So it's definitely worth playing, right?

So it's definitely worth playing, right?

Sure, if you have a PS4. It's not a terrible game but the PC version can get really wonky and they fucked up a lot of opportunities by overly emphasizing the Batmobile.

No ps4, I'm an xbox one owner. Should be ok though I guess


The game is not good enough.

PC version works fine for me. Only really get hitching when driving around in the car and it's probably because I don't have an SSD and it needs to stream shit from it.

As for the game itself it's not the best Bamham game but if you like the others I doubt you'll think this one is bad either.

That is so vague, give more insight you lazy bitch

>works fine for me
Is there a more punchable term when talking about PC ports?

I could say "It works fine for anyone using an Nvidia card in a non-potato computer" but I don't own every Nvidia card to test with.

If you liked previous Arkham games, yes. IMO it's worse than City but better than Origins. PC version works fine now (for me at least, I'd research your specific graphics card).

100% yes. It's a worthwhile game that actually takes time if you 100% it.

If you liked the other games, maybe. It's the exact same shallow combat that basically plays itself, except now with shallow driving that handles bad.

After beating Knight I decided to go back to Origins cuz I originally skipped it.
Feels good not to have that Batmobile forcing me to everything.
I might go back to Knight when they release the GOTY edition with all DLC.
I hope they release that "Remaster" of the first two Arkham games so I can play them on my PS4.

why does no one talk about the xbone version

op here and I actually bought it already

Played it on PC it was just amazing.

I am surprised how good the game is. The bat mobile, the graphics, Joker as side kick, the game play, the story and the best of all is the bat gliding.

If you like Batman only a little bit, then you would miss a really good game if you wouldn't play Batman Arkham Knights.

Nah the game is absolute garbage

Christ, fine.

>Combat has gone down the rabbit hole and is now cumbersome as fuck. Nearly every battle after the half way mark is poorly designed and comes down to "here's 25 enemies, 5 of which require a puzzle mechanic to beat them, 2 of which can heal the others, and 1 of which is nearly a one hit kill"
>The predator missions feature a lot of tools you can use to beat them, but the AI is that shitty that you'll rarely find an opportunity to use your more niche gadgets. This would be fine if the maps were better designed
>There's only 2 dungeons in the game, and they're utter crap. Most missions, etc, are based around a building or a rooftop
>The story reasons for Batman running around in a tank are laughable, and the tank battles themselves are disgustingly repetitive and boring from the get go
>The tank itself is, I'm not exaggerating, a good 60% of the game. Every mission and part of the game requires you to use it. Batman is basically incapable of solving any problems without using the Batmobile. At one point I had to go through a puzzle to lower the Batmobile down 2 storey's worth of a shopping mall simply because the designers wanted to use the Batmobile in everything
>There are no boss fights, just tank battles. You fight Deathstroke in the tank. You fight Firefly in the tank. You fight Arkham Knight in the tank
>The story itself is full of doublethink and poor reasoning on Batman's side, every step of the way
>The game is glitchy
>The game is repetitive
>There's no challenge missions
>The game forces you to use other characters in combat

Yes. It's better than Origins by quite a bit, but not as good as City.

man, these threads are always odd.

it's quite a polarizing game, huh?

>I might go back to Knight when they release the GOTY edition with all DLC.
I'm going to go back to Knight as well when they do that. Originally got it on PC, then refunded it when they said it would never be fixed. So I'm waiting for the PS4 GOTY edition to come out and then I'll buy that.

Assuming they make one at all, with no GOTY edition for Origins I'm worried.

>Worse bosses than Origins
>Worse predator missions than Origins
>Worse story than Origins
>Worse gadgets than Origins

I'd say their problems even out, actually. Maybe Origins wins out by just being less annoying to play and having no Bat-tank

get it on PC for obvious 60 fps unless you have a toaster like

Batmobile was good until they shoe-horned it into everything. Especially its "boss fights." Waste of an opportunity to right the wrongs of Origins.

bought it 2 weeks ago and it works pretty good, max settings with the nvdia shit off, lowest it drops is 55 at batmobile sections. 6600k r9 390.

Fucking Batmobile, man.

>Lucius, I need [gadget] for the car
>I need to restore power to something
>...couldn't you use some other method? Surely there's an easier way than-
>No, the easiest and most sufficient way to solve this problem is through a series of high risk jumps in my 20 tonne rocket powered tank to get it on to the roof of this structure

It's by far the worst of the trilogy, no one discussed it on Sup Forums because of shitposting about the PC version

I swear this is another B-team scenario, Rocksteady's best guys are working on their new project

Boy Batman sure was lucky that every single fucking tank/helicopter was a fucking unmanned drone, right?!

