Boss dies

>boss dies
>you die at the same time and have to start over

>kill boss
>another one pops out to finish you off

>character clips into scenery and gets stuck
>can't get out
>game doesn't autosave
>last manual save was 3 hours ago

>immediately before dying, the boss emits a fuckhuge AOE for the first time in the fight
>you fail if it kills you

>Perform suicidal attack on final boss that kills you both
>Game doesn't have a secret special ending that triggers when you pull it off

Happened to me with Bright Man in Mega Man 4 when fighting with Toad Man's weapon. I was 6 and had never felt so cheated.

>kill boss
>touching his corpse kills you

>fighting off tough boss
>get poisoned
>kill boss
>die of poison before reaching a save point

>kill boss
>it tries to suicide attack you

>return to the boss room
>boss is already dead
>you can't get the drops

Its so fucking random there is no visible HP no sign of him near death and it's a fucking QTE

>player and boss dies at the same time
>game crashes

>Kill boss while it is doing a specific attack
>Character gets locked in place to get the cutscene item
>Tiny bomb from that specific attack explodes on your character and you die

>kill boss
>it gets resurrected and cybernetically enhanced
>kill boss
>it gets resurrected again with radioactive bioengineering
>kill boss
>it gets rebuilt again
>kill boss
>it gets possessed by a parasite and reanimated

>kill boss
>QTE out of nowhere

>Kill boss
>Get poisoned during cutscene
>Die after cutscene

>don't notice and kill some thing the boss spawns
>the boss wipes you and your party

>defeat boss
>it dies

Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door after defeating Grodus.

>fighting game or Pokémon game
>double K.O.
>you lose

Fucking shit.

Name 23 games, 12 movie adaptions and 4 short novels that do this

>kill boss
>it kills you when fading away

Legacy of Lunatic Kingdom

>Boss dies
>Death animation is a lethal explosion

I fucking despise this shit.

>kill boss
>it explodes on death, killing all your party members
>cutscene plays as if you won
>another boss right after the cutscene
>you instantly lose because everyone in the party is dead
fucking trails SC

>Game is a tie
>tie-breaker is a coin flip

Watch out! He's up to something!

>Game ends in a tie
>Loss flair for you while the AI gets the winning one

>get to the finale of JRPG
>10 minute cutscene
>20 minute bossfight
>5 minute cutscene
>30 minute bossfight
>1 hour bossfight
>die at the very end
>have to start over at the beginning of finale
>die at the final phase again
>and again
>and again

>Arguably the most brutally difficult boss in an already notoriously brutal series
>If you try to prep for him with immunities/min-maxing he calls you a pussy and instakills your entire party because he can.


>it actually makes sense because it's a competition hosted by the villain, who has it obviously rigged

>every faction is a piece of shit
>decide to fuck everyone over and fight bosses from both sides
>win easily

I believe the digital devil saga
demi fiend

>boss almost dead
>attack using last bit of stamina
>boss attacks
>double K.O.

Fuck you Pontiff! At least it counts as a victory

>Boss almost kills you
>Use turn to heal
>Boss almost kills you
>Use turn to heal
>Boss almost ki-


>Game doesn't autosave.

SMT: Digital Devil Saga

>Boss is MC from previous game after canon ending in which he decides to tell god to fuck off, and becomes a godlike being who cannot be fucking stopped to the point that even angels and demons in other dimensions shit their pants at the mere mention of him.
>He's so fucking OP that You're not even worth his time. That Demifiend you were fighting? A data copy with the very slightest fraction of his power.

Fucking Crash Twinsanity.

>Boss has a QTE right at his very last sliver of health.
>Have to do the entire boss fight over again if you fail it.

>entire game is great
>final boss a QTE
damnit Space marine

>Kill boss.
>Boss drops a bunch of collectibles.
>Cutscene plays of a door opening or something like that.
>Collectibles start to disappear during the cutscene.

>dlc final boss is an actual boss fight

>Boss has constant regen so if you don't flawlessly burst him down the fight can go on forever

>watching cutscene
>qte out of fucking no where
>cant enjoy cutscenes out of fear of button prompts

>failing the QTE means you have to fight the boss all over again

>final boss has an unavoidable RNG instant kill move that he does with no warning that can't be blocked
>he constantly targets healer for whatever reason
>get boss down to 25% HP
>does unavoidable attack that hits the entire party for 6000 damage
>everybody in the party only has 4000 HP
>have to sit through 2 hours of cutscenes and smaller mini-bosses again

oh god i fucking hate that

>Playing FTL on hard mode.
>Kill boss on final form
>Die one second later due to fire
>Still counts as victory
Ill happily take that

This was me at the first statue guardian in Devil May Cry.

