How the fuck do I even begin to get into this series?? Which one do I play first??
How the fuck do I even begin to get into this series?? Which one do I play first??
Either play the PS1 version of FF1, the PSP version of FF4, or any version of FF7
The best games are 5 and 9, but 5 is considered harder than the rest of the series, and 9 is a nostalgia trip of the first 6 games
What about FF6?? I heard that it was a good one to start with...
You can pretty much start anywhere, none of the stories in the mainline games are related except in the case of something like X and X-2. IV-X is generally considered the golden era (with a few exceptions). If you only picked one to play, look into VI or VII and see which one appeals to you more, they're both great.
Also if you like tactical roleplaying games, Final Fantasy Tactics is excellent.
6 is solid but it's not really like the rest of the series. The ones I listed are more indicative of what the rest of the series is like.
Thanks I am going to start with FF7.. It looks like I can enjoy this thoroughly
I just beat FF2 on NES yesterday, and while it definitely has some problems I had a lot of fun. Nothing is more satisfying than getting revenge on the Captains.
IV is a pretty good way to get into the series. Then you can play 6, and then probably the DS remake of 3. Then you go through the PSX era, I would avoid 8 because it has a really dumb battle system. 7 is, indeed, a classic, and IX will remind you a lot of the earlier titles
10 has a really good job system, and so does X-2, don't let autists tell you different because of the j-pop influences. I'd wait until the HD remake of 12 to play that. 13 is a corridor simulator, but it's pretty cheap so you could pick it up and look at the pretty visuals. XIII-2, from what I heard polishes up some of the critiques 13 had. I have no idea what to tell you about Lightning returns.
The best side games? FFT is a must, FFTA and A2 are pretty swell as well. Play Theaterhythm Curtain Call if you're into rhythm games. With the Dissidia series just play Duodecim because the first 1/3 of the game is basically the first game all over again.
Crystal Chronicles for the Gamecube is good, but you miss out on the experience not playing with friends. Same with the DS sequels. And I'm not too familiar with the Crystal Bearers.
I think...that's most of them?
>start with VII because it's the most popular
You need to not post this anymore.
How many ways can you count from 1 to 12?
>5 is considered harder than the rest of the series
LMAO love it when newbabies spout this meme. There isn't a single game in the series that even comes close to being half as ball-breakingly hard as FF3.
>How the fuck do I even begin to get into this series?? Which one do I play first??
Its not a series, its a franchise, the difference being is that aside from x/x-2 and XIII/XIII-2/XIII-whatever there's no continuity between sequels, just a bunch of references.
If you start from the beginning the only thing that guarantees you is that you'll catch more references and in-jokes than you would starting from later in the series.
There's like 3-4 spots in 3 that are somewhat hard. Though the final dungeon is pretty fucking ball-busting.
Byblos onward is pretty consistent in being challenging in 5. There are some breaks, but they're pretty short usually.
Haven't gotten to 3 yet, but when I played FF1 I got ambushed by 5 of these fucks in the Castle of Ordeals and died. Literally nothing I could have done.
Also the Ice Cave. Especially that one square with the recolored Astos
Just wait for 15. Or if the delay is too long, try 14. Unless you're used to playing 10 year old plus games, just try the recent ones and work your way back.
Play 7, 9 and 10. It'll give you a good idea of how different they all are.
>Play the action RPG and MMO that are nothing like the rest of the series first
Are you retarded?
Do you think OP, who was probably born after FF7 released, would have any interest in playing games that are older than him?
Start with 4. It's pretty linear, doesn't have any sort of complicated skill progression (except sort of in the DS remake) and gives you a good idea what the series is about. Go sequentially from there. Go back to FF1 at some point if you care to, if you start with it you probably won't want to play the others. It's not a bad game but it's very simple because it was one of the first of its kind. Play FF2 if you want to see an ambitious idea implemented not so great.
You can start with any of them. There is hardly a truly bad game in the series.
My first FF the story itself is pretty good the battles are a bit tedious especially if you wanna get everyone's limit break I still go on binges playing it, have fun user
I wish random encounters hadn't been reduced to padding in most of the later games in the series. Some of those enemy groups in FF1 are more dangerous than the bosses, and the ones that aren't can still really drain your resources.
Almost every enemy group is more dangerous than the bosses. The only difficult bosses in FF1 are Astos(which doesn't matter because you can save right outside), The 2nd Lich fight, Marilith depending on when you fight her and Warmech.
7 at this day and age, I personally would not say is a good starting off point for the series. 10/10-2 remasters are a great entry point. FF6 for emulator, snes or the gba is also not a bad way to go.
I would say those 2.
FF7 is my favorite in the series, but I've tried to preach it's word far too many times for people who have never played it. They just seem put off by the graphics. If you don't like ps1 greyphs, it's gonna be a bumpy ride.
