So which fighting game is the most fun to play competitively?

So which fighting game is the most fun to play competitively?

Other urls found in this thread:


>Street Fighter

SF/Tekken/KoF/Virtua Fighter

T-that's not one of those barneyboy images, is it?

Smash bros, obviously.

Pick one

low pressure party game, makes sense

Shaq Fu

smash isn't a fighting game

100% Orange Juice

I pick Street Fighter

add me I have the game but no friends to play with

Just one?
that's tough.

I'll go Tekken, I met a lot of good people and had most fun practicing along the way to being able to play with the real, money-earning players.

Can't fucking win a tourney for my life though haha.

SF was and then 5 came out. Wait for Tekken 7.

Be like me and play a dead fighting game like Melty Blood.

Bloody roar


I guess SFV considering its popularity. However the VF community is known for being very fun. And the game itself is damn competitive.

I enjoy BlazBlue the most, followed closely by UNIEL.


I have had the best, most satisfying matches in Arcana Heart. Pity people don't give it much of a chance

I have this game too
add me

I fucking never played anyone online
I got it on ps3 then got the love max version on steam

Minecraft is a very competitive game with PVP

I want to get good at Arcana Heart since I enjoy the aestethics and characters alot, but the system mechanics are hard to get used to.

I love watching Under Night, my boy Seth and Hyde are always so fun to watch.
I need to keep practicing that one.

Any steam groups that's willing to play with shitters in fighting games? I'm tired of facing comps

So do I, but
>Anime fighter with only lolis
Yeah, it's dead

>lil white cuck mad niggers dominate his favorite videogame genre

>tfw the King's comin' back

Can't really blame people. Full priced balance patch that had region locked multiplayer and the new version never came to consoles. It's a damn shame, but it is what it is.

>Only lolis
Not true

But Japanese dominate my genre.

add me I already posted though I'm done playing for the night /id/1234567869
I play SF5 when I can, but have a few other games and can do fightcade

>Six Stars never ever

Added you, but my computer is currently down. Won't be able to play until next weekend

I don't know why bit every time I see Alisa I think of cherry crush.
To keep on topic I'd say either KI or SFV, both a pretty solid but the latter lacks any substance imo

Niggers don't dominate fighting games at all. You're all a joke in the face of the Asian FGC.

I barely see the new girl get played. Is the Blood Arcana even that good?

>Not loli

Didn't love max get to ps3?

Blood arcana is good for some characters. This tier list is kinda old. It's from when I had hope I'd play this game in my lifetime.

He means Six Stars

That is factually not a loli you fool.

Love max is like almost 3 years out of date now.

how the fuck do you weebs tell the difference between characters?

Well they have names and different moves.

Scharl's smug face will never not make me laugh.

Who the hell plays Nazuna or Eko at all?

idk but some nazuna player got top 3 at KSB. 2nd iirc.

You think that's hard? Try the Melty Blood's character select screen


I read their names...


Just how autistic are you?

same way I can tell my nigger friends apart in the dark

This game

Looks fun.

18 year old plus posting this.

A literal adult is debating other adults that spongebod should be taken seriously.

How do you feel about that?


How so?

Seems I can't user,I agree.

I have actually definitely had among the most fun playing that game. I think it's really well designed in terms of difficulty curve to get people playing it properly.

I have almost been among the most bodied at that game too though thanks to this bitch.
>I literally don't even know what's happening anymore

Rainbow Edition

Well if I'm not mistaken, I do believe the game you are searching has the name of:

Super Smash Bros. Melee, and it's available for the Nintendo Gamecube. (pic related)

>still no official FR release date
>no recent tekken games ported to ps4 and have no ps3 so cant practice 6 or ttt2 in prep for it

>not project meme
no reason to play this trash

Sorry but I'm not an autist manchild that compensates my lack of social life by playing a kiddy party game competitively.

In b4 inevitable smash vs traditional fighters shitfest

OP doesn't want to go to tournamennts

Well then I think Fighting games are not for you, user.

Smash fags need to fuck off and make there own tournament.

Smash bros,

Its objectively better than boring button mashers like Street figher and Guilty gear

Funny you say that when Smash has a major this weekend

More like the FGC needs to stop depending on Smash.


>I can't read

Dead or Alive is actually a ton of fun to play. Too bad no one in the threads actually play the game.

>Needing smash when SFV rakes in all the dollars

Its an event the most they need for money is a enough to rent a place out for the day not buy a fucking Ferrari, fuck off you delusional autist.

Why can't people just get along?

Calm down autist

>implying "traditional" fighting games would've paid and filled Mandalay Bay alone

Just face it, Melee, Smash 4 and SFV paid the event, that's why 2 of them were the main events and the other one was cucked in Saturday.

I'll admit, I only have the game to fap to Lei Fang's dresses

because autists want to feel superior over other autists

Nigger please I play that game all the time. My main is Christie.

I also fap to it constantly

ft5 me retardo

sniffgirls obviously

15 year old game autist refuse to move on from even though it lacks the bare necessitys to be a fighter if were going to play ancient games mind as well throw Soul Calibur 2 in the mix since that was competitive to.

Any SF fan with half a brain knows its shit even the Pros looked bored playing it

>More Smash shit
Same as above but this time they just refuse to believe it isn't a fighting game and Sakurai doesn't give a shit about its "Professional" scene of autist.

Paying for the event /= Having one at all

Plenty of low budget ones exist EVO just looks pretty and its an annual thing.

almost had me

id play soul calibur 2 over sf5 any day

We used to play it on Sup Forums but then the PC port came out with no lobbies and DoAX3 put the final nail in the coffin.

I won't lie I downloaded it just to fap to it as well. Was pleasantly surprised I found the fighting fun though, only fighting game I actually put in time to learn how to get good.
Good taste

So I think we can all agree that only Tekken 7 can save us now right?

Easily Melee. I'm not saying it's the best fighting game, because it isn't. But it's easily the most fun fighting game ever made. Almost no in depth statistical knowledge required to play, just learn the basic tech skill and go balls to the wall at your local scene. Guaranteed pure fun every single time, as long as you don't play a boring character like Icies or Puff.

I've only seriously put in time with UMVC3 and the most recently localized Blazblue. I don't know, I just never felt right with 3D fighters like SC, Tekken, and DoA.

Learn to wipe your ass before shilling kiddy party games, manchild.

I love playing puff...

>fighting game

i'm not sure that i follow, are we talking about the same smash? that one party game for children?

nice projection, continue seething at the mere mention of a video game
if u have fun playing her then thats cool my friend, i just dont have fun playing her (or playing against her most of the time lol)

Blazblue is the pinnacle of anime fighters, anyone who disagrees is just wrong.

Reminder that Smash is not a fighting game and Sakurai has explicitly urged people treating it as one to play the superior Virtua Fighter instead.

I'm liking Under Night a lot actually. Blazblue is still fun but I guess I like the style of Under Night a bit more. Also it has this guy, who is unbelievably fun to watch and play.

>competitive play

If you consider meta shit to be fun you should probably kill yourself