You MUST boycott Prey

> Bethesda tried to enslave Human Head studios
> Human Head decided not to play by their humiliating rules
> Bethesda turns into the whiney fat bully
> Bombards Human Head with ridiculous milestones and tasks the studios could not physically meet
> Human Head decide to strke in november 2011 when the game was 80% done
> Bethesda (Zenimax) looses its shits and kicks everyone out, stealing the brand from its original creators and handling it to a studio they bullied in the same way, yet succesfully.

Other urls found in this thread:

wowee a neogaf user said something, must be true!

More like people involved in developement of the actual game said something.

> "did not meet our quality standarts"

BETHESDA talking about quality
this story is as laughable as it is rotten

Bethesda is worse than Valve.

If the game is good, I'll buy it. I don't give a shit about publisher drama.
You can shove your e-activism up your ass, OP.

This looks like the same misleading, overly scripted bullshit e3 demos have been for ages. What looks so good about chasing a target along a set path with standard console game cover shooting interspersed?


Nobody has to boycott shit, this niche reboot of a largely forgotten Quake clone is already riding a huge wave of anti-hype after Prey 2's cancellation. It's DoA

Are they gonna playtest this one or leave it broken like all the other shit they publish?

I already have it though...

u a big fag

I thought 3D Realms made Prey

Because the previous two Bethesda FPS games Doom and Fallout 4 were such big failures.

this might be shocking to you, but game devs actually like writing shit on random website

it's only Sup Forums that gets zero game devs, and when they DO post, it's only temporarily until you fags find some way to harass them

Lol faggot boycotting with game is not something like whiney e-activism, it's simply not buying a game with a story as shady as this behind it

Prey 2 dev here
it sucked lol

Prey 2 dev here
It was great and 99% done by november 2011

>boycotting a game is not something like whiney e-activism
It pretty much is.
As I said before, I don't care. My money exists to support good games, not your petty faggotry.

Yeah, so?

Fuck you Ryan

Eat dick, Dick.

who cares dude
i'm gonna be buying it if it's a good game, i could not care less about some old game that nobody remembers

I have never seen this gameplay demo. Now it hurts even worse. Fuck you.

Uncaring idiots like you are the reason this industry is dead.

Jenna always thought you were a fucking creep and only laughed at your jokes because she was too polite to tell you to fuck off you beta orbiting faggot.

Funny to hear something like that from you, "Todd's bottom bitch". How's your ass? Still hurts?

Well thats ugly if its true. They should file a class action lawsuit.

Might as well boycott all Bethesda-Zenimax published games and spread the word if you want to make a difference.


Lmao I'm "boycotting" every game by Bethesda since they all suck a major fucking ass, always been pirating this shit

Oh look, totally a freedom fighter. !Pelea por la libertad, camarada! !Toma tu fusil y asesina a la junta directiva de Bethesda como el bravo guerrero gordo y repugnante que eres! WOW WOH FIGHT THE POWER WOW WOW FIGHT THE POWER FOR THE VIDYA! ARRR ARR ARR

sew buttons

I remember shitting my pants after seeing Prey2 at E3 back when the game was still that colorful prime hunting space game.

Now it just looks like 2 deep 4 you emo shit.

Don't tell me what to do.

learn some self-respect or something, child

I couldn't care less about Prey. And no, there is no way that bethesda trashed an 80% complete game unless it was just tripe.

I was just gonna pirate it anyway.

If they didn't even try 5 years ago that means they probably didn't have any case, they signed a contract when they began working on the game they didn't meet the conditions(because they worked on other games like Bioshit:I when the contract said they were only allowed to work on Prey 2 on Zenimax's dime) and they lost their game.

All this shit that came out years after just sounds like sour grapes from lazy devs, just look at their work after Prey 2

Just my 2 cents :)

> there is no way that bethesda trashed an 80% complete game
Some games get cancelled when they're 100% done.

It still doesn't change the nature of the thing that heppened: a game that looked great was cancelled when it was about done. Period. No justification.

