I find myself wondering why I spend any time at all playing video games if they don't have an ultimate goal...

I find myself wondering why I spend any time at all playing video games if they don't have an ultimate goal. After you beat a game it's over and you get nothing out of it. Once you hit a level in WoW you get nothing out of it. How do you convince yourself playing video games isn't pointless?

videogames are for fun user they don't need to have a point

you need to get other hobbies, or a job or any other thing that can entretain you or you will end up like the faggots from the "tired" gaymer threads

drawing is hobbie and it is also useful idk just try learning something new

The point is to kill time in a cheap, comfortable and enjoyable way.

If you're not enjoying a game, definitely just turn it off.

Video games are like life. It's about the journey. Not the destination.


Explain how life isn't the same way on a larger scale

prove this image is real, I don't believe you

for fun

You read a book, there's an end to it. Is there a point to reading a book?

You play a sport, the match ends. Is there a point to playing sports?

You live, you die. Is there a point to living?

it's a shop

You can learn and educate yourself from books

You can improve your health and physical prowess from sports

Kill yourself you fucking loser nerd

I've gone through similar contemplation and am fine with my personal conclusion. A large part of it is being able to live multiple lives in this lifetime that will have much greater stories than 90% of us ever could hope for.

Part is personal challenge

And part is "the journey."

You can also argue that videogames are good stress relievers and a topic to improve your social life with other hobbyists.

and what does coming here do you?

Playing video games are pointless you mong, it's about experiencing things and wasting time doing things you can't do, or just don't want to do yourself.

Just a time waster dude. There is no over all grand scheme to me wanting to waste around and play vidiya for a few hours. When I go to see a movie i'm not going to try and get a greater understanding of buff dudes in tights punching other dudes and will in fact probably forget it within a month.

Pointless though

It's a time waster. The only goal it has is to fill in the gaps of downtime you have during your day.

It is pointless. That's why I exclusively play game with strong stories and atmosphere to immerse myself in. As a medium, vidya can be pretty good at delivering stories in creative ways which no other medium can do.

Playing video games is just a means to satisfy my natural male need of hunting and killing

just like masturbating satisfies my need for sex

Name TWO.

You play videogames to have fun

If you don't have fun find something better to do

Or be like me and keep playing anyway

They're for entertainment you retard. Use then to entertain yourself. close the thread boiz

May as well play nothing I guess. No films, no sports, no music either.

I suppose the others can be more likely be taken into a social situation after the experience, but besides that an important part about every one is the journey.

Even sports viewers respect the consistency of the games they're watching and that's why they continue. When you transfer that logic over to games like Counter-Strike which managed to cope even before cosmetic items, the eSports scene starts to make sense.

Though admittedly some of the eSports around these days would have flopped very quickly after release without the cosmetic additions. But that's a whole other incentive that tries to replace the answer to your question.

The most enjoyable hobbies turn out to be completely pointless, what a cruel world

You could ask the same question about life. Once you die it's over, so what was the point? You need philosophy, not Sup Forums.

TTG The Walking dead and The 1st 2 fallout games, both are works of fiction that are delivered in a way that is improved by the medium.

Cliche answer, but its about the journey, not the destination


Why do anything? You're just going to die alone and turn into worm food. Just kill yourself now and get it all over with.

What about fictional books?

This, kill yourself OP.

Are you seriously incapable of understanding fun?

In the case of online games, I want to know if I'm as good as I think I am or if I just feel that way when I'm earning all gold playing with scrubs? Do I have an answer for every situation or am I gonna choke, fire off desperation shots, and die in a pinch? If I can't be good at this shit I enjoy, why try at anything else?

If the thing strapped around her chest keeps her rooted in "normal" time, what are the bracers for? They're on all of her skins that aren't alternate colors for her default the same way a time-root-thing is.

I play vidya for fun obviously but also as a brain exercise

There's a noticeable increase in my performance and focus when I clock into work after several hours of overwatch as opposed to clocking in after lying in bed doing nothing

>Reading comprehension


Time killing is a horrible way to put it. Why kill time? The longer i get to play the better

Meh beating a game is fun, but if playing it is fun, then it's fun.

Also, I will consider Overwatch beaten by unlocking all the skins. It's the only real sense of progression in the game. Unless you plan being number 1.

nothing we do has an ultimate goal