And all the people he runs over and sends flying hundreds of meters down the street are probably fine

You'd think the Arkham Knight would have known to man those. He certainly had enough guys.

Post em

Asylum > Origins >>> City > Knight
Origins > City > Knight > Asylum
Origins > City > Asylum >>> Knight
City > Asylum > Origins >>> Knight
City > Origins > Asylum >>> Knight massive points docked for the fucking car
Origins > City > Knight > Asylum
Asylum > Origins > City > Knight

I just finished City the other day and today I did all the side missions
I enjoyed it, but nowhere near as much as Asylum, and no way in fucking hell am I ever doing the Riddler shit

I already own Origins and Knight because my brother is a console casual, so my question is, do those games get better in terms of the supervillainy stuff?
The main plot of City was the worst part, it felt like I spent 90% of my time fighting literal nobodies and every now and again a cool boss fight against a character I actually like
Tracking down Deadshot was so much more interesting than the main story and I don't give a flying fuck about Deadshot

tl;dr do Origins and City let me spend my time fighting villains instead of hunting down Professional Neckbeard Hugo Strange?

Exactly. That's a MASSIVE fucking plothole right there. If his mission is stop Batman and then capture for Scarecrow, he's a fucking idiot for not manning the tanks and shit that's supposed to be capturing Batman.

Scarecrow approves of this, as well. Scarecrow wants Batman to suffer, yet he's perfectly okay about Knight sending 40 fucking tanks after the guy with aims to kill. What a fucking clusterfuck of a game.

Didn't think Origins' bosses were anything special desu, most of them just felt like "boss + hundreds of goons" type stuff.

>hey check out these great new ways to boost the grapnel so you can fly around the city! lol too bad get the fucking tank
>alfred i have a lead on the knight he's- lol mr. wayne too bad get in the fucking tank and lower those bridges.
>hmm the knight seems to have fled underground, maybe i can- lol no get in the fucking tank and use a wench to lower it down because who doesn't love a sewer mission in a vehicle?
>hello batman its deathstroke, the master of hand to hand combat, i'm here to beat you senseless and take you down but i can't. you see we must fight each other in tanks.

and the absolute fucking worst
>mr. wayne its fox. i heard about the batmobile sir, and i have surprise for you.... i built another one! lol get in the fucking tank!

it was utterly awful.

Origins is all about style over substance as far as the side quests go. A lot of them feel super villainy. Best boss battles. You really feel like Batman fighting these bosses on THEIR terms and adapting.

Knight lacks in everything.

you don't have to have a boner for batman to appreciate Asylum and City. even normalfags will enjoy them because they are great standalone games. not the case with this one. I really enjoyed it but I wouldn't recommend it for someone who isn't a diehard batfag. and on that note I wouldn't recommend Origins to anyone at all.

I just felt like they better captured what Batman boss fights should be. Firefly in particular was fantastic. Bane was great because you fight him one on one, then when he realises he's going to lose, you end up fighting his militia. Deathstroke was exactly how I'd picture Batman fighting him.

Outside of the main story you have several "side stories" to find Hush, Professor Pyg, Two-Face, Penguin, Riddler, Man-Bat, and a few others. The way you do this is play the more or less identical side mission a few times in different parts of the city until you get to the final mission where you actually encounter them.

For example
Two-Face: Stop three bank robberies, fourth one you fight two face
Penguin: track three arms dealers to three warehouses, take out the warehouses with Nightwing, blow up the weapons three times, then fight Penguin.

Gets repetitive but not terrible.

>basically plays itself

You haven't played it on hard

Do people just hate Origins because of the twist and some technical issues? Or does it run deeper?

It's not quite Asylum or City, it could be, but the batmobile segments are just too frequent (especially the fact that the Riddler's riddle sidequests are 75% race tracks and 25% actual puzzles).

It was pretty fun to remote control the batmobile in behind enemies that had me cornered the first time, but by the 3rd time it just got old.

Not really.

The batmobile is shit and makes up for most of the games content. City and Asylum are better in every way. Origins might be too, I haven't played it.

Origins > Asylum > Knight>>> City
Origins > Asylum > Knight > City
Origins > City > Asylum > Knight
Origins > Knight > Asylum > City
Origins > City > Asylum > Knight
Origins > Knight > City > Asylum
Origins > Asylum > Knight > City

Well the entire tone switch,worse level design and the entire combat being slower was important.

It can get pretty fucking hard on normal too when going for the achievements. Fuck these 3 in particular.

>the arkham knight will be a totally new character and absolutely not jason todd

Scarecrow and the Arkham Knight's actions are constantly in conflict throughout the whole game, so much so that it's impossible to see how they managed to work together in the first place.

