They were originally going to make her the main character of Final Fantasy XIII

They were originally going to make her the main character of Final Fantasy XIII.

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She was. She and Fang were the Ashe and Basch of XIII. Snow and Hope were the Balthier and Fran. Lightning and Sazh were the Vaan and Penelo, just along for the ride.

True, and it also makes quite a lot of sense once you know the story.

They should have. Her battle moans were pretty cute. Better than the tranny who ended up getting the lead role.

Lightning is a beautiful natural woman, you fag!

I was lost on who the main character in FFXIII was too. They marketed Lightning as such, but the perspectives kept changing.
I think it was more like FFVI; Vanille being Terra, and Lightning being Celes (characterizations aside)

Good that they didn't, she was worst girl.

she basically is the main since you use her all the time once she gets death.

at least I did, only time I switched again was to make the last boss vaguely interesting once I got /plat/.

pro-tip: hope is shit. if you use him make sure he's your main because his medic AI is just bad.

Also Snow was Locke (Rachel/Serah), and Fang was Edgar (she was originally a guy after all).

fuck off Nomura


I meant Setzer

>I was lost on who the main character in FFXIII was too. They marketed Lightning as such, but the perspectives kept changing.

Nomura has nothing to do with Lightning

You mean Toriyama

fuck off Nomura

>yfw you realised that Sazh was the best character in the game


In the land of the blind etc.

Sazh was the only character that was slightly relatable.

If it was JUST Fang, Vanille, Snow and Sazh that game's overall quality would have fucking sky-rocketed.

Most of the narrations are still made by her


Vanille is cute. CUTE!

Lightning a shit

That moan she does during the ice cave when sits down made me stop playing and fap.

>slightly relatable
I know it's a meme to hate on XIII, but Sazh is one of the most realistic JRPG characters ever.

And Sera. No one would risk their lives for a black boy alone.

They were originally going to do a lot of things, but then XIII's legendary fucked up development happen

realistic compared to the other ridiculously irrational characters in the game

He shoots people so I guess that's accurate to real life

XV is next. There's no way after this long it can end up being anything but disappointing.

He would tear down the sky and the stars for Dajh.

>made her the face of the Final Fantasy franchise and Louis Vuitton
>broke up with his girlfriend for her

What have you done for your waifu? This is what true love looks like.

>Smug niggerchild.jpg

I usually don't give a shit about hot video game characters but the things I want to do to Vanille man.

Why couldn't she have been in a better game?

Imagine how comfy it would be if we saw more of Serah and Dajh together.

I'm a Lightning-fag and even I'll admit she was an awful protagonist. I don't know how I would have felt about more Vanille though, her voice was annoying as fuck.

Oh god. What is wrong with her face?

She's a crone from crookback bog

Uncanny valley. Human faces are the hardest thing for CGI animators to animate more than anything else in existence. There are so many subtleties in the human face that your mind subconsciously registers, and when those subtleties aren't portrayed properly as with living people, it produces a negative psychological reaction in the viewer.

When will we get the Sazh and Jensen(Lost Odyssey) buddy cop game?

How did they convince Toriyama to stop making Lightning spin-offs?

Do you worship the Goddess as well user?

>Wanting a nigger close to Serah

Vanille is a dyke

She belongs with Lightning

I think it was pretty obvious in LR. The real question is Did Hope actually have a crush on Vanille or Lightning got it wrong?

Lightning had it wrong
She was the one he had a crush on