How do I get good at this game? I'm on my last yellow orb and I've pretty much been cheesing my way through it. I don't really understand the swordplay. I mean I get that it's about timing your button presses to build combos and you're pretty much retarded if you don't use the lock on, but I can never do damage to any of the bosses without Devil Trigger.

>boss dies
>you die at the same time
>not rewarded items or exp

Castlevania Dawn of Sorrow can suck my dick. Never could beat Death because the seal thing never registered properly.

The fucking werewolf fight in Baldur's Gate. Holy shit that was annoying.

>kill boss that takes 3 hours
>no savepoint
>it deals 9999 damage in the first attack to your character

was anybody else as terrified as me when this happened

>cutscene's playing
>put down controller and get comfy

>Enter boss room
>Door locks behind you

>kill the boss by healing it

What is Ridley?

>Boss dies.
>Soon after that it resurrects even more powerful and with new moves.

Not really, it was pretty blatant it was a glorified cutscene boss.

screw this, are there any games with bosses that dont lock the door behind you?

like, you can just leave the boss and be like "nah" and just leave

SMT 4 Neutral route best route

>Enter room
>All the music stops

In Chrono Cross you can run from any fight, including bosses, and try them again later.

Are you using your guns? They help build your Devil Trigger. Make sure that you're always locked on to your opponent. Being locked on ensures that you can pull off a wider range of sword attacks that depend on your directional input.

Aside from that, all I can say is be vigilant and pay attention to enemy "tells" (specific movements in their animation that give you a cue as to what attack they're going to pull off). Also, master dodge rolling.

Destiny pretty much.

>Drakengard 3
>Intoner fight
>fight ends before you get their health to zero for cutscene
>you stop moving and the screen fades to white for said cutscene
>but the enemy Intoner can still move and attack during the fade
>watch cutscene
>game resumes with a game over screen
>have to do the fight over again
Fucking Two.

The White is the best option

I use my guns interchangeably with my sword. They work fine against normal enemies but the bosses always block them. I guess bosses are really my only problem because I can't take the risk of getting hit and that means sitting back to watch their attack animations isn't really an option.

What happens when all my yellow orbs are gone? Is it game over? If so I dunno if I'll ever be able to beat this game.

>yfw the boss music is the random encounter music from the game demifiend is from
>you're nothing special, just another bunch of demons for him to power through

Every fucking time one of you White retards shows up
Stop posting

>spend revive item to revive party member
>boss kill the person you just revived

fucking turn based rpgs. Bonus points for if they randomly get 3 turns in a row and kill you in the end

>game is a tie
>opponent automatically wins if it's a tie

>try to kill boss a second time
>it now has a stronger second form which has completely different weaknesses


fuck off Tallgeese.

Yes, it means Game Over. However, it's not impossible. It's very doable. You just gotta have a little bit of patience. Once you recognize their patterns you'll wonder why you ever had any trouble. Just know that there's a way to avoid every single attack. You just gotta be vigilant.


>Discover hidden loot in an early game area way later
>At the time it would've been a godsend, but now it's worthless

>Go to fight a boss again
>Has a completely different gimmick and new rewards
>Can re-fight him eight times to get everything, with a new gimmick every time



I'm getting Throne Watcher & Throne Defender flashbacks

>100,000 hp
>get my shit slapped
>dodging flawlessly for 30 minutes

>kill boss and die at the same time
>the loot drops on the ground but disappears when you respawn
>the boss is nonrepeatable
>save is fucked, there's no other way to obtain the unique item that that boss drops

>boss dies
>you die
>the cutscene starts playing before you finish your death animation and it counts as a win

>Not having a giant statue built in your honor

>Find loot locked behind a door that you need to open with late game items/abilities
>By the time you can get it it's pretty much worthless

>Kill a boss
>Two more of the same boss appear

Fuck D44M.

> it's actually a cutscene to introduce phase two of the boss
> you die as soon as the cutscene ends

>To be able to open that door early you would've needed to invest literally everything into non-combat skills
>Behind the door is weapons you can't even use effectively because you don't have any fucking points in combat skills

>normal cutscene playing
>suddenly QTE which hadn't happened at all prior in the game
>start cutscene over

Thanks for ruining my dinner, assholes

That's pretty neat actually.

>boss dies
>he falls on you and you have to start over

>Boss punishes you for inflicting status ailments on them

>boss has cool theme
>it's only in the first phase before it switches over to some uninspired string piece to be "dramatic"
>first phase with cool theme is like 20 seconds long

what game

Fuck that. I don't recall other bosses but I know Tikimon did that shit. It's insulting because there's a checkpoint box only a few meters away, and most people are curious to try and climb on it first.