How is your town coming along?

How is your town coming along?

I deleted mine.

Pretty ordinance, they dont need me and i dont need them anymore.

mines been perfect for a while
now I'm messing with homebrew

My sister deleted mine and I don't have the motivation to start over.

I haven't touched it since January. It's probably full of weeds.

After 1700 hours its still not perfectly the way I want it. I'm almost there though. Then I have to work on all my badges and 100% catalog and I will never ever be done with this game. It's a masterpiece.

I stilled haven't played new leaf after I pirated it from the freeshop on my 2DS. I should feel bad...

Everyone thinks I'm dead.

Good. Are you going to go for a Squirrel Sister villager when the update hits?

>supporting Amiibo
You disgust me.

just like the town in PG and WW: abandoned and full of weeds

Rosie moved so I quit playing.

Sup Forums plays animal crossing, when?

When the NX version drops.



Ah, a fellow contrarian. Tis a rare sight!


Don't cry about it pal! Just get the Rosie amiibo card and you can have her back come November!

There is no defending amiibo, it's fucking cancer. Not even him either. Posting deflections and reaction images wont disprove that either.
