Because the last thread 404d

Because the last thread 404d

You, your psycho friend and everything around you are made of psychic dust. The world we know died uncountable millennia ago.

you were the bad guy all along

The fun you were having was cut short by unseen beings of great power

You fuck off, leaving your partner behind while everything goes all eldritch.

Just dust and echoes

"hey mom, I'm back, and dad's here too"

Killing the entitty that was forcing the world into a cycle of death and rebirth of civilizations caused one of the female party member's existence to be retconned. You go into the void of nothingness to kill the final bosses embryo so said party member can be revived as a god.

You then leave the island, and no-one else but you and the people that killed the final boss in the first place remembers that she even existed.

Came here to say this.

war never changes

Bitch blows up the planet.

The stupid Jew who got you into the mess is even more of a thief.

Son is the "villain"

War has changed

Guy betrays you for flimsy reasons as your motives don't exactly work against him.

all you had to do was follow the damn train

And so the world ends, not with a bang, but a whimper

Come here Buddy.

You and your sister die while your best friend becomes king

you kill the goddess but she steals your soul via taking your literal heart out of your chest. however your soul is saved when the little girl trapped inside takes your soul to a peaceful place.

a bunch of combat simulations take advantage of massenergy conversion technology to escape into the real world. It's not everything it was cracked up to be.

It turns out that the final boss is the original you.
You kill him.

You go back to earth to find it overran.

Turns out your quest was just God pulling a suicide by cop. Then you kill yourself.

after kung fu fighting an ancient voodoo priest and The Internet, the autistic girl dies anyway

Well it's the same premise as Code Lyoko

the final boss has a giant cannon shoved up its ass



Turns out Earth was fucked the whole time. Just like the franchise itself.


A very close family member passes away but your powers allow you to change that fate with a simple response

The house always wins

you were the aliens


You destroy the island and save your friend's wife, then fall into an interdimensional chasm

you go to the moon after defeating a goldfish

francis bacon summons a cthulhu, fortunately, you ate a god earlier and use its power to repel it

Your new pirate friend ends up helping you save your small island town while you release the magic from the lamp.

You die for no discernible reason


The sapphire is just tree resin.
The monsters are just people

You join a bunch of brains in jars in manipulating the sphere of human thought.

RIVEN: the Sequel to Myst

Best girl dies but the other party members refuses to accept her death

You die about halfway through the game without even knowing it and then become a different person at the end

What is MmSF3?


It's a stretch but Sonic Adventure 2

Walking anime trope becomes god


You fight countless adversities and defeat the great evil, only to find out that you could have prevented the entire atrocity had you done the right thing instead of taking matters into your own hands.

Its a stretch in the wrong direction.

Axiom verge



You get on the train and knock teeth with a lady before riding off into the beyond.


they're werewolves

no wait they're aliens

no wait they're gods


You fancy a kick around.

Dodge a laser, hit him twice,
Dodge large explosions, hit him twice

Grandpa wasn't killed all those years ago, he faked his death and was hiding in Africa the whole time.

your asshole friend is actually god


And everyone lives happily ever after.



You don't kill them if you don't want to

Your mother sings you a lullaby shortly after your escape.




The main characters use The Rolling Stones to stop an alien invasion

You are too late. Your mother is released upon the world ensuring utter destruction.




everything went according to the keikaku of an extradimensional entity of pure pain. the earth is spared only because it was never in danger in the first place.

What game?

After blowing up a Dyson Sphere and saying fuck you to some jackass who made a universe as a science project, you use your powers that could potentially restore the 90-something% of the universe that was unmade to brink back just your "sister"

You die, and the little girl you protected throughout the game is the protagonist of the sequel

Yo buddy, you still alive?

Blind bitch does nothing and steals all the credit.


Telltale's The Walking Dead

It actually was light.

The nuke backfires and makes the enemies stronger, but you become a weapon against them and finish them off by using a portable nuclear grenade launcher.


after killing god, you park your flying city on the entrance to hell to make sure no one can revive him



Star Ocean Till The End Of Time

Phantom Dust

I really do wish this game could get a sort of abridged remake or turned into a movie. As much as I love it, I wish I could get my friends and girlfriend to play it, but I doubt anyone would want to. It's way too long and kinda difficult to get into.

Your sister has been alive the entire time!
And is the ruler of the evil empire you've been fighting!


Kingdom Hearts

Shadow Hearts?

Coffee pot sticks a fetus in virtual reality.

No and No
Hint: It's a DS game


Infinite Space?

You go off into the sunset on a motorboat with either the hot redhead chick or the weeaboo who pisses himself