>a game that looked great
Many shit games looked great and/or promising
"Maybe", "What if", "probably", those things don't count; only the harsh reality

> Many shit games looked great
like what
name anything and I will tell you that to me it looked like shit from the start
this is not an argument

>30-40 people worked on a game for less than two years
>with heavily divided attention (helping development of three different games)
>and the only thing they had to show for it was a heavily scripted E3 demo that didn't show any gameplay

Metal Gear Solid V
Dark Souls 2
Those two games looked amazing during development, and the final products ended being disappointing.

nah they both looked like shit and only gays play these series

Bethesda made skyrim.

They tried to put in paid mods in skyrim years after the final patch.

They make utterly retarded decisions all the time.

Amazing argument. You sure told me. Really.

>there is no way that bethesda trashed an 80% complete game unless it was just tripe

You'd be surprised.

>There are actually people here defending Bethesda corporate who killed a game because they couldn't buy a developer at a severely undervalued price

Fuck you corporate apologists, this is exactly how Arkane got snatched up

Why would the ex-devs need to lie that it was nearly done two years after the game's cancellation?


Sorry, the idea of System Prey appeals to me

If you want I can explain why those two games were disappointing.
Still better than "Prey 2 was fucking amazing the GOTYAY those screenshots prove it even when the game never saw the light of day".

SS3 is in developement.

The whole "creepy space game" genre is outdated and played-out.

Why dont you read the article before replying?
Human Head got practically destroyed by vile business practice when Bethesda didn't pay them money at the same time 'lending' in order to put them in debt and snatch the entire company. Thats the reason they stopped working.

Im not a lawyer to know how legal/illegal that stuff is. But I can just remind you how EA made employees work for 100 hrs a week for years and it was technically legal cause of contracts despite being inhuman.

> If you want I can explain why those two games were disappointing.
I'd like to hear it. Not being a jerk or sarcastic.

Because sour grapes and they feel like they were screwed over, they're acting like children
>"yes mommy I'll clean all my room just pls gib my iphone back"
>spends all day playing on phone and loses iphone again
>"wahh wahh the conditions were unfair, not enuff time"
tough nuts jimbo, shouldn't have agreed to those conditions

The sign says "Hot Cyclopes Asari sluts"

Looks cool, thanks for bringing this game to my attention.

>outdated and played-out
How does it feel being a fucking tool?


When the style is abused by more than 5 hurrur unity walking simulators, it is dead. Fuck yourself.

After over 20 years of playing and buying games I give absolutely 0 fucks about the studio/devs politics and whatnot. If the game looks nice and interest me, I'll get it. Thats it.

Videogames are entertainment, I don't have to deal with the ideologies and whatnot of who made the game.

Fuck you OP.

New Prey looks a thousand times better.

I'll take Lovecraftian horror in space over generic bountie hunting game.

>genre is bad because there a bad games in it (which i can't name)
>it's not trendy, it's played out and outdated!
>f-fuck you!
Thanks for brightening my morning man



Look at what Tom Rothman gets away with in the movie industry

Learn to read. Being "trendy" is exactly what kills something good, and this genre IS trendy right now. Have a nice day.

I don't buy shit by bethesda generally. And I don't buy shooters generally.

>generic bountie hunting game

Fuck you man, when was the last time we got a good Space Bounty Hunter Game?

So where in the game do you douse yourself in gasoline because you found out you're part nigger

I was just not going to play it since it looks like it doesn't have any of the cool features and ideas the old version had.

Oh and this

>le Lovecraft is racist meme
I bet you're one of those faggots who think they have an opinion without reading his stories

>Metal Gear Solid V
The game had a repetitive nature; every single story mission was either rescue a hostage, kidnap a certain soldier, destroy X or find a paper. Even free roaming was limited to do those four things.
A boring open world(s). A few highly bases in the middle of nowhere, small guard emplacements here and there, and that's it.
You had to grind for equipment
At certain point the game started to recycle missions
The FOB multiplayer was poorly balanced in favor of the invaded player.
Shit bosses. The main villain
was killed in a cutscene

>Dark Souls 2
It looks ugly. Like, worse than DaS
The kickass lighting effects shown in the previews were gone.
Poor hitboxes
Some weapons, like the halberds or the claymore, got their movesets ruined
Poorly designed areas. Aldia's Keep and Dragon's shrine being the worst offenders
Soul Memory giving your co-op / PvP characters an "expiration date" for no reason
Easy bosses. Nashandra was a fucking joke
No infinite uses invasion item

Note how I'm not complaining about the story (or lore, in DaS2's case) in both games.

