Have fond memories of Final Fantasy X

>have fond memories of Final Fantasy X
>get the HD Remaster, only 30 burgercoins
>first time I get to control Tidus pic related happens
>get a sour taste in my mouth
>play another hour
>still in tutorial mode
>abysmal voice acting
>Tidus is an unlikable douche making fun of people with dead relatives
>three 20 minute cutscenes
>turn game off

Some things are better left 15 years in the past.

Other urls found in this thread:


>"I played for 5 minutes and turned it off" guy
Why do feel so obliged to post

two hours*

>Tidus is an unlikable douche

that's where you're wrong, frendo

>play another hour
>still in tutorial mode
While RPGs always are slow paced, this is generally the curse of Gen 6 games. Every game needed endless tutorials and skippable cutscenes were a novelty at best back then.

In my eyes making skippable cutscenes a norm is the best thing that came out of last gen.

You forgot
>inferior almost everything graphically

>What, that seems like an improve-
>realize the first one is the 'remaster'


trying to change something that was perfect usually ends in having something worse

No he's not. Tidus is a gigantic fucking douchebag. He looks like a douchebag. He acts like a douchebag. He has douchebag daddy issues with his douchebag father. The game would have been so much better if Auron was the player-controlled protagonist and Tidus simply didn't exist.

You know, I'm fine with Tidus starting out as a dickbag jock who gets into some deep shit and learns how to be a real person.

But he never really changes. He's just a dickshit the entire game until the very end, when he's an overly dramatic dickshit. Almost any other character in the game would have been more satisfying to follow their story arc all the way through.

Just skip the cutscenes OP. Square had the decency to add that feature in to the HD version.


Yeah, he's basically Luke fon Fabre that never has character growth

>when you were little, you actually thought this looked cool

>Tidus is an unlikable douche making fun of people with dead relatives

You thought dildo wings were cool?

I still do

It can always be worse.

Wasn't Luke legitimately like 7 years old?

I like how this scene is brought up time and time again in these threads when they fixed it fucking ages ago.

Yeah, Luke was created seven years prior to the events of the game. That's why he pretty much has the mentality of a seven year old.

that's really fucking horrible
and I love FFX still, but that's just awful


Tidus was always trying to help in his own way, it's why Yuna really came onto him, he was weird and socially awkward (in a spiran context) and didn't play by the rules because he didn't even know them but everyone assumed he must. But that's what she needed, his weird dose naivete and "ignoring" reality helped her tremendously.

And he did shape up when he finally found out that this wasn't going to be a field trip, and was willing to make the ultimate sacrifice. He wasn't a douche at all.

They didn't fix anything.

It still looks pretty cool right?