Realistically speaking and on a scale from 1 to Atari E.T. how much would a game made entirely by women suck?

Realistically speaking and on a scale from 1 to Atari E.T. how much would a game made entirely by women suck?

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Atari E.T.

5 if its a single woman team, then theres no bitching with others and other stupid shit going on since theres only 1 person developing it

If it was made by the 5 best female devs in the industry it would be great.
Since it won't happen it'll be Atari E.T. tier

>implying a game made entirely by women would get complete

There would be infighting constantly

It wouldn't even get done.
Too much drama and infighting.

Revolution 60

What is this animu

You guys don't understand how hard being woman is..

Aren't the nep games made by women? or was that just the character designers


>Realistically speaking and on a scale from 1 to Atari E.T. how much would a game made entirely by women suck?

depends, are we talking western women or Japanese women?

because Japanese women have made good games

I'm pretty sure most of Neptunia was made by women. Also in the New Game manga there were male code monkeys, it was mainly the character designers who were women.

>japanese women have drawn sexually appealing art for shitty games


it's comfy and cute

It comes up if you reverse image search you fucking pleb


Well you just proved his point

Someone post that article pic of the company run by only women that went down under.


It wouldn't matter.

Revolution 60 is The Room of video games.

you can laugh at The Room.

You can't with Rev60

Bookmark this.

>I call game shit just because someone else called game shit on Sup Forums
>despite the games getting better with every iteration and with Rebirth + VII being actually decent

king's quest series was made mostly by women i think, and that turned out ok

I realize that this could be a big mistake and that it puts me one step closer to becoming a fucking weeaboo but I'll say it anyway...

I gave in to the Crunchyroll free trial because I was bored. I just finished watching this shit because it only had 6 episodes.

What are some other funny, comfy, waifu filled animus I should watch? Nothing with a serious plot, I'm tired of fights happening every two seconds like in fucking Naruto or some shit. Just comfy pointless chinese cartoons.

Didn't the manga say there were men on the programming team? We're just never shown the programming team.

Every Neptunia game after MK II is fun

There is nothing implicit in the possession of a vagina that has a significant impact in game development. Even if we speak of identifying as a woman, there is fundamentally nothing impending a man or woman from doing as a good or bad job making a game, regardless of their gender.

In other words, if a game sucks, is because people are bad at making games and nothing else.

>After 20 games Neptunia is just decent
>Somehow that means Neptunia games are not shit

Browse through here for something that looks good to you

hajime no ippo


You're the reason why anime sucks.
Lucky Star was a mistake.

Gundam Seed
Guilty Crown

I manage an all women staff as HR, so I know EXACTLY how hard they make it for themselves.

>I realize that this could be a big mistake and that it puts me one step closer to becoming a fucking weeaboo but I'll say it anyway...
>I gave in to the Crunchyroll free trial because I was bored.

Nigga, I already paid for a yearlong Crunchyroll sub. My ps4 is hooked up to my TV, and my crappy little toaster laptop is too weak for these newer encodes.

They're assuming it's made by caricatures of women who spend all day thinking about hot studs and bitching about their colleagues.

As opposed to just thinking of them as people.

>nothing implicit in the possession of a vagina that has a significant impact in game development

I know exactly how hard they make me

Every slice of life.

Non Non Biyori
Kiniro Mosaic
Kill Me Baby

Not every woman is a social justice warrior. That's like saying every man is an alt right fedoralord.


This is Texas, so that doesn't happen. Not unless it's a modeling or other art company.

but not all women are like that, just the ones you hear about through the Sup Forums filter

Literally the only place on Earth where women get away with being pieces of shit to each other. In Asia, women are perfectly fine to work together. I've worked with all-female and female-dominated teams in places like Taiwan, Japan, and even fucking Indonesia, and there's none of the petty infighting shit you get with American women. Very professional, very productive.

>Implying not every man is an alt right fedoralord

>Non Non Biyori

Was enjoying that, stopped watching after the short redhead got raped though

You have to remember not all women are created equal. Japanese women would do a fine job.

Two middle-aged, pretentious, male, French directors made Life Is Strange. At some point in the project, Americans and females salvaged the game.