Scarecrow goes on record saying that he wants Batman to live, but Knight routinely leaves Batman in the hands of people that he believes with kill Bruce.

City > Asylum > Origins >= Knight

I enjoyed all of them though since I'm a huge batfag.
The forced batmobile play almost ruined the game for me the first time I play it. that other user wasn't kidding when they said a majority of the missions require the batmobile. It gets kind of obnoxious, but if you've played the other Arkham games you should know what you're in for story and content wise (and may as well finish up the series)
Pretty good amount of stuff to do. Story isn't completely awful and there's a good amount of easter eggs.

>all these fucking characters you get to play as throughout the game and in challenge maps
>can't free roam with anyone but Batman

It was bullshit enough that you had to buy Catwoman DLC to free roam with her and couldn't free roam with Robin at all
But that was the first open-world of the games and at least there was Catwoman. albeit her movement abilities sucked

Now there's no fucking excuse for it

I thought it was because it was just a reskinned City with worse villains.

What tone switch?

It gets a lot of hate because it's more of the same as City, even reuses animations. I don't necessarily consider this a bad thing. I think the game has a good aesthetic, good dungeons, and some of the best predator maps in the series. Also the story is pretty good.

>when the first flashback shit happened

Atmosphere in general.From the way they presented the villains to having a blue filter.


But I played all 4 Arkham games on hard


Nothing really wrong with Knight. But compared to how much City added to Asylum Knight is shit. Then of course you have


Besides getting the Joker as the big bad for two straight games, I just didn't like how it was just twice the map size of City just for the sake of being twice as big. Like half the missions will just require you to get from one end of the map to the other to make it feel like a bigger game too. It's just kind of annoying.
Also I mean I get why from a gameplay standpoint, but Origins was supposed to be early in Batman's career, yet he has all his newer equipment from City already?

I have both versions, it's fine on Xbox One. Graphics still look great, you just get them at 900p so sometimes smoke effects intersecting with geometry look a little worse than on PS4. It's fine though

Yeah console versions are fine its worth playing though

The Joker is the big bad in every Arkham game, in case you didn't notice

Reminder that you have shit taste if you don't think Coty was the best in the series
The official Ranking is City >= Asylum > Knight > Origins

Haven't played Origins



City >> Knight >>>Asylum (Knight loses all points for its tank bosses, while Asylum had the terribad Croc fight and just a few reskined Bane fights)

City > Asylum > Knight

City > Knight > Asylum (The car was fun for what it was in Knight, and like enjoyed the way multi-character fights worked. Chained takedowns in stealth was cool too, along with enemies more readily adapting to your tactics)

Don't remember

Asylum = City > Knight

I honestly died as many times in Arkham Knight as I did in Bloodborne. Some of those later areas with the automated gun turrets are horse shit.

This is literally the the most common, pleb list

Asylum is for true patricians who appreciate the tight focus and compelling nature of its structure
The other games are for trend-following normies who love open world games just because open world is hot right now even though it did nothing but worsen the formula

The only thing City did better was add some more mechanics to stealth/combat (which it never utilized properly) and make boss fights better (while unfortunately making them much easier)

Eh, there was only one turret area I had real trouble with, the one in the middle of the underground in the last island. Think I ended up cheesing it in the end somehow.

Fun with the free roam mod, sure.

Honestly the worst part of this game past the technical issues is that you need to do all of the Riddler's bullshit to get his fight unlocked and get the true ending. If it works on your computer (worked for me with an nvidia card, but you should take advantage of Steam's refund policy and see if it works for you), it's definitely worth playing. The only DLC outside of the main story scenario worth playing is the Batgirl dlc, so if you're not buying it on sale don't bother with the DLC.

All of Arkham's high difficulties are shit because counter attacks are the central part of the game's combat. Without those, especially with the multi-man counter attacks, you're just wildly mashing counter and hoping for the best.

That's the other problem I had, no way to travel around the city or play challenge missions as the other characters.

Also a little sad that there's no way to get the red hood DLC outside of preorder, but if all you can do with it is his own stage then I guess I don't have a huge problem with it.

oh yeah, that part of the game is not hard at all

what was annoying were those checkpoints with the rotating auto turrets that were like tanks so you couldn't easily take out the people as the machines protected them.

Meanwhile the actual boss fights like the arkham knight (not the driving part) were really easy

I'm not necessarily saying it's hard, just annoying.

>I didn't like Origins

It got pretty stupid in the Deathstroke fight in Origins on NG+. Pretty much only doable because there was a tiny slowdown when you were supposed to press counter.

I also feel like in Origins/Knight the enemy AI would decide to do uncounterable attacks like shield/stun stick attacks more often when you were countering which means you get fucked out of your perfect combo with no way to avoid it, but that's probably nostalgia talking.

