When you let Tumblr write a back story





>romanticist, feminist and self-professed gentleman.

I can actually kinda see Eggman being a closet fedoralord.


that term of feminism was more referring to Second Wave Feminism pertaining to women's rights and real equality in the 60's and 70's
Not this shitty Third Wave """""Feminism""""" that started in the 90's

>real equality
why would you want this. God made man and woman for different purposes, some women excel in, some men. Forcing equality will only cause unhappiness and men and women cannot align themselves with God's plan.

equality meaning not getting docked pay just by being a women. There are other departments with different skillsets and wages that are better suited for men and women
I dont expect the female dairy clerks, HBC clerks, and DSD recieving desks at work to do the heavy lifting shit I do all day, but it doesnt mean they should get docked pay because they're women, just put them in aother area where they can work a lot more lighter units while I focus on heavy shit

its a broad term but thats kinda the way I was looking at it

Translation error
Original text says womanizer.

But the bible say somewhere "When a man and woman have worked for you with their greatest diligence, thou shall pay 100 coins to the man and 77 coins to the woman".

Do you want to ANGER GOD?

Shit I guess your right women should be payed less damn

I'm pretty sure it's supposed to say womanizer.

We should've tasted the Fruit of Life too, and it was not enough that we only had a bite of the Fruit of Knowledge

the 4:3 ratio only happens if you only compare schooling. Men do more brutal unschooled work like crab fishing, or hang out on an oil platform somewhere without any decent connection. If you do it better you get close to 93 cents per dollar. Which is mostly due negotiations .


They probably meant real feminism, not tumblr feminism.

IIRC that picture is from Sonic Heroes' manual and that came out around 2004


I dont expect the female dairy clerks, HBC clerks, and DSD recieving desks at work to do the heavy lifting shit I do all day, but it doesnt mean they should get docked pay because they'd work less

I think they made a translation error and put down "feminist" instead of "ladies' man".

The amount you get paid doesn't align with your work ethic.

So Eggman is a fedoralord?

Well, you're almost right, except that nature made humans, not God.

The bible also says to execute anyone and everyone who

-eats shellfish
-touches a pig and anything involving a pig
-works on the Sabbath
-wears mixed fabrics
-allows a menstruating woman near anything holy
-disrespects their parents
-doesn't discipline their slaves
-doesn't follow God

Should we do those as well if we're so concerned about following God?

>citing old testament after the arrival of jesus

nothing's wrong with those desu

You dare question the word of our lord heretic?

"I have not come to destroy the old word, but to keep it"

Also, cherry-picking what parts of the bible to follow is why Christianity has fallen so far.

"Feminist" in Japan means womanizer.
~The More You Know~

>cherry-picking what parts of the bible to follow
I see this shit all the time with """"""Christian"""""" teens and young adults who are okay with pre-marital sex.

>seeks world domination
i don't see anything wrong here



that means he came to full fill the prophecy of his arrival. Not to keep the old rules intact.

of course, a woman's joy is the care and love of a man

Then what are you waiting for, you sloths? There's an entire country out there in need of executing.

How come every time I google third wave feminim it shows me a picture of Kathleen Hanna?

I get she's a retarded feminist but I really like Le Tigre and Bikini Kill and its annoying being reminded how big of an idiot she it.

So how old is he?

That's ageist.


>Also, cherry-picking what parts of the bible to follow is why Christianity has fallen so far.
Actually it's perfectly theologically correct to dismiss parts of the old testament in Christianity as Jesus explicitly said, and I'm paraphrasing, "yeah we're not going to do a lot of this shit anymore."

>it's a metaphor

In the lutheran church you are free to not follow any of the rules as long as you believe in jesus since he died for your sins.

Didn't Jesus throw most of these out the window? That's the whole point of the New Testament and Christianity in general. I specifically remember he says it's fine to work on the Sabbath.

you can't not cherrypick the bible it contradicts itself 10x over

>Also, cherry-picking what parts of the bible to follow is why Christianity has fallen so far.

except not cherry picking and taking a 1000+year old book literally is why the Islamic world is such a shithole (inb4 liberal cucks apologize for Islam and try to blame whitey)

>you're not allowed to not believe in Jesus
Well, whatever the fuck happened to free will, huh?

