my face when pre-ordering

> my face when pre-ordering

> falling into the hype


>paying for a game

>developers refusing refunds

>developers refusing refunds

Is this really happening?

i just refunded mine and it worked.

>pirated it
>uninstalled within 3 hours

holy fuck I dodged a bullet, I had my money in hand ready to pay for it


>I was looking at this the other day
>nah fuck this I bet it's not as good

This is all Sonyggers fault.

He just wanted to make a comfy indie space game for $20, but sony forced them to go full jew and rush out a shitty console port.

>it is all gone be fixed guys wait for patch

i literally got into hype 30 minutes prior to launch and purchased it at work.
If only I had knew.

How long until the NMS threads stop?

Sean is pretty much an epic Sup Forums meme now so you might as well get used to it, or just start hiding every NMS thread

can't you just refund it?

>s-s-sony bribed them

fuck off you stupid pcfat

Is the PC version really bad or something? I played a but of the PS4 one and while it's not great it's definitely not a 2.8. That's like Sonic 06 levels of awful.

How long has Todd posting been going?
About that long, plus six months

no, you just cant please pcfaggums

yeah on gog and some on steam

Low user scores on metacritic are almost always trolls giving it the lowest possible score they can without ever having played it

There shouldn't be any refunding.

Anyone stupid enough to preorder or buy this on launch even after all the countless red flags deserves to get his money stolen.

Idiots shouldn't be protected from themselves


its shit.
shut the fuck up.

Did he really call it typical launch issues?

yes i'm currently refunding now.
i was going to wait for nvidia or devs to fix the framerate issues but i played it for a while and game is utter shit.
hopefully rodina would be better

Im still having a hard time why the whole internet was super hyped for a generic 3 people indie space game made with cartoonic shader unity engine (free demo)
Literally why. All my friends knew the very first seconds that its going to be forgotten shit. But the internet somehow managed to explode for this gay gayme

Guys, you just don't understand Sean's incredible vision.

For the first time, console, PC, and pirates all have the same experience, the same exact experience. And on top of this, he has made multiplayer perfect. No cheaters, no hackers, no exploiters, no ganking or premades, none of that. Multiplayer is, for the first time in the history of video games, PERFECTLY balanced. Name any other multiplayer game that does that. You can't.

Sean is a visionary. he is BTFOing shit-eating preorderfags. Sean will save gaming.

I distinctly remember Sean saying in an interview that you could technically just fly your ship to another solar sytem without using the hyperdrive.

Obviously that's no feasible to check but someone should try flying to the sun and see if it can even be reached.

I saw someone post that when he tried to go to the sun the planets got farther away but the sun didn't get closer.

I'm really suspecting the sun is just a skybox and the galaxy isn't really connected, each system being an isolated instance.

Would be nice to expose another lie by this cuck.

idk im just saying in general - people who say that type of shit when we all know the game is straight garbage are faggots


I have one friend that buys literally everything that comes out. He actually bought battleborn and the season pass thing and didn't play over 20 minutes. He'll play a game for a couple hours one day and never play it again. He's the only person on my friends list that bought no man's sky, so I'm pretty sure it's all retards like that or kids who don't know how to tell it a game is going to be shit.

>Search NMS metacritic on google
>First news article is that fat faggot jim calling it "worthless in every way"


Because of Sony dickriders

Who is that succubus

Yanet Garcia, our local weather girl and perpetrator of sins

goddamn that small waist and huge ass. Thats some devils work.

>user scores

"Even though the game keeps crashing SO MANY FUCKING TIMES AND IT STILL KEEPS FUCKING UP... I'm having a lot of fun guys honest.... :)"

>trusting paid off critics