Post you're current gaming mouse

Post you're current gaming mouse

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What for? You just posted it for me.

zowie fk god tier master race

Barely works, it's one of those ones with a visible red light underneath. Dust is built up, the stickers on the bottom are pealing off, and my $1 mousepad is ungodly levels of filthy.

Still made it to 65 in Overwatch so fuck it, it'll last another few months.

Had the same mouse for over 6 years now. It won't die. Still works like when I bought it. Simple, comfortable. Never had a desire to change again.

PCs are for nerds lmao. I'm a mobilegamer :)

i use it primarily for working

>gaming mouse

pick one, and only one. literal meme

These and the basic microsoft ones are solid. Just wish they had thumbs buttons.

Razer Deathadder

I also use Siberia V2 headset but just upgraded to something else, i don't know what it's called cuz its in my car.

Eventually will buy a deathadder chroma to replace my mouse when it dies, but 3 years and still going strong

Gaming keyboard is meme, Gaming mouse is not. Having additional buttons on a mouse is really useful, but when it comes to a gaming keyboard it usually just has extra keys and stupid leds, both of which are equally useless.

In case this is bait i won't respond past this point. Enjoy your (You)

Bought this about a year ago when it was on sale for under $15. I don't really play too many games on PC, just Doom wads and the odd Overwatch session every couple of weeks.

This bad boy.

what do you guys use as a desk? really want a new desk that has enough room for 3 monitors.

Get a g100s. You won't be disappointing.

Same shape. Best sensor on the market. Really cheap for the amazing sensor its got.

Or get a Nixieus Revel or DM1 Pro S (slightly better build quality) if you want a slightly bigger mouse with the same sensor, side buttons, and the pretty universally like Sensei shape.

In that case i would recommend a large desk.

>extra keys and stupid leds

here's your (You)

Whatever is the correct height for you and has enough space.

whatever the cheapest steelseries mouse is



sensor is incredible but the shape is stupid

Best mouse coming through

I actually plan on getting the ZA13 when I get the money. Yes, I have baby hands.

>have this
>disconnects every 3-5 minutes even when plugged in

Do you have baby hands?

Fuck yes, best mouse, extra buttonfags get out

Don't get a g303 right now. New Logi mouse is coming out soon enough that'll be light like the g303, have a more comfortable shape and have the same sensor as the g303.


It's pretty alright.

this cadillac of mouses, think I've had it for like 8 years running or smth
still ace

>he thinks his curve-to-the-ground design can beat best mouse's 10-mm-rebound design

Bought a hand made adapter to use this fucker and the keyboard

Hey what's wrong with your mice? They look all deformed.


worth the money I think.


I like it. Picked it up on sale at best buy after my trackball finally took a shit.

It's fun.

Yes, user.

Alright faggots post your boards

pic related

My mouse for years.

This thing will never break and I'll never get to try a real mec.

I love my mouse, and Logitech Gaming Software is great.

i have 4 of these in a box

i cant get rid of them

its just not possible

the hello kitty board is membrane and mechanical somehow

I think these keyboards have a really cool appearance. Too bad I've gotten so used to media keys that I never want to not have them.

Razer Lachesis
'bout 7 years strong

ironically the cheapest mouse ($12) is my favorite of the several I have.

Atleast you still get the clickity clacks from them.
People bitch all the time about how loud my typing is.

g100s doesn't have the best sensor, logitech is releasing a new version of the mouse with a 3366 which is typically considered the best out there.

lol consolepleb

please god no

its a mushy clack. theres no other board id rather use over this. its such a strange feeling

A4tech X718BK
I doubt you can find a mouse with better value for the features it offers.
That little orange button near the index is so damn useful that it ruined other, more expensive mice for me.
Also, if you are gaming and not using a mouse with extra buttons, you're doing yourself a huge disafavor.

I really want that.
They can't be too expensive these days right?

it's just what years of sweat, tear, mongolian beef sauce, and loose flour from pizza looks like

youll need an adapter too (not that mayflash shit - a real hand made adapter). its also really fucking small

if you stand 2 ps3 gameboxes side by side it has about 1 inch of space longer than those 2 boxes. so i hope you have japanese tiny hands

they hello kitty blue and pink ones only came with the hello kitty dreamcast with matching shell. good luck

its actually new. its just the plastic that looks weird due to the plastic choice and mold lines.
and some dust

Was on sale when I made my PC. Meh.

Oh well, thanks m8

go for the skeleton one.

altogether i dropped 80 bucks for this

Dear lord that thing has a high as fuck lift off distance compared to the other mice I own.