>Didn't Jesus throw most of these out the window?
Yeah. You're replying to either an ignorant atheist, a retarded mudslime, or a lying kike.

That makes WAY more sense

Ppl believe this, someone actually came back to life 3 days after death. If it helps you sleep at night I guess

Or, you could just be smart, realize religion is bullshit, and become an atheist, rather than trying to backwards rationalize an obvious myth so it fits with the modern narrative.

>become an atheist
b-but then anons on Sup Forums will make fun of me and call me a fedora

>self-professed gentleman

It's part of the joke

>MFW I derailed a thread into a religious debate

I'm agnostic. I'm simply pointing out that if you think the reason that Christians ignore a good portion of Levitical law is because of cherry picking then you're a poorly educated retarded.

>ladies' man

I don't see it. What is attractive about Eggman

It wasn't that good of a thread to begin with
if anything it's improved

In Soviet Mobius, egg lays you

This is a good thing. Eggman is ahead of the times. We need more Feminist villains to fight and crush and kill off for ruining civilization.


I also watched that video

Pretty much Atheist lite, you just refuse to admit it.



what video

Its a miss translation, its supposed to be something more akin to playboy/good with women.

That makes more sense but seeing as Eggman is all REMOVE ANIMALS, I don't think there would be any female in the series he'd be after.

>Well, you're almost right, except that nature made humans, not God.
Holy HECK bro does your mom KNO your an athairst? Gotta keep that s*** on the Dow low.

It's neither of those things and still irrelevant to the point.

Eggman is romantic as fuck, I wonder if he became a supervillian because he got friendzoned

>being proud of being brainwashed
Rabbit hole can't get much deeper than this

Only atheists are brainwashed.
Do you live by the code of the fedora my enlightened friend?


Look up the verb 'believe' and then tell me if it's transitive or intransitive.

You either believe in God, or you don't. There's no in-between kiddo.

You can believe in a God outside of the common western understanding of what is and what is not God.

I live by my own standards dude. Don't need some magical book to tell me how to live my life.

Then congratulations my friend, you're an atheist.

Just open your heart to God and you will find His divine wisdom works out best for the situations you face.

You're both wrong. The RNG rolled up the laws of physics, and those laws dictated humanity's eventual existance.

Again, these words don't mean what you think they mean.

I did, I was raised Catholic and lived with this bullshit for 20 years. Then I woke up.

Christianity did more harm to my development than anything else I endured growing up.

Since I went to Rome 6 years ago, I've been officially an Atheist, snd I've never been happier. Being in control of my own decisions, and not having to live beneath a veil of hypocrisy. Hopefully you'll wake up someday too user.

Dumbest 'statistic' ever. Yeah no shit men overall make more than women because there are more male CEOS currently. If you remove the small group of men making millions more a year and just look at your average Joe job suddenly there isn't some huge wage gap.

God doesn't exist.

*Tips go fuck yourself*

It means you're scared to admit your own beliefs because you lack conviction.

It's ok, it's all part of the process. The more you learn and educate yourself, the more you'll come to terms with yourself. Deep down you know the truth, it's just a matter of accepting it. You think that adopting 'strict' definitions created by others is your way of distancing yourself and being 'different' but the moment you step out and begin to think for yourself if the moment you begin to wake up.

It's ok, I was 'agnostic' once too user.

>Hopefully you'll wake up someday too user.
Im atheist but like posing as christian since it has some funny asnwers that always spark discussion.

He actually was referring to the difference in payment for the exact same job (if women get pay less because theyre not heavy lifting has nothing to do with this)

>equality meaning not getting docked pay just by being a women
So something they've had since 1963?

2nd wavers were at least just as crazy as our tumbrlites. A typical 2nd wave feminist tried to kill Andy Warhol

Eggman confirmed for woke.

>implying he's not using his machines for rape