What is wrong with that dog?
FFXII is the best Final Fantasy.
And, no, I'm not trolling or baiting anyone.
I started with XIII and while it's nowhere near great or my favorite, it got me into the series. FFIV a best
I never got to play it but I can't wait for the remaster
I think FF9 is the quintessential final fantasy. An amazing mix of classic and new elements using "modern" technology. All of the PS1 era FFs are excellent, even though a lot of people give FF8 shit. FF7 might seem a bit more outdated than 8 or 9, so I'd go for either of those first.
Anywhere's fine really. IX is a good place in my oppinion since it has lots of the old school ganeplay and the new school frills.
The one that most interests you.
This is the only true answer.
>Which one do I play first?
It doesn't matter. It really doesn't. None of the mainline Final Fantasy games are direct sequels. All the sequels are named something like Final Fantasy X-2 or Crisis Core or Lightning Returns, so it's fairly obvious. All the mainline games have no subtitles, so it's just "Final Fantasy 7" or "Final Fantasy 12".
Just pick up whichever looks interesting and give it a try.
It doesn't matter where.
Just play up to 7 then stop. Give 9 a go if you want though.
Play Dragon Quest instead.
>tfw didn't know LR was XIII-3 and just assumed it was 13 and the series had a continuity
Why are nips so bad at naming games?
Dragon Quest is great but very different and not an FF substitute. don't shitpost in this thread
>not an FF substitute
Final Fantasy is garbage now, after you've played 7 9, and maybe even 10. Stop. Move on to a far superior franchise.
DQX, here I come.
To be fair, Final Fantasy Tactics and Vagrant Story are in the same continuity as Final Fantasy 12, so it wasn't a bad assumption to make. So was Revenant Wings, although that one was a subtitle.
>wah wah muh childhood franchise is ruined
FF has always been about style. Fucking Kain was pale as shit and wore purple lipstick in IV. Get some taste or stay out of FF threads
FFIX is the best FF
FFV/FFX have the better gameplay.
FFVII/FFIX/FVI Are arguably the holy trinity, FFIV is a bit barebones altough a pretty good game on its own, FFVIII is very different and not recommended for a first timer and the rest it meh or mixed opinions.
I'd go with IX but choose the one you feel like you will enjoy the most.
IV was one of the worst in the series thought.
>8 -> "more like this" -> type0
>Tfw only played XIV
Don't listen to anybody ITT.
Just play them in order starting with the PSP versions of 1-4.
This chart is fucking terrible and you should feel bad for posting it.
Theme. Both FF8 and FFType-0 involve teenagers part of a secret highschool organization.
This is terrible advice, you dont play FF1 for anything else besides the original experience, the remake is a horrible choice for someone who wants to see what FF is about.
If the guy is crazy enough to start playing FF on the NES then sure, but not psp version for the first playthrough.
>get some taste
>still likes FF
you just don't. it's a bad serie. you should play Dragon Quest instead.
There are giraffes in XIV?
I don't see what's wrong with advocating starting at FF1. You'll see where the different classes, bosses and items started, and if you want more classic FF you can go forward, and if you want modern FF you can go more forward.
i'm playing 10 right now. i have only played/beaten
7 (still working on it, but i beat all the expanded games)
13 (and sequels)
14 (played here and there, ehhh i'm more turned off by a sub)
15 can't wait for.
eventually i'll beat final fantasy 6 on GBA 4 on DS and maybe 9, and that's all i'm going to ever go back and touch.
And cats.
Whats up with all the DQ shilling?
They're very different series, DQ is a much more bland series with a more traditional RPG feel, FF has better stories for the most part and better settings, world building and characters.
You should play DQ if you want a feel of a traditional ''lets go on a adventure'' RPG.
FF has much more depth and yes, much more animu, but still good.
No need to act like such a hardcore mature gamer :^)
>tfw addicted to Brave Exvius
Thank you for keeping SE afloat.
>DQ is a much more bland
Stopped reading.
Everything FF related after FF7 has been bland, mediocre cesspool of shit.
>IV is most popular 2D FF
Yeah, whoever made this is a shit-for-brain.
9 is the best one. Play it dumbass.
Never spent a single dollar though.
Okay DQkun, whatever you say.
I agree with what you're saying but holy shit do you sound like a /r/edditard. If you're going to be condescending, just fucking tell him to fuck off
You could make an argument for 4 or 6
They're both pretty damn popular games
Oh, fuck you and your addiction then.
No that's 7.
Nice is a boring game for furfags and nostalgiafaggots.
Wont force you to read, but if you think everything after FF7 has been bland, mediocre or unoriginal you might just have a serious case of shit taste.
