>go to interview
>get asked what I do for hobbies
>"uhh... go out with friends"
I feel like it'd be a negative point to say I still play video games. This gives off a quality of being a slacker, doesn't it?
>go to interview
>get asked what I do for hobbies
>"uhh... go out with friends"
I feel like it'd be a negative point to say I still play video games. This gives off a quality of being a slacker, doesn't it?
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dumb frogposter
I've only had this asked once when I applied for a sandwich maker job. But since I'm no longer in any kind of service market the only question is how much work experience I have in the applied job.
It's like saying you like to watch tv user. The interviewer wants to hear about hobbies that involve talking and interacting with physical people.
I've said in interviews how I play videogames in my free time and I still got the job.
When a company wants to hire someone, first and foremost they're searching for the individual with the professional formation, skills, attitude and experience closest to the post they're trying to fill. The obligatory hobbies question can be significant depending on the job. One thing is working on IT and another very different is working on sales.
All they want to hear is that you are social.
But I discuss TV with my friends
I play video games with people.
But when I bike, it's normally alone.
It works in your favor if the job requires a human cog in their machine, or prissy managers that don't like too opinionated / talented individuals over qualified that might pose ego problems within a team.
>this question
it happens every time and you would think by now i would have come up with a good excuse but i always fumble it
>Its a "Pepe is mainstream now thus its cancer" episode
Pepe will always be ours no matter how many faggots use him.
>not having hobbies other than video games
pathetic desu
I always say I'm into videogames in interviews. You'd be surprised how open people are these days, and as long as you sound knowledgeable rather than fanatical, it can actually be a positive point.
Just make sure to slip it out there casually alongside typical stuff like movies and music.
gtfo normalfag loser
As soon as you mention video games in an interview the interviewers will think that you cannot socialise with other people
That is what my interviewers told me
literally just lie, and tell them you haven't had much time for yourself lately between looking for jobs/school/etc. make up more lies, to show them you have responsibility to get shit done.
pretty much. especially because the mentality of even the person who has the hobby know that it's embarrassing to the point of >just make sure to slip it out there casually
My go to hobby is Airsoft. I haven't played in like 4 years but it is a good one. Not many people know about it so it's interesting and when you explain it takes good communication and team work it's a good display of social skills.
>job interview/application
>telling the truth
its like you don't even want to get hired.
just say you like reading or watching sports you autistic shits
what is the point of job interviews anyways, everyone lies during them and everyone knows it
Always always say it's a sport of some kind. Tell them you like to play water Polo or some shit. Avoid golf or baseball as they might actually call you on this one and you'll wind up having to play it.
>Go to interview
>Get asked about hobbies
>Umm welll... Mainly music, video games,netflix,play a bit of guitar, drinking. I'm essentially the male equivalent of a basic bitch.
>Interviewer laughs and says "Lets go get some paperwork done"
It was only for a coffee shop job though, i know it would never work somewhere serious
I always told the truth in interviews. Never got a job. As soon as I lied about everything I got a job on my first try.
Interviewers dont want to hear about yourself. They just want to see if you can sell some shit to them.
I did departmental interviews for 10 years and I knew they lied because I also lied during my interview. No intelligent person is ever going to tell the truth.
It's to test how good of a liar you are.
>As soon as I lied about everything I got a job on my first try
But user, you just lied right now.
>no one ITT ever got a job without lying
top kek, you guys are some boring fucks. vidya is fun in all but for fucksake do something else beside vidya 24/7
>I read a lot and hang out with friends mostly, besides that I study and try and keep up with current news, recently __ has been real interesting to me
Then take it off that subject. It's not that hard you sperg. Have you never had a girlfriend that you've needed to take off a sensitive subject?
I just stayed up for 24 hours and downed a monster energy. I was that confindent and slightly peppy without being overbearingly annoying that I got the job first try.
Little did they know about the autism hehe.
>not just telling people you play an instrument or volunteer for some local charity
Retard poster who post "dump frogposter".