First of all you never even read anything by Lovecraft, second of all - there wasn't any other game like that.
Calling Prey 2 generic is something like calling Oblivion like so - when you are dumb enough to fall for this elitist bandwagon idiocity, at least try to name a single similar title to prove that the concept is indeed "generic" and actually unoriginal.

There are alot of games that are nearly done that get tossed in the trash. Some cases 100% done

That's a fucking huge generalization. MGSV had awesome mission variety. And all those sub things you mentioned had alot of variety, and changes that made it interesting.

prey 1 wasn't remarkable enough to deserve a sequel
it had no reason "to be continued" after the credits either

it was done, it was over, it was an average game among average games
making a sequel was ridiculous
making a new game, unrelated to the first game, using the first game's name, in order to attract all 10 fans of the first game into buying it, is just weird business sense

i think it's some kind of social experiment by bethesda, in that they're going to see if that can do just literally anything and make tons of mony

Sometimes I want to go on to /biz/ and make a thread on corporate morality but I'm afraid of being wreckt in such a debate.

> le being racist is wrong
i think u should kill urself dilbert

Racism is for ignorant people or edgy teenagers.

> making a sequel was ridiculous
The sequel was both a new beginning and a proper spritiual successor, like any continuation should be. Prey 1 and Prey 2 were actually plot-connected in a great and smart way.
Calling Arkane's game "Prey" is plain parasitism

the new prey has nothing to do with prey 2.
completely different games that just happen to share a name.

prey 2 was cancelled due to a really bullshit reason.
bethesda was jealous.
because it looked so much better than what bethesda would shit out and not only ran better but had more gloabal interaction inside the gameworld.
imagine a skyrim made not by bethesda but some other guys with actually fluid gameplay and good combat.
tod could not let that pass.
prey 2 would have been marketed under the bethesda name which would have led FO4 being constantly compared to prey 2 thus showing how shitty FO4 is even to normies.

tl;dr. bethesda jealous shuts down prey 2 to make fallout 4 look not as shitty as it is.

I said nothing about right or wrong. Learn to read

But racism backed by statistics is fine. Blacks commit 65% of all crime in the united states. If you aren't weary of a black man near you at anytime then you're an idiot as they are more likely to rob or kill you

Because you said so, fag?

Do you have a single fact to back that up?


And most of that crime is against another black. I feel safer going through a black neighborhood as a white guy than most blacks that live in that neighborhood do.

Of course he doesn't. He's just spouting what the butthurt developers are claiming.

>Someone says "nigger" and think he's cool
>Suddenly Sup Forums is here
I hate racist teenagers, they always ruin threads

>Poor people commits more crimes than other people

That's the former devs words and not objective fact. They are probably lying to save face for making a shit game

Must suck for them to have to keep their opinions to themselves all the time in real life. Probably why they feel the need to overshare online like anyone gives a fuck.



retroactively its easy to come to the conclusions because of the footage weve seen. and how bethesda handles its ips and games globally.
Fallout and Elder scrolls are their biggest earners.
they can never look bad.
and other games bethesda own always get the short end of the stick if they look to threaten their main games. or just get focustested until they become moneygrabs to justifiy development.

you saw what bethesda did to doom.
snapmap alone reserved a special place in hell for the bethesda higher ups.
dont get me started on wolfenstein.

no reawson for this to be trashed

considering i played the playstation version and it was FUCKING ATROCIOUS.

this couldnt have been worse.

more like 10% of the population. that happen to also be a specific race. commit over half the crimes of the overall population.
including most hatecrimes, crimes against its own race. and crimes against authority/ police.

Check crime rates from white poor countries, like Balkan states.

The fact that they're saying "it was/is like (insert popular game's name here) BUT BETTER" confirms that the deceased game was garbage. Those are snake oil vendor words.