Sensai raw. I originally wanted to go with a Zowie EC1 but they were sold out at the time.

Etekcity Scroll X1. It was like 13 bucks on amazon and has been more reliable and is actually built better than my Razer Deathadder.

I need a small mouse thats similar size to my (not me)
with a m4 and m5.
any suggestions?

why does the can sound like it want to take off?

Perfect Sensor, mouse 4&5.

my nigga

that mouse is like twice the size

I need one to fit my little pussy hands

Logitech G300s

It's simple, but pretty and comfy. Besides, it was cheap.

New logitech mouse will essentially be that. Just be patient.

I have one of those. Kept overloading the usb on my shitty laptop for some reason so now it sits in my closet collecting dust instead of figuring out the problem.

I need to replace pic related. The wire is going bad and if I move it the wrong way it disconnects. Still refuses to die after all these years, though. I stopped playing MMOs forever ago and I still use it because of how accustomed I've grown to it.

I'm also using povohat's accel driver to "lower" the dpi to 800 from the retarded default steps.

Zowie FK2, Logitech G303 or G302. Roccat Kiro, Steelseries Rival 100.
Fucking pussy.

sweet. whats it called?

user, I have a bad news

It's bretty gud. Just overpriced. Massdrop helps alleviate some of the cost but I will admit the mouse feels amazing to use.

It just works.

Bought a "gaming" mice a while back and it just felt like a waste.

If I ever would upgrade it, I'd just get a mouse with thumb buttons but anything over $25 would be a waste for me.

That's what I'm using right now.
Now I'm addicted to having something to lean the right side of my hand against.


Right there with you.

This mouse is fucking indestructible

Never thought I'd buy anything Razer, but it was on sale for >half off, so it ended up being the cheapest mouse with the form factor and button placement I was looking for.

This mouse is fucking garbage. Nobody buy this mouse. Starts double clicking and not registering clicks after just a few months of frequent use. Never had a moyse nreak down so easily on me before.

And don't be one of those retards who goes "never happened to me XD". You can go on Amazon and see the top rated review and a bunch of other reviews say theirs broke. It's a piece of shit.

I had the same happen with my g400. I think they all have some shitty wiring.

Switched to this and it's been great so far.

I have the wired version of this and I'm on my third one they're the shittiest build quality but its the only mouse I've found with the 12 button layout that I like.

Had a G500 for 2 years, something inside the cord disconnected so now I have a Deathadder Chroma

Who /FK1/ here

>how big this fucking mouse is

and I bought the small version, I could only imagine how fucking big the 1A is.

I used to steal mice like these all the time from school.

This, best peripheral I ever bought, senpai.

I have an EC1-A and it's pretty much the perfect size for my hand. I had an EC1-eVo before it, had to replace it with the A because it started double clicking on LMB and MB4. I actually tried switching the shells recently because I thought I preferred the rubberized coating on the eVo's shell, but I didn't realize how much cleaner the A's matte plastic feels when going back and forth between them.

Anyway, back to size, I'd say it's honestly a little bit smaller than my G400 was. I would just assume I have big hands, but I remember the original G400 being pretty popular on Sup Forums.


I have it too but I'm scared that it will just stop working one day or slowly going to die, I have no idea what to replace it with if something happens and since g400s's are now discontinued I can't just get a new one.

I want the sensor the be as perfect as possible and also as much additional buttons as possible.

I got a corsair m95

fucking hell thats bad

Just looked it up, and I was right - they're the same width and height but the G400 is just slightly longer than the EC1-A. Honestly, any G400 users out there, I recommend trying an EC1 if you can find one without having to buy it first. I've tried going back to my G400 and I can't, that little edge on the right side that I guess you're supposed to rest your ring finger on digs into mine instead and is super fucking uncomfortable. Of course, if you actually prefer using it as intended and resting your finger on it, you'll probably prefer the G400 over the EC1.

I wish Zowie products were available in US retail stores because I hate recommending something that you have to buy before you try. I don't want to recommend it to someone only for them to end up not liking it.

logitech g600 does not do it for you? they are half off right now.

I got it on prime day. I'm pretty happy with it so far.

This thing.

I felt like buying something expensive.


I used to have a g400 for 5 years before a friend broke it by slamming his finger down on it really hard.

If you buy a mac, you'll never come back

>Logitech Gaming Software is great

No, it's not. Glad I finally gave up my G400s.

G400 reporting in, used this one for 4 years now