Anyways, DQ and FF are different, DQ is more consisten and stays true to the RPG elements and feeling, FF goes more out there and has better highs then DQ even though it sometimes falls flat.
As a whole though, FF > DQ if you care for the whole package, DQ > FF.
>holy shit do you sound like a /r/edditard
What did he mean by this?
I guess we cant have a discussion anymore?
Maybe he wont give a fuck about anything that I've wrote but just saying fuck off isnt any better.
He's just getting triggered so even better, read and contemplate on getting better taste DQkun.
>serious case of shit taste
Go on, tell me what was good after 7.
FYI 9 was nowhere near as phenomenal as 7 was in scale.
why do people compare dragon quest to final fantasy? don't most of them play like some weird shin megami tensei bullshit?
That's not true, you can enjoy 9 as your first Final Fantasy game.
If anything, I'd recommend that the most.
must be why DQ destroys FF in Japan
westerners have shit taste
all of them without 13 in the title
you niggers forgot to mention that FINAL FANTASY TACTICS ADVANCE is the best FF.
It's my favorite of the mainline series, but I wouldn't recommend it to someone just starting out.
>calling SMT shit
Oh no, user. You surely didn't mean that.
fanboys gonna fanboy
I love both, but I've noticed DQ fanboys are very insecure.
Drop the ADVANCE and we got a deal
kek, original tactics is the best objectively
possibly no.1 game of all time
>You must meet my personal standard to be valid
Muh ff7
ff7 is objectively the only FF that matters
im not calling it shit, i've never played/tried a dragon quest game in my life. probably the only series i haven't touched yet. i just thought the combat was like smt where you don't see your characters and you're just attacking still images. that shit is boring to me but the games they are porting to the 3ds i'll definitely go ahead and pirate since they look good.
Fuck, that last paragraph is a mess, what I meant to say is that FF > DQ if you have good taste and if you arent trying to look like an hipster who thinks liking DQ for being underrated gives him internet credit or some bullshit.
FFIX was very well done, FFVIII is kind of meh but had an amazing OST and world, story kind of went down the drain at some point.
FFIX has one of the best world, definitely the best character development in the series, one of the best OST, best atmosphere and the writting is pretty good for most part.
FFVII does things a bit differently, but they are both amazing, I'd like you to prove otherwise.
Japanese have shit taste in women which is reflected on the awful virgin weeaboo pandering characters and their favorite games and characters are fucking pathetic, specially in FF and stuff alike.
>Liking Rinoa
FFS Japan get your shit together.
emulate DQ8 on pcsx2
What is ff6
Are you just trying to be contrarian to be edgy
>FFIX was very well done
must be why the combat is so sluggish and the story and characters are full retard levels or shit
>according to me an entire country has shit taste
A game only nostalgiafags think can stand next to 7.
According to this faggot half of the globe has shit taste.
Nice argument on FFIX btw, could you mention those retard things atleast?
And yes the combat isnt the best, otherwise the game would be complete a masterpiece.
>Ff7 isn't nostalgia
Wew lad
actually you broskis are right
FFT is GOAT, but FFTA has a special place in my heart because it got me into tactic rpg's. That and the fact music is 100/10 and the story makes my heart warm.
I've been playing FFTA once a year since it came out
isnt that coming to 3ds? i dont like emulating on my laptop even though it runs everything perfectly.
That's a potato
I'm playing them in chronological order.
I played 1 on PSP.
I played 2 on PSP and replayed it on Android.
I played 3 on iPhone and replayed it on Android.
I played 4/TAY on PSP.
I played 5 on Android.
I played 6 on PC.
I'm currently playing 7 on PC.
If you play them in order you start to notice the changes and references in the series.
FF1 was a very basic game, because it was the first.
FF2 had a shitty leveling system.
FF3 - FF5 are great.
FF6 is very linear at the first half of the game, although it opens up at the second half.
The PS1 FF's aged like piss. The original versions look terrible. Even in the remakes battles are locked to 15 FPS. I feel like FF7 removed a lot of the depth compared to the first six in terms of armor. (Only one slot for armor).
>people implying 7 isn't the last good and best FF
Sorry which one killed E3 forever?
>tfw never pull any rare units
Oh well at least I have Kefka. All these fuckers on my friend list with WoL, Chizuru, Exdeath and shit.
I'm the one who made the smt comment but I actually agree about the "static image" thing being a turn off in early PS and DQ games. Persona 1 on PSP uses a grid system with animations that is much better and feels closer to MegaTen than nu-Persona
>FF7 is good now
Maybe I really should have listened and left with the rest of the oldfags
theres nowhere else to go man
>tfw have Chizuru, Exdeath, Kefla, Vaan, WoL, CoD, Lenna, Garland, Firion and Cecil
>talking shit about Rinoa