N3DSXL was such a fucking commodity or I would've bought one a week ago when I had the shot.

I'm progressively getting madder instead of sad, but there is nobody to blame except myself for my indecisiveness.

Do what you do, user.

>implying that passing 3rd grade means you aren't a child anymore

It was definitely detrimental to the enjoyment of games on the original 3DS.

I MISSED MY CHANCE with the N3DS, but I hear it has some fancy ass technology to make the 3D not shit.

It's cheap, but not flimsy.

My recommendation is just to buy a refurbished 3DS XL off the Nintendo Store Site for $115. Looks brand new desu.

It looks the same, it just doesn't kill your eyes if you shift your head.

It's actually pretty cool, now I can be twice the gimmickfag and use the 3D and gyro controls in Star Fox at the same time.

i live in toronto and i see them all the time

Where in Toronto? No major store has them.

i live close to donlands station, and most major grocery stores in the area have self checkout. but especially in the suburbs, almost every grocery store, walmart, or costco will have them.

What the fuck is don lands?!

Also no I'm in the suburbs not a single overly store has them I have never seen them in my life

I got the clear blue one. It's a pretty sweet console for being $100~. After getting a n3DS though I have to say the face buttons and D-pad are pretty terrible, especially the D-pad. The 3D effect really helps a lot of the first party games visually look better I've noticed. I only use the nub on the n3DS for MonHun so that's not a big deal.

Overall, if you're budget conscience the 2DS blows a n3DS out of the water.

what's the difference between the 3ds and the New 3ds? nigga i just want to play pokemon

>tfw pokemonGO has given me pokefever
>tfw I just played through white and white 2 on an emulator
I wish I could move my pokey mans over to a real version. I didn't cheat or nuthin, I'm a good boy and played by the rules.

New 3DS has better X to make it faster, reduce load times, etc.

It's got a second stick. Monster Hunter and games like it benefit from this.

It uses the camera to spy on your head and adjusts the 3D so that you don't get a massive headache from the actual thing it's named after and to ensure it doesn't always look like shit if you move your head around.

I love mine. I have a N3DS XL, but I bought a 2DS recently to hack and play DS games on via flash cart. It works like a dream.

3D is pretty cool, but is it necessary? Nah, not in my opinion.

this. I've dropped this fucker on my tile floor a bunch of times. works fine.

I need a skin for my N3ds XL because fuck, all black is dull.

Jeez, why didn't you edit the numbers out of the filenames?


Dude, just get one on Amazon for cheaper than in the store, it's what I did.

what flashcart did you get?

Because I just got the flashcart today, and I've been playing No Man's Sky for most of the night.

>it's a fucking hassle
>once every 5 minutes the self checkout attendee has to waddle over to the one of 6 spots and swipe their card/type password
Boo fucking hoo.

new 3DS has a faster processor, and some new games will only work on the new 3DS

but what you pay for isn't worth what you get. i'd avoid the New.

check out final fantasy tactics A2 if you haven't already


i meant GTA. like markham or vaughan

That's not fucking Toronto you retard that's Markham and Vaughan

Buy a new one and do the whole a9lh process. It will become the best 80 bucks you've invested in your life. Or your retarded ass might brick it.

My location was ideally placed for foreign tourists, dumbass ghetto people, office workers and convention goers, so it was more like every five seconds, with a dice roll determining whether you were dealing with
>irate chinese/arab/german people who don't speak a lick of English
>Tyrone who also claims he had a coupon that didn't scan so he just stuck it in the machine so you can just go head an take it off nawmsayn
>pissed off cubicle slave who is mad at life but sees the poor faggot in a blue polo and nametag as someone lesser on the social ladder and thus okay to be an asshole to

>it will probably have an IPS screen
No it wont, tn its cheaper for nintendo

There's the bundle with Mairo 3D Land coming out which unfortunately still isn't black and has non-exclusive faceplates.

That's your job. Do you expect to just stand there and do nothing?

new 3ds is the best, but if you don't care about 3D and/or only want a few games then you're probably better off with a 2DS.

No, but I damn sure have a right to bitch about it.

Getting paid 8.50 an hour to deal with the worst of Baltimore all day was a shitshow, and easily one of the worst periods of my life.

>still isn't black

Fuck, why do they hate us?

I wonder if these will have IPS screens in them?

N3DS is the superior version to get, and the 3D works flawlessly with the face tracking.

Go with 2DS if you're in just for games. Most don't even require 3D (Zelda ALBW and Mario 3D Land are mandatory though, unless you want some painful jump-down sequences)

Nice lupin fig. Good taste

you really want to play mario kart in a bread slice?