I bought the season pass on the summer sale and I have the red hood stuff.


I bought it for 15$. Consistently runs between 60-90 fps. I'm running off an SSD and I've got a GTX 780 though.

It improved on City in every way, I don't see how you can claim otherwise unless you're just not a fan of the Batmobile sections (which I actually enjoyed). They're not as forced and frequent as people would have you believe.

I'm 18 hours in, about 80% done with the main story and still have some major side quests to finish up. Definitely worth a buy if you're a fan of the series OP.

Interesting. I didn't get the pass so I guess that could explain it. Still hoping said GOTY edition is a thing.

I bought it originally on PS4 during the $12 PSN sale and ended up enjoying it enough to want a physical copy. Found it sealed on Xbone for like $14. Only played that version for an hour or so but driving through the city performance is extremely similar. I remember digital foundry claimed it runs slightly better on PS4 but there's no way you'll see the difference without being assisted by testing equipment. Both versions experience drops while driving at high speeds and crashing through shit but it's fine overall.

Graphics are really great though

Yeah it does look pretty great.

Asylum > Origins > City > Knight
City > Asylum > Origins > Knight
all have shit bosses, Knight having the worst
City > Asylum > Origins > Knight
City > Asylum > Origins > Knight
Origins > Knight > City > Asylum
Asylum > City > Origins > Knight

Overall ratings (above rankings don't matter):
Asylum - 9/10
City - 8/10
Origins - 7/10
Knight 3/10

After going back and playing all them again recently, I actually like Knight the best from a gameplay stand point. As long as you don't mind the Batmobile being very much a part of the game, you shouldn't have any problems.

>As long as you don't mind the Batmobile being very much a part of the game, you shouldn't have any problems.

This is like telling someone to ignore being pissed on

>tfw no "I am the night" mode in the other bamham games
>tfw you can just cheese it with restarts in Origin

The Arkham Knight was doing his own thing. We all know who is by now and it was about proving something to Batman. He says in the game that used Unman Tanks because he didn't want Batman to hold back. There are many times that Todd could have killed Bruce but decided not to because of his ego. He wanted Batman to be at his best and still lose. And before you say that is retarded, Jason is fucking retarded, He always was.

There's noting wrong with the game design of the Batmobile. People just hate it because they just want to be a bat ninja. But keep on memeing, user.

Batmobile isn't all bad, mixes the game up a bit. Gets boring just doing the same punch-dodge-counter attacks and nothing else.

Not him, but the only time I thought it was an issue was the bomb disposal side quest, because it was essentially a gauntlet of tank battles. Everything else was fine. I even liked the bosses, although I wish Deathstroke's was less similar to the Cloudburst fight.

>they literally never fixed the problem where detective vision is objectively the best way to play the game

These games might as well be called Batman: Army of Darkness for the amount of time you spend fighting skeletons

They tried a lot of shit to counter it but it never worked. In Knight you have the guys who disrupt it entirely, the guys that detect you if you use it too much and the guys who aren't highlighted and it's still not enough. Even in the endless challenge where there's like 15 guys up at a time they can't stop you from using it almost all the time.

Maybe it's just me but that shit became more of an eyesore with each passing game so in AK I tried to keep it off as much as possible, but it's still basically needed if you want to do a lot of the predator challenges.

>massive points docked for the fucking car

And yet Witcher 3 fixed it so easily. Just make it so your vision is obscured when looking at anything except what your magic vision is explicitly highlighting.
Make it really fucked up to look at so you only use it to gauge things for a few seconds rather than leaving it on all the time.

Fuck you I liked it. Controlled well and felt really good.

>$0.05 has been deposited into your Rocksteady Studios account

There's a lot of people that hate on it because it's the only part of the game that actually takes effort to git gud in. So many people were crying on the Internet because they thought the riddler race tracks were too hard.
>LOL IF they disagree with my shitty opinions they much be shills.
You're embarrassment.

That's what Predator sections are for.

It was repetitive trash.

I disagree. They are litter throughout with many freeflow and predator segments to keep it from feeling repetitive.

the ending was...lacking. even after youtubing the 100% ending it still was a disappointment. not bad, but just could have been much much better.

definitely worth a play though it kicks a lot of fucking ass at certain points

Only the bomb disposal stuff. The rest of the game made good use of the Batmobile to keep up the variety.

>"be careful batman, that vehicle is one of a kind after all"
>near the end of the game the vehicle gets destroyed
>"just kidding I made a spare after all :3"

this game has some pretty stupid moments

If you are a Batman fan or a fan of the Arkham series then yes, I guess. But be prepared to be disappointed.

>I've been to Blackgate, the Asylum, Arkham City, never seen the Batman. Just lucky, I guess.