MMO lovers thread



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Awesome. Can't wait for this

no one can tell me a single thing that is wrong or bad with this game

>if the devs deliver

might be cool. Then again we've seen plenty of trailers that promised a lot, or never delivered.

its not a trailer. its a dev blog and the dev spent 15 years and all of his earnings on designing, and the last 2 years on actually making the game. my hopes are very very high. his kickstarter is already funded

Because they haven't delivered anything yet, and nearly all mmo's fail to deliver

>Its ANOTHER medieval mmorpg

i felt exactly the same. just watch the Dev blogs and you will see why this changes everything... IF the devs deliver, its gonna be revolutionary
seiously ! check out the dev blogs linked in the OP

this. It can sound like the second coming of Christ on paper, but until we actually get it in our hands it means nothing.

Are you guys getting paid to make threads like this or are you just an idiot?

so like uh

mabinogi kind of?

>IF the devs deliver

less anime thrash

If that is a porn the production values are phenomenal.

Also, who the fuck is dumb enough to masturbate at their parents house with headphones on using some kind of elaborate set up?

This would be nothing like Mabinogi.

here you go, fag

thanks for the (You) though, you are very sweet

Anybody wants to give a summary?

all i am saying is this dev has got some serious fresh and innovative ideas... if he can keep to these ideas, this game will be the second cumming of christ

>shilling your shitty game AND your youtube channel
Now thats new.

If you get level 50 in blacksmithing or whatever, and your character dies, your next character can grind to 50 quicker than previous. So on and so forth for all skills.

This thread reeks of shilling. Just to let you know, when you obnoxiously shill like this, it makes me want to avoid your game. Keep that in mind.

Look m8, we've been hurt too many times. There's just no point in getting excited over something that's not out yet. Keeping aware of it is the most we can do.

Elyria is the name of a city in my county.

It's not as ghetto as Lorain or anything but I mean I won't go out of my way to go to Elyria.

- a game where every single role is taken up by players (like EVE online, but medieval)
(YES even raid bosses are players)

-combat is shunned upon, it is "illegal" to kill another player, so combat is not the only way how to sort out differences

-your character is only a chronicle, its the soul that matters. the game has a progression like
start as a noob, die a legend.. but only if you can become a legend.

want to know more ? about talents and how to become raid boss or a king ?

you get old and your shit starts to suck so you die (rebirth)

isn't that the same premise?

yet another mmo that will never live up to the hype

quelle surprise

you are right user.

>24 posts
>11 unique posters

one similar thing about of a hundred does not make it similar.

Having examined this game a bit, I feel as if the developers are absolutely spot on in their design philosophy of focusing on meaningful player interaction.

We need an MMO where players interact in a meaningful way. Have to interact. Must interact. I'm sick of this anti-social solo everything garbage.

Though having read their latest Dec journal, I'm worried about their decision to make NPC's available to be married. I understand their reasons but I feel as if it makes a big part of the game (dynasties) capable of being soloed.

Got a lot of hopes for this game but as everyone says, I've been burned so many countless times. Any MMO can sound amazing on a conceptual level but it means nothing until we can play it.

I want to violate this little slut


well this game is all about interaction. a warrior needs a smith, a smith needs a miner, a miner need a warrior to protect ... and so on and so on..

>Though having read their latest Dec journal, I'm worried about their decision to make NPC's available to be married. I understand their reasons but I feel as if it makes a big part of the game (dynasties) capable of being soloed.
Hey man, I would love to marry NPCs in some games. Even having a kid would be nice.

yes please

Its gonna be shoddy and lame and not live up to its potential.

You guys know runescape is over a decade old, right?

Sandbox MMOs arent a new concept. Quit being shills and/or easily marketed to. There are so many fucking things that could absolutely ruin this game its not even funny. From the combat system, to how skills work, to how trading works, to how the guards treat you for breaking the "laws," the list goes on.

>medieval combat

>-combat is shunned upon, it is "illegal" to kill another player, so combat is not the only way how to sort out differences
As long as "illegalities" can still be acted upon, I'm fine with that.

>start as a noob, die a legend.. but only if you can become a legend.
literally what tho

>Want to be hyped
>Don't want to be burned

A-atleast it's nice to listen to

Your post provides absolutely 0 sustenance to the conversation. I also never used the word medieval in my post, you should learn what quoting means.

-every "soul" (which is your account basically) has a light/dark meter.. you can become evil and good etc.. of course there will be 210 000 bad players like bandits etc so who cares

-the catch is, everybody is class less, so there are no "mage" or "healer" classes.. everybody starts as a mere human, and ONLY like 1 - 5 % of the community will recieve "talents" upon their creation.

i know this seems unfair, but just think about it... take da vinci , he had was a brilliant man and before his time.. so only a very few lucky players will recieve RANDOM talents, like shape shift, mage talents, heal ... maybe lich king ??? or some useless shit like long breath...

anyway, nobody knows what talent you got( if any at all) and you have to experiment, like burn yourself, jump off high clifs or kill a demon

this will trigger your talent and in like 2 or 3 character "lives" your soul will unlock the talent... and its up to you what you do with your talent..

are you an evil bandit ? did a fire demon just kill you ? did this event trigger your talent ?

well you just found out you have a talent in fire magic. you could become the next evil wizzard, becoming a LITERAL raid boss, the community will hunt you down.

the same goes for kings

You should never be able to marry an NPC - it just encourages cutting yourself off from the rest of the game.

NPCs as pets, companions, etc, sure, but something as huge as marriage with an NPC? Counter productive. 2bh

yes you very well may. you can slaughter anybody you want.. but then of course you have to face the consequences

Its common courtesy to use a tripcode if you're gonna give info on a game you're developing.

