Enderal now Live for Skyrim

So the full conversion mod Enderal for Skyrim is live, anyone already jumped in?

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What is it op?

A mod for Skyrim pc, basicly a whole new game using the skyrim game/engine as a base. The people who made it did one for oblivion as well which was awesome.


Nice. Last time here, dev threw a tantrum for being called a Kraut.

>destruction is STILL SHIT



At least i didn't put any points into elementalist.
>no beast races

Well, the story is good at least.

That was forever ago, if I remember right. Excited to see what he has in store.


The shilling is real, typical for nazi kraut niggers

Is the English release out?

Yep came out today

Nice. I saw the trailer last night and while it doesn't look incredibly unique, it does look well polished. I will give it a try.

Voice acting is alright. The time stop and premonition thing with the still was neat. Exploration is rewarded too. Barely started and already have a backpack that adds 15 spaces and visually shows on your character. Innawoods time.

Got it downloading now, gives me a reason to re install Skyrim, it's been a long time since I've looked at it.

What's Enderal's version of nordic ruins with draugr?

>German devs
Has the caliphate okay'd this?

well memed my friend xD I tip my hat to you *raises spork* you sir, win an internets

Not sure if trolling or plain stupid...

>the story is just medieval Mass Effect

>it's a redditfag thread

That is haram, you are sentenced to 40 lashes. *rapes daughter*

Never played Skyrim.
What mods should I install before this one?



its if you want to play gothic, but instead of actually playing gothic want to play skyrim for some reason.

these guys would be better off just making their own commercial games because they are always held back by the inherent shittiness of the games they build off of.

a. How long is this game?
b. Is the combat improved in any way?
c. Will it work with the "We want more money from PS4 and Xbone" edition of the game on PC?

7 hours in and I'm enjoying it so far.

Call me a casual, but I do miss fast travel though.

I'll give it a spin when eng subs are avaliable for german dub.

>main quest is completely linear
>no factions to join
>no choice and consequence at all
Wow, what a lovely JRPG experience

>everybody is vocal in wanting German VA and English subs
>devs say no

It's an adventure game desu
The only difference is using magic, archery or swords for combat.

>Performance issues
>Still the stale ol Skyrim combat
>Has the boring "realistic" filter graphics as Skyrim too
Other than that I'm enjoying it a lot.

Is crafting the way to go in this game? I'm just about to leave Riverville and the steel stuff I've been crafting is way better than anything I've found so far.