Non Non Biyori

I was about to watch that. Thanks faggot.

>Atari ET
That game isn't really as bad as some others nowadays. It was just a financial bomb


>because it only had 6 episodes.
What. user, it hasn't ended yet.


She asked for it.


Why would you even care about becoming a "weaboo"? Anyway watch GJ-bu probably the comfiest anime there is.

It was never the worst game ever. It wasn't even the worst game on the Atari 2600. It was just the most infamous bad game ever, due to its connection to the video game crash.

> went to art school where 70% of student were women
> many draw porn with submissive women in it

That is not my experience user. I guess you should go out more and get to know more women. Most are sick horndogs in my experience

Don't limit yourself

>Most are sick horndogs in my experience
e-enjoy the STDs, user...

>Just put DIO in to test and it showed no results


Be glad you stopped.

>When Hotaru got hanged with her own intestines

What the fuck were they thinking with that shit?

Yuyushiki dog

Japan has already showed us what that looks like
And it looks like the filthiest porn you can imagine
Im talking mini guillatins chopping dicks off and then shitting in the wound and fucking it kind of filthy

Just means they're steadily improving.
As opposed to games like fallout where they get progressively more shit with each game.
I dunno about you, but I'd rather a game started off shit and got better than a game that's awesome then goes to shit

Condoms are a thing you sad man.

Her Story is a good example, it's hardly even a game.

What animu is this? I used to download 100gbs of animu in 1080p now I just use crunchy roll. I'm not a NEET anymore and I don't have time to get good rips of obscure shit anymore.

nice site

>E.T. is the next big thing
>Everyone is hyped
>Spilberg is hyped for the game
>Ads everywhere about the game
>E.T. is a massive success
>Game is so shit they can't manage to sell their initial stock
Also people back then were not used to having broken games all day every so they were upset.
We get games more broken than E.T. these days and no one cares

boku no pico

Read the thread you dumb shit

I'd rather buy a good game and never buy the shitty sequel than buy shit games for 10 years just to get something decent at the end

The Neptune series director is a woman.

Nep games are made by women.

But this anime is ongoing right now. Episode 7 is on Monday.


In GameCenter CX the kachou played a dating sim game that was completely made by woman. Something about the queen of the universe and you had to micromanage shit and get a boyfriend and shit. I can't fucking remember the name. It was on the PS2 and it was the first season of GCCX.

Well the thing is that game was fine as fuck, and since the animu brings it into the table, there must be a lot of japanese games made entirely by woman teams

new game!

You know what's funny? I really doesn't take much for one to see that side of women. As I said, most are horny and depraved, at least as much as men. The reason why YOU never see that is because THEY will never show that side to people they feel threatened by, or unfairly judged by, etc.

I feel like a lot of Sup Forumsirgins are so afraid of women and so incapable of fucking chilling the fuck out around them that they must come up as creeps, women-haters or monsters. Talk to women like you talk to anyone, get to know her, and you will soon realize that most are as sick, lonely, desperate and afraid as you are. Some may even want to fug you! It really is not that hard.

Amazing, right?

School Rumble

I'm on my iPod touch not my desktop arm. The screen real estate ain't great for scrolling nigga.
>inb4 mobile hurt durr
I keep my computer software/hardware autism contained since after college I'm actually a normie.

Start with the original, Azumanga Daioh

Women like you should be banned from using Sup Forums

I think it can be done, it would be a long process, most likely but it could be done, but I would think that the character writing for male characters would suck if there was any

Already four minutes in and is generic garbage for virgins and r9k hikkis.


>It's really not so hard

Speak for yourself, man.


I have had the same experience that Kachou did.

t. Woman

Fucking rekt

Getting rejected in an otome game?

I once almost cried. Motherfucking women oriented dating sims always get me ;_;

t. fag lord

>Uses Chrome
>Even then still has Internet Explorer pinned to the taskbar

>Streaming in spic

Wasn't Rance's original creator a woman?

I know you're butthurt about SJWs, Sup Forums, but jesus christ, stop trying to be so edgy all the time.