Still no cia

>still no cia

Other urls found in this thread:

Remember me?


It releases on Friday


Some spics shops are already giving it out


____________ _________________________ My ass

Did anyone make a Bingo chart yet?

An user posted in the previous thread.

fake and gay

better than other m's escape sequence

Your mom is

Would that make Ridley Bane?

He's a big lizard.

for you

>not .3ds
Fucking newer adopters and their weirdass pirating methods.

This, desu. Sure, let me download a game, move it to my SD, then have the 3ds make a copy of it in a process that takes 3 millenia.


>they bought Gatewait
>they hold onto it when there are better alternatives

Freeshop and CIAngel install while downloading
Have fun getting your 3DS banned

I'm not the one stealing straight from Nintendo's eshop, buddy.

And yet I've never been banned and won't ever be since Nintendo can't verify whether it's legit or not

Gatewait fags however

Just wait until Friday

>and won't ever be
Keep telling yourself that, fucboi.

And I'm going to buy it jk, implying I have the money for it but once September arrives, I will get it.

>Keep telling yourself that, fucboi.
Spoken like a true gatewait fag

Predict the Metacritic score and sales

This game is like a constant mockery.

There needs to be a rolling version of this

More like whiners keep crying and crying because you act like 6 year olds not wanting to eat your vegetables because "I haven't eaten them but I know I don't like them!"

I don't like eggplant
I don't like the taste of eggplant
Federation Force has a lot of eggplant in it

It's the timing of the game more than the game itsef, that it comes right in the anniversay after the last one had nothing, plus in the wake of the AM2R shutdown makes it a really bitter pill to swallow.

I expect the actual gaemplay to be just OK, but the hardware (particularly the nipple) will probably make it kinda awkward.

Logs confirmed

>crashing this franchise

That's fucking sweet, I love logs.

Wew, because that worked so well in Aether right?

These fuckers make the pirates seem competent

I watched footage of the first mission and here's how it went
>Planet gets hit by a meteor
>Polar Xenoforms cover the entire planet
>Feds built gates and walls
>The Xenoforms just burrowed underground in swarms and set up a nest within the Fed's base

Just like in Prime 1. I'm so relieved to see that any galactic institution, no matter its ideology or species forming it, is fucking retarded in the Prime universe.

Alambics, Space Pirates, Federation, Kriken, Bryyonians, all fucking idiots.

I love it.

Here's my bet: Nintendo will tweet about the franchise's anniversary on the game's release, fans will still find a way to get pissed off about it.

How are the Kriken idiots?

There is tho?


>Go forward, Trace, follow that strange telepatic message that promises us a super weapon.


Well there technically was a super weapon there, so joke's on you.



>MFw I bought one one month before the whole scene exploded
And I'm too dumb to get proper GBA emulation working on my old 3ds. I just want to play zero mission and ghosts and ghouls.

Maybe they can explain why the fuck Pirates are so big now