R2, the game isn't an fun idea.

>generic mmo number 345345454 that promises probably more than the devs can handle

>small team of devs
>MASSIVE multiplayer ONLINE

Man this can be a good game... i like the general idea.
I am so fucking bored that i would indeed play it.

What the fuck does R2 mean?

The game is definitely a fun idea. Its a new sandbox mmo, a good one hasn't released in a while. There's just the issue of very little things of sustenance actually being shown to the players, limited if any alpha/beta access, and one of the developers genuinely believes no one is on to him in this thread, which is painting some pretty bad pictures.

its from the video i linked in the OP

The video of your fucking youtube channel

I'm always very skeptical when a game promises features that aren't original per se, but just haven't been done because of technical limitations/game design issues.

Every MMO wants to be the one where your choices actually carry weight, where one player actually can become king, where the "community hunts you down" etc.

The fact that no game has actually achieved this is simply because it's impossible to balance right and to keep the players that aren't the lich kings and mage overlords interested enough. So when a game promises this shit without expanding on why it actually should work this time, I'll think it's just overhyping.

>generic mmo number 345345454 that promises probably more than the devs can handle

Spam-click bullshit, duh.

What episode of SVU is this?

It's not porn.

If you think the only way to do medieval combat is spam-clicking a la Skyrim its clear you don't actually play ANY new videogames and just shitpost on Sup Forums 24/7.

Shit dude you dont play old videogames either because plenty of games have had fine sword 'n' board combat over the year.

>I have never played Mount & Blade and think I can actually contribute to a discussion about medieval games

That thing about talents, good luck convincing people to be the plebs and canon fodder of the game.

>see thread
>look up Chronicles of Elyria
>looks fun
>check out combat

I dropped it so fast it must have penetrated the Earth's core.

>P2W shit
>P2W shit

Not falling for it this time.

Holy shit

hahahahahahaha oh god wat

Exactly. You can add all the Two Steps From Hell trailer-music you want. That gameplay will NEVER be fun.

They should just go with basic rock paper scissors with little nuances like needing to aim your block or something. This honestly looks horrible...

Well, that's mostly Korean games.

...needs some work

nice princess bride reenacment

Nigger that shit needs every line of code deleted and started over from fucking scratch.

Still want sauce...

Like with all MMOs today, it's useless to get excited ever for anything.


You know, i don't actually think there's anything wrong with tab-target combat.

Combat is something you do alone most of the time in video games anyway, so making it the center-focus of your game is a concept doomed to failure.

Focusing an MMO around community, exploration and internal politics is what developers should do.

Don't fix what isn't broken.

>Combat is something you do alone most of the time in video games anyway
How could one user be so wrong?


Oh? Name a game where combat is some grand interactive experience between players?

Most of the time, 10 people gather up around one boss and smash the keys that give them the highest numbers in total silence.

Fuck off, shill. Enjoy your ten cents.

SWG had jedis with permadeath

I remember someone showing off his lightsaber and I nearly came in my pants when he got chased of by bounty hunters

Is this the next "WoW-killer"?

If you think a raid is anywhere near silent its obvious you haven't played any MMO released in the past 6 years to endgame content.

WoW better watch out. Did you see that combat?

>Getting hyped for MMOs

Prepare for massive disappointment.

WOW already killed itself.

WoW is already dead son.

Pretty much.

Most MMOs today really try their hardest to not be MMOs, while tacking on all the meta shit from MMOs that everyone hates in order to justify a sub/cash shop

TOR would have been better as KOTOR 3, instead we got a garbage MMO.

I love how this is always the response when the next "WoW-killer" comes along and in the end everyone goes back to playing WoW.

Just let go, the genre died with Wotlk

Every time I make a Pantheon thread it gets deleted for some reason. But I'm watching that. Elyria seems worth a watch but I'm not excited

Sounds pretty neat. Will end up being horrible or dropped before it is finished.

Don't worry guys, they'll fix it!

Only MMO I kinda look forward too is Albion Online, I just wish it wouldn't do that buy2beta shit. I want to check it out to see how it is, but I'm not spending money on a beta especially since I'm a poorfag.I just want a comfy MMO that's more than just endless combat, kinda how Runescape was before they started pandering to the min/maxers

Play GW2. I've been playing tons of Runescape recently and my boyfriend bought me the GW2 x-pac to play with him. Its got such a nice economy, theres lots of crafting materials to harvest (like runescape) that all have their uses. Players craft bags, potions, food, armor, you name it. You can even level up your actual character through crafting, you can literally get to max level just by exploring new areas, harvesting new resources, and either crafting them or selling them to buy crafting materials to craft with.

Its also got a whole slew of fun little minigames (like a mario kart rip-off, h1z1 ripoff) and pretty fun WvW.

Who star trek online here?

I've not seen that for a long fucking time

That game has a really cool premise.

It'll probably be shit.

Sounds incredible
99.99% likely it won't be

>mmo combat
>Ever good

Still waiting for one huh

I kinda enjoyed Tera desu. I just got tired of the daily grind.

You have to buy your lives. If your character experiences permadeath, you'll have to break out your wallet.

>i know this seems unfair, but just think about it... take da vinci , he had was a brilliant man and before his time.. so only a very few lucky players will recieve RANDOM talents, like shape shift, mage talents, heal ... maybe lich king ??? or some useless shit like long breath...

I really, really fucking like this feature.
The feel of being unique as fuck would be fucking real. Shit like people telling people "ive seen someone shape shifting" could happen.