How do you feel about Dr. Mei-Ling Zhou?

How do you feel about Dr. Mei-Ling Zhou?

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I love her

>countless "mei" puns incoming


I want her to cuck me.

she's not that cool.


>Was expecting bikini mei
>Wasnt disapointed

I would love to have sex with her.

Lovely! LOVELY!



I thinks it's pretty pathetic and indicative of the amount of teenagers or shills on Sup Forums, don't get me wrong I hate this shit game but still get a rod for widowmaker but when you sit here like THICC! LOVELY!! MY WAIFU!! you're worse than a repressed furfag who just found Sup Forums.

Veritable H.A.E.S. inclusivity mascot that nuGamers ate up in droves. It worked - a virtual fatty is now a sex symbol.


Mei is thick and lovely! Thick and lovely!

chink chong

A nonissue if you have a coordinated team and no fun allowed avoid at all costs if you're a tank in QP.

She's not fat, fatties just latched on to her

>mfw shes really thin in that table tennis uniform

thiccniggers BTFO

>H.A.E.S. inclusivity mascot that nuGamers

she should be removed from the game entirely


What's the problem?

Ok fatty.

I just realized I'm sitting here stuffing my face with bacon as I posted this

I also love a thick and lovely Asian like Mei. I just want to cuddle her chubby body so badly.



needs to be thicc-er

she's not even fat or chubby, look at her summer games spray/icon



too thick

Someone post the pic of everyone's panties, I need this for a friend.

How about this one?

Still too thick


Posting something 2lewd for janitors to handle.


Girls with tattoos will always look trashy.

The next notch down I have isn't even thick any more

Not thick enough

If she had more boobs she'd be pretty perfect desu

I want her to sit on my face

ZUN should sue.

>not ranked
who cares

thats one shit tier gun prop

Perfect. Kind of looks like my GF 2. Chinese girls can have a really huge faces despite having a slender body.

Does it need to be asian? I only have white girls in between what has been posted


real talk I would wife this girl up


she's so cute in an awkward way

im gonna vomit

Looks like a good cuddler. Would begin foreplay with snuggles and transition into deep hugs, I bet her fuckhole is warm, wet, and caressing.

which one?

Mei in a nutshell

I'd nut inside of that in a heartbeat.

mei on the right

The one that makes babies.

she can make a mean, plump, and steamy log if you know what i "mean"?

>real talk


Annoying. She's a good character but the people who play her do it to be annoying fucks with her wall. I leave any game at the first sign of some Mei fuck blocking her own teammates with the wall.



Who took a picture of that anyway?


Would happily watch her fuck someone else in front of me


>all these fat girls sticking on a blue top and glasses and think theyre 'cosplaying'

How long can you move in the frozen ice?

I feel that if Blizzard's aim was to make her completely unusable then they have done an excellent job.

no tits
unnecessary and out of character slutty behavior
slutty tattoo

too thick but would

low quality cosplay and no tits

the girl fits though
too much


Kill marry fuck friendzone

git gud, scrub

Tracer is the perfect amount of thick


If she doesn't get a Santa costume in a christmas update I'll be seriously upset.

This, haven't you see how fatties use Marilyn Monroe to push their acceptance even though she wasn't fat?


I really hope they do a beach costume batch.

>be fat
>put on blue clothes and glasses
>call it cosplay
Why is this allowed?

It's a great idea waiting to happen

Do you really expect a western dev to do that in 2016?
I't's not gonna happen, nigger.

Blizzard wouldn't dare add beach costumes to SocialJusticeWatch.

It's crazy the amount of (You)s I get that are exactly this post.

100% evil incarnate.

She's the real reason everything bad happens in the overwatch universe, and possibly everything out of it.


>those fat tits

>Do you really expect a western dev to do that in 2016

>tracer sucking her gut in so hard as well as trying to block view with gun & shoulder

Posting something 2hot for janitors to handle.

Only check if you are a connoiseur of overwatch pornography

You know they will look awful when the short and bra is not there to keep them in shape

you already posted that here
